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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

A police officer walks past by a fire after an explosion that killed people and wounded several others in southern city of Adana, Turkey.



One soldier was killed in an outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) attack in the southeastern Turkish province of Şırnak on Nov. 24, state-run Anadolu Agency has reported.

The attack occurred due to the explosion of a hand-made bomb planted on the road by PKK militants.

Two soldiers and three village guards were wounded in the attack, which occurred in an area close to the Cudi Mountain while soldiers were conducting search operations.

The injured soldiers were taken to hospital, while an operation was launched in the region to apprehend the perpetrators of the attack.

Meanwhile, Turkish warplanes have conducted air strikes against the PKK in northern Iraq. The jets hit five PKK positions in the Avasin-Basyan and Gara regions of northern Iraq.

According to the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), the jets carried out the aerial operation between 7:46 p.m. and 8 p.m. after receiving intelligence.

The warplanes safely returned to their bases after the aerial operation.

Meanwhile, the PKK militants have detonated a home-made explosive while a cargo train was passing through the Genç district of the eastern province of Bingöl. The explosion caused material damage but no casualties were caused.

A widespread operation was launched after the explosion and another explosive found nearby was detonated in a controlled explosion.
Germany remains safe haven for PKK terrorists


Germany remains a platform for the terrorist PKK's recruitment, propaganda and funding activities, according to official reports.

The far-left terrorist group had more than 14,000 members and adherents in Germany, according to the 2015 annual report of German domestic intelligence agency, BfV.

Although PKK is banned in Germany, which is home to a large Kurdish community, the terrorist group is carrying out significant activities via various cultural associations.

According to the BfV's annual report released in June, the PKK raised more than 13 million euros ($14.3 million) in Germany last year.

The group, which is listed as a terror organization by the EU and the U.S., is responsible for the deaths of more than 44,000 people in a decades-long campaign against Turkey, and it has recently intensified its terrorist attacks.

Following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's sharp criticism of NATO ally Germany last week for turning a blind eye to the PKK activities, Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged on Wednesday Berlin's responsibilities in fighting terrorism, but did not promise stronger action against the PKK.

She argued that her government cannot influence the decision of judicial authorities concerning investigations on PKK activities.

"[In Germany] we have opened more than 4,000 court cases against PKK members. But politics cannot have an influence on the rulings of our independent judiciary; it accepts these rulings," she said.

Turkish officials have repeatedly criticized German authorities for not using all available legal instruments, in countering the activities of the PKK followers in Germany.

In response to a question by the Anadolu Agency, Germany's Federal Ministry of Justice said, courts have opened 4,400 criminal cases against PKK suspects between the years 2004-2013.

The suspects were accused for various crimes, including illegal fundraising, serious bodily injury or breach of the public peace.

But the Ministry said it has no information on the results of these criminal proceedings, and noted that all such inquiries should be referred to the relevant authorities in several federal states.

While Germany has adopted stricter legislation last year against foreign fighters, courts have so far avoided opening criminal investigations against German citizens or residents who traveled to Syria to join PYD, the PKK's Syria-based affiliate.

According to the German media reports, domestic intelligence believes more than 130 Germans so far traveled to Syria and joined the PYD.

German courts so far opened more than 100 court cases against radicals who traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the terrorist group Daesh.


some german groubs are forming them, I have seen it with my own eyes german ppl looking up houses and so on for kurds..I assume they are giving them logistical support or teach them how to form a front..
some german groubs are forming them, I have seen it with my own eyes german ppl looking up houses and so on for kurds..I assume they are giving them logistical support or teach them how to form a front..

Our lefties and left parties (Die LINKE, Die Grünen) have strong relations with pkk. Curious thing is, Turks are typical voters of left parties.
some german groubs are forming them, I have seen it with my own eyes german ppl looking up houses and so on for kurds..I assume they are giving them logistical support or teach them how to form a front..
We need to do the same for Turks.
Patriotic Turks need to get together, put all their political differences aside and work together, and form some sort of resistance ....

Our lefties and left parties (Die LINKE, Die Grünen) have strong relations with pkk. Curious thing is, Turks are typical voters of left parties.
I doubt many Turks are aware of that fact. I mean, why support a leftist party that are in bed with PKK??
We need to do the same for Turks.
Patriotic Turks need to get together, put all their political differences aside and work together, and form some sort of resistance ....

I doubt many Turks are aware of that fact. I mean, why support a leftist party that are in bed with PKK??

I personally think if we turks would all vote for ultra right wing this would be a good shock for germany.. With that - yes we will vote for idiots and ppl who hate us but it could change the behavior of the bigger parties..

But this wont happen, you know every Turk is smarter than his Turkish neighbor.. And they are jealous ppl they can't agree on a person they don't like also if they don't invent the idea for themselves than they can't take it from someone who is a dumb person in their eyes.. This psychological disorder of our folk prevents them to succeed.. Maybe because of this psychological disorder they side up with an enemy rather with a part of their own folk..
Also they are hardcore capitalist wich destroy any serious formation because it could lead to loss of status quo
Something serious is broken in mental health by many of our ppl specially the fun destroyer no 1 in the world the Turkish womans..

That are some reasons but I think how the solution could be

We need some groups joining the idea with the headquater in turkey.. take MHP guys they will only listen to MHP than religious ppl would mainly listen to religious ppl use diyanet for this and than we have alevi who would mainly listen to alevi so we need ppl who represent them and all work for one goal to get the best thing for homeland and our ppl.. So you see how hard it is to get all that group to agree on one thing

Our lefties
Yeah you are right the two ppl I mentioned where some strange left organization..

I doubt many Turks are aware of that fact. I mean, why support a leftist party that are in bed with PKK??

Long time ago they had the label of most liberal to foreigner but they showed their real ugly faces.. Merkels party is in my opinion as worse as afd for a Turk.. She and her party never had been any value for Turkish voters.. The bad thing is no German party is for us so I would just vote those who would shock them.. So they have to do something for Turkish voters..
I personally think if we turks would all vote for ultra right wing

Go for it, in fact, it makes perfect sense, vote for the Nazis that would not put up Commie Terrorists, good for Turks, and even good for Germany. Win-win for all.

this would be a good shock for germany.

Mayhaps. doubt they'd care one bit. They will still support PKK, no matter what Turks do in Germany.

yes we will vote for idiots and ppl who hate us

Of course, but, what choices do Turks in Almanya got? Only want the bertterment of my country, nothing else. besides, these leftists are asking for it....

but it could change the behavior of the bigger parties..

I seriously doubt it, it would not change their opinions on PKK being "freedom fighters". Turks will always be bad in their eyes.

But this wont happen, you know every Turk is smarter than his Turkish neighbor.

That is why we should only limit it to patriotic Turks that are sensible enough to put aside their religious/Political/Social differences aside for the good of the motherland. That way, we all know what we're fighting for.

So you see how hard it is to get all that group to agree on one thing

There's many like minded Turks that would love to work towards the same goal of fighting these PKK filth abroad.

Merkels party is in my opinion as worse as afd for a Turk.. She and her party never had been any value for Turkish voters.

Not surprised, I bloody hate that woman!
I personally think if we turks would all vote for ultra right wing this would be a good shock for germany.. With that - yes we will vote for idiots and ppl who hate us but it could change the behavior of the bigger parties..

To me all Turkish political parties are all the same, and have been the same... they play this political game of musical chairs, for show... and cling to their 'seats' as if it is their god given property.. if you haven't already try listening to some old tapes like Metin Akpinar Zeki Alasya "Yasaklar"..

To shock Germany is easy,
- arrest all German soldiers in Turkey, strip their clothes down to their pants and send them back home via Lufthansa (couldn't care a damn if they are striking or not).
- team up with Russia, and begin messing around with the gas supply decreasing it by half due to problems in the gas line, and draw that out over time as "our people are so demoralized by your actions that they can't repair the line another 12 months or so.."

I mean lies, anti-Turkish, NAZI like racist behavior and outbursts have to have serious real world consequences, otherwise even the smallest insignificant country will be trying to show its superiority... and they do. why? Because Turkey, its past (and probably future) politicians couldn't care less...and the people are used to it..

People in Russia being publishing stuff like this when such things happen : link (its in Russian, translates to : (could try auto-translate but its funny at best) Best work for a patriot : Jacksonville calling on from amateurs in Russia to come to work for them, to do what you love " i.e. burying Americans" we don't care about your color, the only requirement is to hate Americans...work in the country side, and get paid well for what you love, 300 Americans per year guaranteed, making a career possible, maybe you will be trusted to bury someone famous, like Bush, or both Bushes....."...
To me all Turkish political parties are all the same, and have been the same... they play this political game of musical chairs, for show

True, though, he does have a point, Turks all voting for far right parties in Germany would piss off the PKK loving scum, would pay to see their faces.

To shock Germany is easy,
- arrest all German soldiers in Turkey, strip their clothes down to their pants and send them back home via Lufthansa (couldn't care a damn if they are striking or not).

Da. we should do this. But, for now, we can try form a patriotic group to teach these PKK loving rats of Germany a lesson.

team up with Russia,

Davay. You are Russian, as you are well aware, we are not the best of friends with Russia at the moment are we my good chum? Give it time.

I mean lies, anti-Turkish, NAZI like racist behavior and outbursts have to have serious real world consequences
Thats why we (The people, not pollys) should teach them a lesson and give 'em a bloody nose. Sitting around doing nothing isn't working.

Because Turkey, its past (and probably future) politicians couldn't care less...and the people are used to it.

Da, our pollys are useless pieces of shit. tell us something we don't know.
13 PKK terrorists killed in anti-terror operations in eastern Turkey


Thirteen PKK terrorists were killed during four separate anti-terrorism operations in eastern Turkey Saturday, according to regional governor offices and military.

Seven terrorists were killed, one surrendered and another nabbed by security forces during ongoing anti-PKK operations in Lice district of southeastern Diyarbakır province, the local governorship said in a statement.

The Turkish General Staff in its statement said the army killed two others in the Hozat district of eastern Tunceli province.

Meanwhile, in Çukurca district of southeastern Hakkari province, two more terrorists were killed and another injured by a Turkish drone, an army source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, said.

Also, the governor's office in southeastern Sirnak province announced that two terrorists were killed during ongoing anti-PKK operations.

During the operations, improvised explosive devices were also destroyed and a cache of weapons, ammunition and explosive materials were also seized.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year. Since then, more than 300 civilians and nearly 800 security personnel have been martyred. Around 8,000 PKK terrorists have been killed or apprehended.


Eighteen PKK terrorists were killed during five separate anti-terrorism operations in eastern Turkey Saturday, according to regional governor offices and military.

In the first incident, seven terrorists were killed, one surrendered and another nabbed by security forces during an ongoing anti-PKK operations in the Lice district of southeastern Diyarbakir province, the local governorship said in a statement.

Separately, the Turkish General Staff in its statement said the army killed two other terrorists in the Hozat district of eastern Tunceli province.

A military source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, added that five more terrorists were killed in the Alibogazi neighborhood between Hozat and Cemisgezek districts in Tunceli during an operation.

Meanwhile, in the Cukurca district of southeastern Hakkari province, two more terrorists were killed and another injured by a Turkish drone, an army source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to the media, said.

Also, the governor’s office in southeastern Sirnak province announced that two terrorists were killed during ongoing anti-PKK operations.

During the operations, improvised explosive devices were also destroyed and a cache of weapons, ammunition and explosive materials were also seized.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year. Since then, more than 300 civilians and nearly 800 security personnel have been martyred. Around 8,000 PKK terrorists have been killed or apprehended.

*Reporting by Haydar Toprakci and Fikret Kavgali; Writing by Ahmet Sait Akcay

In one week ;

>38 Terrorists have been killed (14 of them killed by PÖH/JÖH/Commandos, 24 of them killed by UAVs and TurAF)
>11 Terrorists captured wounded by PÖH/JÖH/Commandos
>127 shelter founded and destroyed
>40 IEDs destroyed
>7kg explosive destroyed
>1440kg raw explosive material destroyed
>16 grenade, 29 of them heavy total 63 rifles captured
>20 tonnes food, 1100 PKK clothes, 95 different living aperatures, captured
>269 PKK supporters arrested in cities
>105 kg heroin
3.958 kg hashish
6 kg cocaine
6.224 narcotic pills
1 kg Sentetic Kannabinoid (BONZAI),
124 marijuana plant captured (total value ₺21.5million) and
>9.543.485 illegal cigarette captured (total value ₺67million and 762 smugglers arrested.
>In one week, 48 ISIS Terrorists arrested at borders.
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