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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Assassinating the figure heads of PKK and their supporters in Europe.
I heard that there used to be a Turkish group based in Germany in the nineties(until 98) consisting of Grey Wolfes,politicians,businessmen,mafiosi and patriots who were ready to do what is needed.
They had a team of 20 highly trained men for special operations.
They contacted the government in Turkiye but got only negative response,no support(intel,training,weapons etc),so they acted on their own,''fought'' against the PKK and ''friends'',gathered intel on their activities but couldnt do much because of police investigations(after some actions) and interpol.
Some of the heads were sent to prison and the organisation dissolved and after that,no real Turkish group had the power or the will to do anything against the PKK and other terror organisations.
At present the Turks are divided(islamists,AKPeans,Grey Wolves,Liberals etc, ''lazy'',mind their own business or just scared to lose,Kurds on the other hand are organized,they stick together,they have ''footsoldiers'')illegal Kurds or ''refugees'' from Syria and Iraq who would do anything when ordered by the PKK or some mafia type.
They have nothing to lose.
So all in all,Turks in Europe are divided.
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Extra judicial killings can't be tolerated in Europe and anyone trying it will be dealt with accordingly.

Well, don't tell us that Europe by far is perfectly successful in doing that. We have a recent example of Sakine Cansiz just specific for PKK. If your governments don't act someone will whether or not that person has an affiliation with Turkish State. In the case of political asassinations once the job's done, it doesn't really matter much if you put the guy in prison or connect him to an organization. This probably happened at least a hundred times in Europe, just the figures, perpetrators and the motives were different.

I needed to make such an explanation because it is arrogantly funny that some guy shows up as if he is from UK/France/Germany (actual powerhorse of Europe) and braggs about how Europe won't tolerate this, tolerate that like they are a superior race or so, appearently he is Romanian. Unbelievable isn't it? Obviously pal history shows that you can't deal with it "accordingly" at all.
Well, don't tell us that Europe by far is perfectly successful in doing that. We have a recent example of Sakine Cansiz just specific for PKK. If your governments don't act someone will whether or not that person has an affiliation with Turkish State. In the case of political asassinations once the job's done, it doesn't really matter much if you put the guy in prison or connect him to an organization. This probably happened at least a hundred times in Europe, just the figures, perpetrators and the motives were different.

I needed to make such an explanation because it is arrogantly funny that some guy shows up as if he is from UK/France/Germany (actual powerhorse of Europe) and braggs about how Europe won't tolerate this, tolerate that like they are a superior race or so, appearently he is Romanian. Unbelievable isn't it? Obviously pal history shows that you can't deal with it "accordingly" at all.

Not more unbelievable that some guys bragging about political assasinations in Europe.And,yes,they won't be tolerated,you can try,some grey wolves tried it before and got the full force of the law hammered on them.No self respected EU goverment or law enforcement would tolerate this but....you can try,and maybe score some kills but if they got traced back to Turkey there will be consequences.I'm willing to bet that's why the Turkish gobverment won't pull such a crazy stunt.
Not more unbelievable that some guys bragging about political assasinations in Europe.And,yes,they won't be tolerated,you can try,some grey wolves tried it before and got the full force of the law hammered on them.No self respected EU goverment or law enforcement would tolerate this but....you can try,and maybe score some kills but if they got traced back to Turkey there will be consequences.I'm willing to bet that's why the Turkish gobverment won't pull such a crazy stunt.

I am telling you that this has been happening for over decades in Europe. I already have given you an example why not bother to check it and see the reality. Check the history of certain Turkish groups un Europe. Secondly this claim is not something related with PKK and Turks only as you have analyzed it so right from your butt. Yesss,,#EuropeStrongest lol
I am telling you that this has been happening for over decades in Europe. I already have given you an example why not bother to check it and see the reality. Check the history of certain Turkish groups un Europe. Secondly this claim is not something related with PKK and Turks only as you have analyzed it so right from your butt. Yesss,,#EuropeStrongest lol

I know that the Israelis carried out assasinations in Europe but we know that behind the curtain Israel is often given a free pass.And I didn't say it can't happen,just like you can't stop terrorism,you can't stop assasinations but for this to be an official action sanctioned by the Turkish goverment it's very dangerous.Equally so for Turks living in Europe creating terrorist cells.
Why don't Turks get organized and hunt these bitches ?
Turks do not care, the ones that do care are too few. Turks being divided doesn't help either.
I think we need to just leave Germany, if you got money stay , everyone else should return back to Turkey.
Then the Germans will have to suffer with these rats.
Good thing in all this is that I actually like that the PKK are in Germany, instead of Turkiye, we should bloody encourage more to move there!!

because they have a status of life they are special, they now live in europe.. also you can say they are jealous ppl happy of what they have and they dont want you to have anything.. specially you cant trust anyone.. and there are turks from many other parts of turkey who do not support anyone until they are suffering.. the ones most who helb you are the ones from your province..

also I think some elders work together with local police in mosques.. our yungsters from wich some would sell you out when the first problem happens would like to hunt them down but they are mostly stopped by elders.. also kurds have support of police as a turk you have nothing..

clashes only happen between big familes or organized grey wolves.. in my eyes turks in germany regardless of their opinion should side with grey wolves..

what would happen? some ppl would be against that organisation.. some would make them down like everytime and everywhere where turks live.. also I think this must happen in turkey because in germany the germans would jail them..

its like the turks in turkey.. they dont care what elswhere happens until they have the problems.. its a general thing of turks
This Grey Wolf is a myth my friend. Almost zero Turks care for that . Lets be honest, most associate Grey Wolfs with Nazis and evilness.

Extra judicial killings can't be tolerated in Europe and anyone trying it will be dealt with accordingly.
We will keep that mind, we promise. :lol:
I heard that there used to be a Turkish group based in Germany in the nineties(until 98) consisting of Grey Wolfes,politicians,businessmen,mafiosi and patriots who were ready to do what is needed.
They had a team of 20 highly trained men for special operations.
They contacted the government in Turkiye but got only negative response,no support(intel,training,weapons etc),so they acted on their own,''fought'' against the PKK and ''friends'',gathered intel on their activities but couldnt do much because of police investigations(after some actions) and interpol.
Some of the heads were sent to prison and the organisation dissolved and after that,no real Turkish group had the power or the will to do anything against the PKK and other terror organisations.
At present the Turks are divided(islamists,AKPeans,Grey Wolves,Liberals etc, ''lazy'',mind their own business or just scared to lose,Kurds on the other hand are organized,they stick together,they have ''footsoldiers'')illegal Kurds or ''refugees'' from Syria and Iraq who would do anything when ordered by the PKK or some mafia type.
They have nothing to lose.
So all in all,Turks in Europe are divided.

No no, ofcourse it have to be under the supervision of MIT. Killer of the Sabancı still roams in the Belgium freely. Europeans are bunch of cunts. We have to take this matter into our hands.
Don't forget the crucial EU protection. That protection stimulates the pkk and its supporters to do almost whatever they want and organize more clearly, unlike unwanted criminal organizations that would get crushed fast. If the EU would seriously crack down on the pkk, all those attacks and protests would not happen so easily. I swear, if some pkk rats get beaten up by Turks, EU politicians will scream 'Turkey is exporting its problems to here', but if the vice versa happens you won't hear anything. Just like Asala's case, EU will do nothing about terror until it stings them. Of course Turks in EU also need to up their game and organize more.
Extra judicial killings can't be tolerated in Europe and anyone trying it will be dealt with accordingly.

Back in the time figure heads of the Asala (Armenian Terror Organization) assasinated simultaneously in several European countries. If we could do that 30 years ago, there is no reason that we can't do it now.
if some pkk rats get beaten up by Turks, EU politicians will scream 'Turkey is exporting its problems to here', but if the vice versa happens you won't hear anything.
Thats true.

Equally so for Turks living in Europe creating terrorist cells.
What terrorist cells are you talking about?
Frankly I don't undertand too.....by example Sakine Cansiz was one the founding member of PKK, the France recognize the PKK like a terrorist group, its Turkey 'allied" and yet PKK's member are free and not worried by French's govt ?

Erdogan certainly don't lie when he say Europe are helping terrorist against Turkey.
Müezzinoğlu said "119.266 State workers fired due to their FETÖ connection, 1.349 State workers fired due to their PKK connections."

First of all, i support Anti-FETÖ operations. But i do not support anti-FETÖ only operations. Government should fight both terror organisations at least Equally. I do not belive that there are only 1.349 PKK/HDP terrorist in state institues, there should be at least 100.000-200.000 and they all should be fired and arrested.

Political "Anti Terror" operations are turning out "Anti-FETÖ", i support that but there are also PKK! PKK is dangereous as much as FETÖ if not more, some serious steps must be done. PM was saying "there are 14.000 PKK Teacher" where are they??? Why they are not fired and arrested?

We need to arrest at least half of this party and give it back to us Kemalists and turn Party's direction into Kemalist way. Right now they are underwear of PKK and Pan-Kurdist Racism.

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