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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Okay, so continue to suppose that i want all of the MPs get killed.

Step 1. Please enter your political identity.
Step 2. Wait until all of the MP's get killed
Step 3. Either flee the country or cover in fear
Step 4. Be Witch Hunted like the rest of your political Identity.

Guys as i follow the news... this peace process became an empty shell as PKK ramped up it's operations; assasination, abduction, damaging vehicles, institutes, buildings became common. PKK has established city militias (YDG-H) and conducting operations with them in cities, in rural areas they doing by themselves.

As a result state authority in southeastern region have been severely weakened.

I decided to list and track PKK operations and what our state is doing against their operations. I think in the long term this list will show us the weakness of the state.

Let's start:

3 unarmed Soldiers martyred while they were in Hakkari/Yüksekova city center.
6 Person detained.
Among detainees, one is believed to be the Perpetrator of the shooting with strong evidence.

1 Village guard martyred in Bitlis.
Perpetrators still at large.

3 villagers have been abducted by PKK in Siirt/Pervari.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle has been burned by PKK in Bingöl/Karlıova.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle loaded with 400 Kg of AmoniumNitrat has been hijacked by PKK in Şırnak/Silopi
Perpetrators still at large.
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Guess we have to use "Sarcasm sign" while talking to you.... here it is.

even defending their obvious mistakes.

there is no one you can choose.. every other party is retarder and destructive and dangerous..

the only one who you could chosen died in a helicopter crash.. BBP - party leader

with akp, I wish they would be harder to PKK.. they need to be more brutal to show pkk with whom they aremessing araound.. but I think they are playing games behind the scene.. who knows..
Guys as i follow the news... this peace process became an empty shell as PKK ramped up it's operations; assasination, abduction, damaging vehicles, institutes, buildings became common. PKK has established city militias (YDG-H) and conducting operations with them in cities, in rural areas they doing by themselves.

As a result state authority in southeastern region have been severely weakened.

I decided to list and track PKK operations and what our state is doing against their operations. I think in the long term this list will show us the weakness of the state.

Let's start:

3 unarmed Soldiers martyred while they were in Yüksekova city center.
6 Person detained. Perpetrators still at large.

1 Village guard martyred in Bitlis.
Perpetrators still at large.

3 villagers have been abducted by PKK in Siirt/Pervari.
Perpetrators still at large.

1 Vehicle has been burned by PKK in Bingöl/Karlıova.
Perpetrators still at large.
I don't think the govt is tolerating this either for various reasons, bro. With all the negative media from pyd/pkk and international media, Turkey has gained an unjustified bad name since isis. you could see during the latest riots how brainwashed so many pkk youth are. Therefore, with such excuses I think the pkk is trying to draw Turkey actively into this mess. Renewed big conflict with pkk can slowly pave the way for isis activities in Turkey too, no? Add foreign and internal powers with interests in destabilizing our country too.. we shouldn't act reckless. One slip up, we might lose years of prosperity and stability.
there is no one you can choose.. every other party is retarder and destructive and dangerous..

the only one who you could chosen died in a helicopter crash.. BBP - party leader

with akp, I wish they would be harder to PKK.. they need to be more brutal to show pkk with whom they aremessing araound.. but I think they are playing games behind the scene.. who knows..
Yes there is no one that can be elected but you quoted a very crucial part of my comment, i really dont care who supports whom its not my business but i cant stand it when people are defending mistakes only because its done by ''their'' party.

I don't think the govt is tolerating this either for various reasons, bro. With all the negative media from pyd/pkk and international media, Turkey has gained an unjustified bad name since isis. you could see during the latest riots how brainwashed so many pkk youth are. Therefore, with such excuses I think the pkk is trying to draw Turkey actively into this mess. Renewed big conflict with pkk can slowly pave the way for isis activities in Turkey too, no? Add foreign and internal powers with interests in destabilizing our country too.. we shouldn't act reckless. One slip up, we might lose years of prosperity and stability.
Bro the situation is the same since a decade not only last year.
I don't think the govt is tolerating this either for various reasons, bro. With all the negative media from pyd/pkk and international media, Turkey has gained an unjustified bad name since isis. you could see during the latest riots how brainwashed so many pkk youth are. Therefore, with such excuses I think the pkk is trying to draw Turkey actively into this mess. Renewed big conflict with pkk can slowly pave the way for isis activities in Turkey too, no? Add foreign and internal powers with interests in destabilizing our country too.. we shouldn't act reckless. One slip up, we might lose years of prosperity and stability.

mate, i don't see an direct relation with Kobani events and PKK's actions.

Remember year 2012, everyday soldiers getting martyred but AKP did nothing.. always saying "Sabrımız taşıyor, Kimse bizi denemeye kalkmasın, Bıçak kemiğe dayandı" and stuff like that...

AKP never fought with terror effectively like Çiller did in 90s.... These guys are complete cowards.
Bro the situation is the same since a decade not only last year.
Sure it is if you look at pkk's form of activities, but this time there is the isis threat as well. Besides, pkk and opponents of Turkey would love to see a renewed pkk conflict, especially at a time like this. No wonder the govt nowadays is heavily focusing on the peace process and unity and brotherhood. All big things start with small leads. So i can understand the govt's cautious approach towards pkk and isis.
No wonder the govt nowadays is heavily focusing on the peace process and unity and brotherhood.
Its five years since they are focusing on this but we dont hear the same from pkk, they demand authonomy which is impossible, such a peace talk is doomed, pkk is using every opportunity to attack us, they dont seems to me as if they wanted peace.
I would wish peace more than anything else but im not optimistic about it anymore.

PS: an old school friend of me escaped pkk after 7 years, he said he saw thier true face, now he has protection from intelligence agency.
mate, i don't see an direct relation with Kobani events and PKK's actions.

Remember year 2012, everyday soldiers getting martyred but AKP did nothing.. always saying "Sabrımız taşıyor, Kimse bizi denemeye kalkmasın, Bıçak kemiğe dayandı" and stuff like that...

AKP never fought with terror effectively like Çiller did in 90s.... These guys are complete cowards.
Even if our state fought actively, the problems wouldnt go away. The problem is the reason, the people there must change. So killing 100 or 1000 or 10000 pkk wouldnt change. Kurds are making children like... imagine many of them becoming pkk. Then you can repeat the pkk killing process over and over again in the future. That's just my view. Pkk is fighting and objecting to the state to keep this reason alive while state tries to kill the reason slowly by improving living standards, economy, whatever rights they deserve etc. i think our difference is just that you think active pkk crushing is gonna delete pkk, while i dont think that's gonna solve pkk permanently. Though emotionally i'd love to see the govt going Ciller style to kill as many pkk as it can as revenge.

Its five years since they are focusing on this but we dont hear the same from pkk, they demand authonomy which is impossible, such a peace talk is doomed, pkk is using every opportunity to attack us, they dont seems to me as if they wanted peace.
I would wish peace more than anything else but im not optimistic about it anymore.

PS: an old school friend of me escaped pkk after 7 years, he said he saw thier true face, now he has protection from intelligence agency.
Peace process isnt mainly with pkk, but with the average Kurds. I dont think peace process is a synonym for ceasefire.
Even if our state fought actively, the problems wouldnt go away. The problem is the reason, the people there must change. So killing 100 or 1000 or 10000 pkk wouldnt change. Kurds are making children like... imagine many of them becoming pkk. Then you can repeat the pkk killing process over and over again in the future. That's just my view. Pkk is fighting and objecting to the state to keep this reason alive while state tries to kill the reason slowly by improving living standards, economy, whatever rights they deserve etc. i think our difference is just that you think active pkk crushing is gonna delete pkk, while i dont think that's gonna solve pkk permanently. Though emotionally i'd love to see the govt going Ciller style to kill as many pkk as it can as revenge.

Mate, kill PKK, invest in the region. This is my approach.
Bro are we at war with Kurds or pkk, what is the peace process for?
To get closer with Kurds. For example, i think a milestone, minus the lack of Turkish flags at the meeting..., was inviting Barzani and Perwer to Diyarbakir last year. Increasing improvement for Kurds and their culture is important too. many things that would have been impossible for Kurds 20/10 years ago. Without doubt pkk is not happy with such things, they didnt withdraw all their terrorists to Iraq as was agreed either. Turkey would lose nothing from an ideal peace process (unless i miss something), or ceasefire if you prefer, it's pkk that itches and wants to stop this process through assassinating, rioting, kidnapping etc. as they have done till now. Worst thing imo could be full scale pkk conflict with rioting pkk in the streets and isis on the border.
Turkish planes fly over northern Iraq to mark PKK targets
Four Turkish jets have flown over northern Iraq to mark targets of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), according to a statement issued by the Turkish General Staff.

The statement came after three non-uniformed Turkish soldiers were shot dead by masked men in the Yüksekova district of the southeastern province of Hakkari on Oct. 25.

Seven people have been detained since the shooting.

The General Staff said RF-4E surveillance planes were involved in the mission.

It also said 15 AK-47 rifles were captured in a civilian car during inspections in the Beytüşşebap district of the southeastern province of Şırnak.

Turkish planes fly over northern Iraq to mark PKK targets - LOCAL

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