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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

- 2 killed in house raid in Siirt
- 2 captured (1 killed?) in Diyarbakir/Baglar (They really love this district, tried attacks there a lot of times but failed)
- Operations in Lice, last week couple killed, today ~7 killed, 1 trying to flee with vehicle taken out by heli
- 4 killed in Cukurca trying to infiltrate towards military base
- 2 captured in Bingol, one is 'regional leader'
- 1 killed in Tunceli trying to attack police road checkpoint
- Failed attack on police in front of AKP hq in Diyarbakir
- 2 MLKP members caught in Izmir coming from Syria
- 1 IS dude caught in Istanbul
- Ops continue in Lice/Diyarbakir to catch few remaining
- Small airstrikes in Tunceli on hide-outs, 7 more killed in operation afterwards (much props to those guys...)
- 2 ton anfo + some mines etc found&destroyed in Hakkari
- IED(s) dismantled in Mardin (150 kg)
- VBIED found in rural Mardin, 1/250 kg explosives + 5 gas tubes
- Might have missed some, will update later

At least 19 outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants were killed in air strikes carried out by Turkish jets in northern Iraq, the military announced on Dec. 10.

The Turkish General Staff said in a statement that 19 militants had been "neutralized" in a security operation in the Gara region of northern Iraq.

“Neutralized” is a term used by the military and state officials to describe militants both killed and captured.

At least five shelters and a logistics center were also destroyed in the operation, the statement added.

The military also stated that a total of 32 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants were “neutralized” in northern Syria during Euphrates Shield operation between Dec. 1 and Dec. 7.

It said the air operations saw Turkish jets destroy three armed vehicles used by ISIL militants as well as shelters an headquarters.

The operation began in late August to rid Syria's northern border area of ISIL and other terrorist groups.

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavuşoğlu said on Dec. 9 the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters closed in on the key ISIL-held city of al-Bab in northern Syria, with Turkish tanks and warplanes supporting the assault.

Over 215 residential areas, including more than 1,800 square kilometers (694 square miles) of land in northern Syria have been cleared of ISIL militants so far.




Members of the PKK terrorist group detonated a vehicle bomb early Saturday in front of a gendarmerie station in southeastern Diyarbakir province, a security source said.

No causalities were reported in the Hazro district but an operation is underway to find the perpatrators, according to the source who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU and resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year against the Turkish state.

More than 300 civilians and nearly 800 security personnel have since been martyred. Approximately 8,000 PKK terrorists have been killed or apprehended.
OK Sol ution for pkk just give them piece of land take. From syria equivalent to small province named as Kurdistan so thease rats endd their armed campaign
OK Sol ution for pkk just give them piece of land take. From syria equivalent to small province named as Kurdistan so thease rats endd their armed campaign
Nope, the US and EU must work harder to get a chunk from our lands for their pkk proxy.
OK Sol ution for pkk just give them piece of land take. From syria equivalent to small province named as Kurdistan so thease rats endd their armed campaign

l'm so tired of Kurds as many Turks are so l would give them some cities of Eastern Turkey but many Turkish people would get angry on me.

The problem here is that many Kurds wouldn't even accept that since millions of them live in Turkish cities with very high wealth.
l'm so tired of Kurds as many Turks are so l would give them some cities of Eastern Turkey but many Turkish people would get angry on me.

The problem here is that many Kurds wouldn't even accept that since millions of them live in Turkish cities with very high wealth.

Interesting that is what rubin preditcs that turks will get tired of this and will give them land and this is worrying to be honest. https://www.aei.org/publication/what-if-the-pkk-wins-in-turkey/

"Ordinary Turks have less stomach for the fight than Kurds. Few Turks ever visit southeastern Turkey; they see the region as poor and backward, especially compared to cosmopolitan Istanbul, Izmir, or Antalya. Mothers fear having their sons sent for service in the southeast, especially when so many come back in body bags"

Well, if all think like mucahit then PKK will win. Since no one wants to start operation euphrath sword i see black for us. If u dont kill the ambition then we are next :) Just as a friendly reminder and erdogan doesnt have the grip to star toperation eupraths sword this guy is a bastard someone who waits for the best moment to push his backward ideas.
the should be no bowing down to terrorist, the pkk are on their last breath. all it needs is a clean up in qadil and then we are done.. i have done alot of research in pkk activities and the strenth of pkk dpesn't come from the southeast or syria or diyarbakir, it comes from germnay and belgium these two countries are their save heaven. allot of high ranking offical are roaming aroud in the street of brussels and berlin, so what we should be doing is send a couple of highly trianed Mit agent there and kill them, when i say kill i don't mean grab an ak47 and go rampage, i mean like the israeli mossad/cia, poisoning their food drinks, and leave no evidence behind.. but doing that will require allot of balls and inteligence, which none of our current leaders have..
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