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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Necessary evil? Please. Big difference between trying to equate kemalist elements to prevent coup and trying to neutralize them for your own good. Only difference keeping us sane in the region were and still are the kemalists who care about the country rather than their own pockets! Sometimes it's necessary to defend AKP because people use anything as excuse to attack Turkey, but domestically they're nothing but greedy bastards who use religion for their own good.

The same ones criticizing Ataturk and removing his pictures have no problem being admired in the same way and putting their own pictures and names on everything. I've had this discussion too many times and have simply accepted that a big portion in Turkey is simply retarded. Today Gulen cemaat, tomorrow different one pulling the same shit.

Another airstrike in Tunceli :) is there uav activity there?[/Q absolutely you can have duscussion with people who use logic and akp and erdogan lickers are not known for that
This is from yesterday;

- Reports of another airstrike on a different group in Tunceli, results to be determined during area inspection I guess.
- Few attacks on outposts with some killed and captured (low numbers), 1 soldier kia because of mortar attacks, looks like they're trying to optimize this. Perhaps they're also using drones to maximize their accuracy?
- Drone brought down by Cobra RCWS in Hakkari, 2nd time they're flying drones near that base
- 3 potential VBIEDS (1 armed car, 1 tractor, 1 motorcycle) destroyed in Bestler-Dereler area's, another 200 kg anfo captured and ammo (6k dhsk rounds, 5k m16 rounds, 1k bixi rounds) as well as food supplies captured.
- Drugs/counterfeit cigarettes etc captured in various area's

I think it's safe to say that literally every ''countryside'' area with limited pkk activity should be suspected of harboring svbieds. The more we punch deeper in the s.east, the more they try to attack with those in usually calmer area's. I think they will try to switch to a totally unexpected area next.
country rather than their own pockets!

When they did not boast their own pocket they did it for foreign pockets.. Also they have their own understanding of their country.. We cannot glorify anyone..
When they did not boast their own pocket they did it for foreign pockets.. Also they have their own understanding of their country.. We cannot glorify anyone..

No one is perfect, everyone is corrupted in one way or another. But notice how I in my original post I said that there is a difference in 'needing to equate x elements' and destroying them. I grew up in an environment pure Kemalists would probably hate, and despite the fact that everyone around me is pretty much non-political they gobble everything AKP spews out as the blind truth.

2 years ago they were praising ''cozum sureci'', now they've become patriotic and feel bad when they read about soldiers getting KIA. But when I go deeper and ask a few critical questions on how such a build-up in weapons etc was possible they stick their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine. It's like talking against a wall and all it does it infuriate me. Their go to response now is that I have a personal dislike of RTE and am biased :).

I go on social media, I see this ''new-wave'' nationalists making fanpages of military and police, and then they start putting in bullshit religious and political texts and some even go on the whole reis-fetish Ha, if they asked REAL soldiers they probably would be made fun of.

So we got rid of Kemalist elements in important positions? Well, what happened? Bunch of power hungry dogs using religion for their own good ended up in important positions, positions from which Turkey holds lines to all over the world.

AKP says ''Feto infiltrated in to the government'', no my friend, FETO was indeed trying to infiltrate for many years but AKP left the door wide open for them and got set-up without even noticing it. And before there was FETO there was different cemaats, groups, ideologies etc all vying for power. This type of things happen all over the world, see the famous ''lobbyists'' AKP loves to rant about.

Funny how almost zero high-ranking AKP politicians are being arrested right? Man look at a guy like Davutoglu for example. After they got rid of him he doesn't even make the media anymore, forgotten in one move. But why? If he doesn't fit the character of a feto-symphatisant then I'm not Turkish.

So, I'm asking you now, are we going to be able to clear out all the filth inside Turkey in one go? And if we do that, what are the odds of AKP coming crumbling down?
No one is perfect, everyone is corrupted in one way or another. But notice how I in my original post I said that there is a difference in 'needing to equate x elements' and destroying them. I grew up in an environment pure Kemalists would probably hate, and despite the fact that everyone around me is pretty much non-political they gobble everything AKP spews out as the blind truth.

2 years ago they were praising ''cozum sureci'', now they've become patriotic and feel bad when they read about soldiers getting KIA. But when I go deeper and ask a few critical questions on how such a build-up in weapons etc was possible they stick their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine. It's like talking against a wall and all it does it infuriate me. Their go to response now is that I have a personal dislike of RTE and am biased :).

I go on social media, I see this ''new-wave'' nationalists making fanpages of military and police, and then they start putting in bullshit religious and political texts and some even go on the whole reis-fetish Ha, if they asked REAL soldiers they probably would be made fun of.

So we got rid of Kemalist elements in important positions? Well, what happened? Bunch of power hungry dogs using religion for their own good ended up in important positions, positions from which Turkey holds lines to all over the world.

AKP says ''Feto infiltrated in to the government'', no my friend, FETO was indeed trying to infiltrate for many years but AKP left the door wide open for them and got set-up without even noticing it. And before there was FETO there was different cemaats, groups, ideologies etc all vying for power. This type of things happen all over the world, see the famous ''lobbyists'' AKP loves to rant about.

Funny how almost zero high-ranking AKP politicians are being arrested right? Man look at a guy like Davutoglu for example. After they got rid of him he doesn't even make the media anymore, forgotten in one move. But why? If he doesn't fit the character of a feto-symphatisant then I'm not Turkish.

So, I'm asking you now, are we going to be able to clear out all the filth inside Turkey in one go? And if we do that, what are the odds of AKP coming crumbling down?
i gree evrything you said except the corruption part akp is on of the most corrupt political party i have ever seen in my entire life. even the reason davutoglu was fired coz he was not corrupt enough,
No one is perfect, everyone is corrupted in one way or another. But notice how I in my original post I said that there is a difference in 'needing to equate x elements' and destroying them. I grew up in an environment pure Kemalists would probably hate, and despite the fact that everyone around me is pretty much non-political they gobble everything AKP spews out as the blind truth.

2 years ago they were praising ''cozum sureci'', now they've become patriotic and feel bad when they read about soldiers getting KIA. But when I go deeper and ask a few critical questions on how such a build-up in weapons etc was possible they stick their heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine. It's like talking against a wall and all it does it infuriate me. Their go to response now is that I have a personal dislike of RTE and am biased :).

I go on social media, I see this ''new-wave'' nationalists making fanpages of military and police, and then they start putting in bullshit religious and political texts and some even go on the whole reis-fetish Ha, if they asked REAL soldiers they probably would be made fun of.

So we got rid of Kemalist elements in important positions? Well, what happened? Bunch of power hungry dogs using religion for their own good ended up in important positions, positions from which Turkey holds lines to all over the world.

AKP says ''Feto infiltrated in to the government'', no my friend, FETO was indeed trying to infiltrate for many years but AKP left the door wide open for them and got set-up without even noticing it. And before there was FETO there was different cemaats, groups, ideologies etc all vying for power. This type of things happen all over the world, see the famous ''lobbyists'' AKP loves to rant about.

Funny how almost zero high-ranking AKP politicians are being arrested right? Man look at a guy like Davutoglu for example. After they got rid of him he doesn't even make the media anymore, forgotten in one move. But why? If he doesn't fit the character of a feto-symphatisant then I'm not Turkish.

So, I'm asking you now, are we going to be able to clear out all the filth inside Turkey in one go? And if we do that, what are the odds of AKP coming crumbling down?

I ll agree on most of that..
i gree evrything you said except the corruption part akp is on of the most corrupt political party i have ever seen in my entire life. even the reason davutoglu was fired coz he was not corrupt enough,

It's not about corruption for them, it's about power. It's about doing business. They've got this 'mahalle' mindset and bring it over on the worldstage, acting like damn fools and only embarrassing themselves. But they and their followers think ''wow, he said one minute!!''.

Have you ever seen our current PM go against Erdogan? Hell, if you pay attention, even during his speeches he's copying the way Erdogan speaks, trying to act the same ''big man'' way. Even my grandmother was smart enough to state that he became PM because he was rte's man and nothing else.

I don't know much about internal akp politics but I re-call reading that guys like Gul-Arinç-Davutoglu were close and were seen as different from Erdogan. But now they're all gone right before/during all this feto crap? Especially Arinc is extremely quiet these days.

I also believe that the whole Turkish soft power approach in the middle-east during Arab spring was inspired by the likes of Davutoglu and that is exactly why he had to go. Fucking idiot, nothing else. He's playing checkers, others are playing chess.

Give a man like Davutoglu to a random mukhabarat agency of an Arab nation and they'll piss themselves laughing about him. Nothing but a naive bunch of idiots thinking that believing in the same god was enough to get things done.

I give of an atheist vibe ranting about religion :) but I'm religious, I just don't like the way it's being shoved down your throat and the way it's getting mixed up in politics/foreign affairs.
This is this funniest shit I've ever seen! you guys should be banned tbh
It's not about corruption for them, it's about power. It's about doing business. They've got this 'mahalle' mindset and bring it over on the worldstage, acting like damn fools and only embarrassing themselves. But they and their followers think ''wow, he said one minute!!''.

Have you ever seen our current PM go against Erdogan? Hell, if you pay attention, even during his speeches he's copying the way Erdogan speaks, trying to act the same ''big man'' way. Even my grandmother was smart enough to state that he became PM because he was rte's man and nothing else.

I don't know much about internal akp politics but I re-call reading that guys like Gul-Arinç-Davutoglu were close and were seen as different from Erdogan. But now they're all gone right before/during all this feto crap? Especially Arinc is extremely quiet these days.

I also believe that the whole Turkish soft power approach in the middle-east during Arab spring was inspired by the likes of Davutoglu and that is exactly why he had to go. Fucking idiot, nothing else. He's playing checkers, others are playing chess.

Give a man like Davutoglu to a random mukhabarat agency of an Arab nation and they'll piss themselves laughing about him. Nothing but a naive bunch of idiots thinking that believing in the same god was enough to get things done.

I give of an atheist vibe ranting about religion :) but I'm religious, I just don't like the way it's being shoved down your throat and the way it's getting mixed up in politics/foreign affairs.
i used to like abdullah gul he was quite a gentelman back in the day he even came to the state an give a lecture at one of the big unvirsity who was smart something you wouldnt associate with akp
Yesterday davudoglu was nothing today he is a big man for his zero problem with the neighbour plan, the same goes for gul and that feto arinc:-). aqm siyaset iste ahaha.
Yesterday davudoglu was nothing today he is a big man for his zero problem with the neighbour plan, the same goes for gul and that feto arinc:-). aqm siyaset iste ahaha.
Actually Gül is the only big politician in AKP that i liked, he should take the talking part instead of Erdogan.
Actually Gül is the only big politician in AKP that i liked, he should take the talking part instead of Erdogan.

I agree. I felt like he was one of the few geniune politicians who cared about Turkey and not just his party. He was always relaxed and acted in a proffesional way towards his counterparts. Compare him to Erdogan/Yildirim and you can see how fuckked Turkish politics is. I always hoped the inner AKP feuds would burst out so that him and Davutoglu can start their own party or something. Ideologically similar to AKP but very proffesional and less authoritarian. A
I agree. I felt like he was one of the few geniune politicians who cared about Turkey and not just his party. He was always relaxed and acted in a proffesional way towards his counterparts. Compare him to Erdogan/Yildirim and you can see how fuckked Turkish politics is. I always hoped the inner AKP feuds would burst out so that him and Davutoglu can start their own party or something. Ideologically similar to AKP but very proffesional and less authoritarian. A
gul was smart inteligent and also hade good taste of dress code evry time a foreing leader came to the coutry it was him who welcomed them, and he was also somone who take pride in the secular rebublic. that ataturk built. and not like erdogan who wants islamic caliphate
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