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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

A French's diplomate has say this years ago : Davatoglu make thing happen, Erdogan break, and Gul pick up the piece.
Take the politics to the politics thread.

@cabatli_53 Can you please do something about @blondeturkish ? All he does is brings politics into non-political threads. Quality of the forum has dropped since he joined because every thread is just political arguments now instead of discussing the topic.


Three village guards and one civilian were killed on Nov. 9 in an attack by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in the Başkale district of the southeastern province of Van, Doğan News Agency has reported.

PKK militants used long-barreled weapons to rake a minibus carrying village guards returning from the Yavuzlar neighborhood near the Iranian border.

Village guards Hüsnü Keskin, Ekrem Keskin and Şahabettin Keskin were killed in the ambush, along with civilian Mehmet Demir, who was inside the minibus during the attack.

Meanwhile, another two village guards were wounded and transferred to the Başkale State Hospital for treatment.

Security forces have conducted an operation in the region to apprehend the PKK militants responsible for the attack.

Meanwhile, security forces have destroyed a total of 500 kilograms of explosives strengthened with ammonium nitrate after finding them in a minibus, which was stolen by PKK militants.

The militants loaded the minibus in the Beytüşşebap district of the southeastern province of Şırnak, Anadolu Agency reported on Nov. 9.

Security forces received information that a minibus had been stolen in Şırnak and was seen abandoned in the Gürpınar district of Van. The gendarmerie forces destroyed the minibus after tracking and finding it.

“Necessary examinations were made in the vehicle upon the chief public prosecutor’s demand. It was determined that the vehicle was loaded with 500 kilograms of explosives strengthened with ammonium nitrate, and it was destroyed after necessary security precautions were taken,” a statement released from Van Governor’s Office read.

Meanwhile, a village head was found shot dead on Nov. 9 after he was abducted by PKK militants 45 days ago in the eastern province of Bitlis, Anadolu Agency reported.

According to initial reports, Salih Güven, the chief of Boluklu village in the Hizan district, was abducted from his home on Sept. 25 by a group of PKK militants, and was found dead early on Nov. 9, the statement said.
Güven’s body was found near Hizan upon a tipoff, and the body was later identified by Güven’s relatives in hospital, it added.

An investigation has been launched into the incident.

Pkk murdered 2 children in Van province yesterday.

Fcking pigs, child murderers.
Thu Nov 10, 2016 | 7:35am EST

A bomb exploded outside the district governor's office in the southeastern Turkish province of Mardin on Thursday and wounded three people including the governor, the provincial governor's office said in a statement.

District governor Muhammed Fatih Safiturk, who suffered second-degree burns, was appointed additionally in July to run the local municipality as part of a series of moves to replace officials from the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), a sister party of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).

The government accuses the HDP, parliament's second biggest opposition party, of links to the outlawed rebel Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which is fighting for autonomy in largely Kurdish southeast Turkey. The HDP denies any direct links and says it is working for a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

There was no claim of responsibility for Thursday's attack but the PKK often carries out bomb and rocket attacks in the southeast, where violence has raged since a two-year-old PKK ceasefire collapsed in July last year.

Last week, a car bomb in the mainly Kurdish city of Diyarbakir killed 11 people and wounded at least 100, hours after authorities detained the HDP's leaders and some of its members of parliament.

Three Turkish guards and one civilian were killed on Wednesday when Kurdish militants attacked a guard vehicle in the southeastern province of Van with long-range rifles as it was heading to the Baskale district, bordering Iran.

Outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants have killed a total of 1,017 people in a number of attacks since a government-initiated peace process ended in July 2015 following a two-and-a-half-year cease-fire, according to information compiled by the state-run Anadolu Agency.

Some 793 of those who were killed in various PKK attacks between July 20, 2015, and Nov. 9 were security personnel, including police officers, soldiers and village guards, while the remaining 314 were civilians.

Over 4,000 security personnel and 2,000 civilians were also wounded in PKK attacks, according to the agency.

The militants also staged bomb attacks in city centers which came after intensified security operations in the region.

On Aug. 19, PKK militants carried out a car bomb attack on the police headquarters in Elazığ. Three police officers were killed and around 100 people were wounded in the attack.

On Sept. 12, a total of 54 people, four of whom were police officers, were wounded in another car bomb attack near a police checkpoint in front of the provincial headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Van.

On Nov. 6, PKK militants detonated a bomb-laden vehicle near an anti-riot police station in Diyarbakır, killing 11 people, including two police officers, and wounding more than 100.

PKK militants also killed three AKP politicians and two village chiefs in the region.

According to information from security forces, more than 10,000 PKK militants were also killed in operations in 478 days. The group disputes the figure.

Meanwhile on Nov. 10, Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, accompanied by force commanders, visited Şırnak, where a total of 19 PKK militants were killed in security forces operations over the last 10 days.

Their visit came nearly a month after the military intensified its deployment with tanks and other armored vehicles to Silopi near the border with Iraq, amid a possible offensive by the al-Hashd al-Shaabi Shiite militia to liberate Tal Afar, which is considered a sensitive target for Ankara.

Elsewhere, three people were wounded in a PKK attack in the Derik district Mardin on Nov. 10, targeting the district governor’s office.

Among the wounded was also District Gov. Muhammet Fatih Safitürk who was a trustee appointed in September.

On Nov. 9, a total of four security personnel and one civilian were killed in two separate PKK attacks in Hakkari and Van.

Contracted private Nurullah Çakır was killed in a PKK mortar attack in the Yüksekova district of Hakkari.

Village guards Ekrem Keskin, Şabettin Keskin, Hüsnü Keskin and civilian Mehmet Demir were killed in the Başkale district of Van when PKK militants opened fire with long-barreled weapons.

Mardin'deki terör saldırısında yaralanan Derik Kaymakamı Fatih Safitürk şehit oldu.


A mayor in Derik/Mardin has been martyred after terror attack.

May Allah grant a place you in Jannah.

He and his family in Derik.

Kaymakama tuzak yan odada yapıldı


The bomb was made up in the next room to the office of the mayor, and then set in his room while he was out of the district.

25 people including officials in mayor office are in custody.
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Six outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants were killed on Nov. 12 in armed drone strikes in northern Iraq, the Turkish Armed Forces has announced.

Two PKK militants were killed in Nirva Seytu mountain and another four were killed in Aşuş mountain in drone strikes in northern Iraq between 7:00 a.m. and 7:20 a.m., the military said.

In addition, Turkish warplanes also conducted an air operation in the Zap region in northern Iraq on Nov. 12, killing another three PKK militants.

The air strikes, which were conducted between 11:12 a.m. and 11:35 a.m., also destroyed one gun emplacements and two sanctuaries belonging to the PKK.
Is there a manpads attempt protected by self defence @57. second?

They drop flares more often now, prolly based on intel.
If there was an attempted shootdown we'd see a missile go up + I doubt they'd be so quick to rush back in.

The attack heli that was shot down happened in border area, somewhat away from clashes, aka deliberate attempt to draw in and ambush.
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