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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

We don't need a special bomb to kill these bastards. Qandil is just a mountain. It's not a castle. Turkish Armed Forces cleared many of the mountains from PKK in the Southeast Turkey.
we need to cut the head of the snakes. target the top leadership of these rats, and if you kill two or three of them then beleive me with in 2years the pkk would fall down like a house of cards.. look at america when they target al qaeda members they don'nt go after the small fish they go after the big fish the likes of al zarqawi osama bin laden etc and look at alqaeda today they are non existence..

Wednesday,November 30 2016, Your time is 8:51:31 PM

19 PKK militants ‘neutralized’ in operations in four provinces

Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants were “neutralized” in aerial and land operations carried out by the Turkish military in the provinces of Tunceli, Şırnak, Diyarbakır and Mardin, as the army prepared to “inflict a major blow” against the group this winter, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has said.

The Turkish Armed Forces announced on Nov. 29 that in clashes in the Hozat district of the eastern province of Tunceli, three PKK militants and their weapons were “neutralized,” while hand-made explosives were found in a shelter used by the militants.

Meanwhile, two militants were “neutralized” in aerial operations in the southeastern province of Şırnak, while their weapons and shelters were destroyed. In the same operation, five militants were killed by armed drones and three were killed in clashes.

One militant was also “neutralized” in an operation in the Silvan district of the southeastern province of Diyarbakır.

In Mardin’s Nusaybin district, five militants, including the alleged Mardin representative of the PKK, a most wanted individual, were similarly killed in aerial operations.

The wanted militant, identified as Hasan Turan, had a 300,000-Turkish Lira bounty on his head.

“Winter will not be easy for them. We will inflict a major loss, one that they have never seen before, with the help of all our security forces. Nobody can mention the name of the PKK in this country. Nobody who has been aiding and abetting the PKK will be shown mercy,” Soylu had said on Nov. 26.

In a separate incident, the governor’s office in the eastern province of Hakkari announced that in gendarmerie and police operations carried out between Nov. 25 and 26 in the Yüksekova district, seven million packets of smuggled cigarettes were seized. Governor Cüneyit Orhan Toprak said the cigarettes were worth 30 million liras and this was part of the PKK’s financial sources.

We don't need a special bomb to kill these bastards. Qandil is just a mountain. It's not a castle. Turkish Armed Forces cleared many of the mountains from PKK in the Southeast Turkey.

The place itself and the areas surrounding it are probably the most prosperous, peaceful location in today's Iraq.

Yes TSK did clear a lot of mountainous areas in the region but do you know how much planning and effort it requires to do so? Especially after giving them a preparation gift called "solution process"?

In normal circumstances there are ways to assault Kandil with ground forces but even that requires plenty of political, economical, military and diplomatic circumstances that arise an environment for TSK to take action. It's not about bombing and sending in troops only.
we need to cut the head of the snakes. target the top leadership of these rats, and if you kill two or three of them then beleive me with in 2years the pkk would fall down like a house of cards.. look at america when they target al qaeda members they don'nt go after the small fish they go after the big fish the likes of al zarqawi osama bin laden etc and look at alqaeda today they are non existence..
You are assuming that we only go after small fish, that is incorrect, PKK commanders and even some higher ups are regularly killed or captured.

We need to work towards limiting PKK supporters activities. A guerilla movement can only be successful with local support, in many cases this support is forced support. Once we end that then the PKK will seize to be an effective pain in the ***.

Support from PKK supporters overseas must also be cut. They must not be allowed to travel back to Turkey if they are seen at PKK rallies. Their citizenship must be striped and their TR bank accounts and assets seized.
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The easiest way to clear out both Iraq, and Syria of PKK et all terrorists is to declare war on both countries.. which will cause them to blend into the population.... The Russian way would be to carpet bomb cities that house them not caring about who is who down there.. after there is no Syria and Iraq, the terrorist enclaves would either shift to other places.. (Iranian mountains, Armenia, Lebanon, or further down into other countries). or the better things get in SE Turkey, N Iraq, N Syria, the faster these terrorists will dry up, but, it will be a cat and mouse game, in internal Turkish affairs and not international incidents smeared with grandiose headlines by Turkophobe's...
The easiest way to clear out both Iraq, and Syria of PKK et all terrorists is to declare war on both countries.. which will cause them to blend into the population.... The Russian way would be to carpet bomb cities that house them not caring about who is who down there.. after there is no Syria and Iraq, the terrorist enclaves would either shift to other places.. (Iranian mountains, Armenia, Lebanon, or further down into other countries). or the better things get in SE Turkey, N Iraq, N Syria, the faster these terrorists will dry up, but, it will be a cat and mouse game, in internal Turkish affairs and not international incidents smeared with grandiose headlines by Turkophobe's...
I don't know about declaring war on both countries but without controlling the ground either directly or indirectly via local forces eliminating the PKK is difficult.
without Mit(intelligence) support controlling the borders will not change anything. There are pkk leaders older than pkk itself. we need more Turkish lobbies in germany and usa to cut the head of the snakes.
I don't know about declaring war on both countries but without controlling the ground either directly or indirectly via local forces eliminating the PKK is difficult.

It is like a game of cat and mouse, TSK goes into the area, the terrorists run and mingle into the crowd in towns / villages... TSK leaves, and the terrorists return back to their positions. There is no obvious real difference between a villager, smuggler, terrorist of the area, if they have the same things, wear the same things etc...

Since no one is going to let Turkey have a massive contingency of force in these areas, to control the ground, you need to invade / annex, otherwise this will go on forever.

Instead of 'opening arms' or hunting them down, capturing them in a 'civilized' manner showing compassion, if Turkey had been ruthless against them, their supporters, their home villages, and areas they get aid from.. as Iran used to be (i.e. pulling live terrorists behind trucks on stone roads in villages that these terrorists come from until they were no more..... or flattening every single village, farm or whatever that could provide aid to them in anyway... ) they wouldn't be so inclined to go against Turkey...

As it is the worst scenario for them, is they kill as many Turkish soldiers as they can, or civilians in acts of terror, then they either get killed by a bullet or they surrender to go into a prison, where they are fed, clothed and looked after (better than in those caves), perhaps get trained more in terrorism warfare by fellow inmates for a couple years then they are released free, to start over again under 'genel af'....

p.s. I am well aware of the 80's / 90's
You are assuming that we only go after small fish, that is incorrect, PKK commanders and even some higher ups are regularly killed or captured.

We need to work towards limiting PKK supporters activities. A guerilla movement can only be successful with local support, in many cases this support is forced support. Once we end that then the PKK will seize to be an effective pain in the ***.

Support from Kurds overseas must also be cut. They must not be allowed to travel back to Turkey if they are seen at PKK rallies. Their citizenship must be striped and their TR bank accounts and assets seized.
I want to appolgize to anyone that was offended by the statement I wrote. I have replaced Kurds with PKK supporters as it is unfair to group all Kurds. There are even ethnic Turks that support and sympathize with the PKK.
without Mit(intelligence) support controlling the borders will not change anything. There are pkk leaders older than pkk itself. we need more Turkish lobbies in germany and usa to cut the head of the snakes.

I don't know why no one gets it in germany it's like in Nazi Germany that Jews would thing we just need a lobby.. Here we are this thing goes beyond lobby
A Turkish soldier was killed in a roadside bomb attack in Turkey’s southeastern Şırnak province on Nov. 30, a military official said.

The soldier was severely injured when explosives believed to have been planted by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants detonated as a military vehicle passed in Uludere, a district lying on the Iraq border.

He later died of his wounds in hospital, the official said.

The attack came one day after the Governor’s Office in Şırnak announced that 10 PKK militants were “neutralized” in an ongoing anti-terror operation in the province.

“Neutralized” is a term used by the military and state officials to describe militants both killed and captured.

“14 terrorists were neutralized for the past week in Cudi Mountain area,” added a written statement.

According to a statement by the Turkish General Staff, three PKK militants were “neutralized” during a conflict in Hozat district of eastern Tunceli province.

Two militants were “neutralized” in an air operation in Şırnak’s suburbs, while five others were killed in a drone strike and three were killed in clashes with security forces in the same area, according to the Turkish military.

Meanwhile, six suspects have been arrested in southeastern Batman province on charges of aiding and abetting PKK militants, according to the provincial gendarmerie command.

The suspects were later remanded in custody by Batman criminal court of peace.

The PKK - listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU - resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year. Since then, more than 300 civilians and nearly 800 security personnel have been killed, while around 8,000 PKK militants have been killed or apprehended, according to official numbers.
Doesn't Iraq legitimizing the PKK or its variants give Turkey the direct reason to declare war? As now every PKK or PKK variants attack on, in Turkey or against Turkish soldiers is under the direct responsibility of Iraq, making it an open Act Of War....

Baghdad Paying PKK Guerrillas in Sinjar: Official

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