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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

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One Turkish soldier was killed in an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) attack in northern Syria on Nov. 19, state-run Anadolu Agency has reported.

Three soldiers were wounded when ISIL militants staged a bomb attack targeting Turkish troops near the city of Al-Bab, north of Aleppo.

The wounded were immediately admitted to hospital in the border province of Gaziantep, where private Oğuzhan Demir later succumbed to his wounds.

The Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) has been fighting around the regions of Al-Bab and Al-Rai as part of the Euphrates Shield Operation, which was launched in late August to rid the northern Syrian border area of ISIL and the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD.)

8 in Uludere, 2 in Şemdinli :)

They go to hell ten by ten every day. Clearly we are kicking *** hard inside country. Hopefully it will be same in Syria and Iraq too.

And after Gulenist traitors are cleaned (not completely though) our losses are decreasing too.
8 in Uludere, 2 in Şemdinli :)

They go to hell ten by ten every day. Clearly we are kicking *** hard inside country. Hopefully it will be same in Syria and Iraq too.

And after Gulenist traitors are cleaned (not completely though) our losses are decreasing too.

We haven't seen any attacks since 2 weeks now, no casulties either.

They're getting annihilated on the mountains too now thanks to Drones.
Could someone tell me, why Turkish newspapers stopped publishing pictures of killed / caught terrorists? They publish stuff from their targets, i.e. places they blow up, people they kill and lives they destroy. In the 90's papers like Hurriyet, Gunaydin... had full page full color articles with headlines like : "The end of terrorist that attacked... so on so".. now, everything is to damn virtual, "terrorists caught, terrorists blabla, TAF bombed bla, 10 terrorists killed" no pictures, just dry text, nothing to confirm or spout fear into idiots that support these terrorists.
You guys are drawing conclusions too fast, what happens if instead of 10 minor-medium attacks they wait and do one large successful one?

Today they found and destroyed an ied near Diyarbakir/Silvan with 600 kg of anfo in it. And they also found a truck with two pipebombs in it, some sort of vbied. What if those attacks had been successful?

What's happening right now is military is doing mass 'routine' operations to find and clear smaller hide-outs to hit on supplies (ammo, food etc) as well as disrupting logistics by making life harder for them.

2nd, they're obviously out hunting for more urban wing attacks in 'Western' provinces where they attack with their proxies or smaller infiltration groups. Examples are black sea region, as well as Antalya last weekend.

Then there are the operations in the country-side which is more combat, there have also been big operations in Tunceli, where surprise surprise the proxy forces for the black sea region etc all come from.

I see a few pictures of gas tanks and I think, oh nice no anfo and then they go and find 2000 kg of it. Long way to go.

Istanbul: Two people were killed when a car exploded early Thursday outside a government building in the southern Turkish city of Adana, officials said.

"Two people were killed and 16 were wounded," Governor of Adana, Mahmut Demirtas, was quoted as saying by the state-run news agency Anadolu.

The blast, which occurred outside the governor's office, is the latest in a wave of violence striking Turkey, whose government is fighting both Kurdish militants and jihadists.

"A vehicle blew up at 8.05 am (0505 GMT) at a parking lot next to the entrance of the governor's office," Demirtas said.

The attack is believed to have been carried out by a woman, the governor said, without providing further details.

The force of the blast smashed shop windows in the neighbourhood, private NTV broadcaster reported.

Ambulances and fire engine teams were dispatched to the scene, Anadolu reported.

Turkey has been on high alert since 2015 after a series of attacks blamed on Kurdish militants and Islamic State jihadists.

The United States has advised its citizens to carefully consider the need to travel to Turkey at this time.


First Published: Thursday, November 24, 2016 - 12:39
2nd vbied found in Adana, driver shot and in hospital/custody.
1 soldier kia due to ied in Sirnak, 2 killed, one is supposedly one of those 'regional' leaders.
Footage of tank shot taking out 2 circling online, might be of todays incident. Don't know.
3 killed in Diyarbakir, part of a small group, number might increase.
Edit; 1 killed in Diyarbakir was on wanted blue list and also a 'regional' leader
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2nd vbied found in Adana, driver shot and in hospital/custody.
1 soldier kia due to ied in Sirnak, 2 killed, one is supposedly one of those 'regional' leaders.
Footage of tank shot taking out 2 circling online, might be of todays incident. Don't know.
3 killed in Diyarbakir, part of a small group, number might increase.
Edit; 1 killed in Diyarbakir was on wanted blue list and also a 'regional' leader

all family members of regional leaders should be under silent investigation to get other and higher terrorists.. and if they have business than this should be investigated for tax crimes.. :)
9 PKK terrorists killed in southeastern Turkey following Adana bombing


Turkish jets destroyed a number of PKK targets and killed six members of the terrorist group in southeastern Diyarbakır province, a military source said on Thursday.

Nine PKK terrorists were killed in the Turkish military's anti-terror operations on Thursday, according to a statement released by the army.

Warplanes also killed six PKK terrorists in attacks in Diyarbakır province, while destroying a number of PKK targets.

Separately, Turkish air strikes set two blockhouses on fire and killed two terrorists in southeastern Şırnak province, the statement said.

Turkish soldiers also seized weapons and explosive substances in a raid to an ammunition depot in Diyarbakır following the airstrikes, killing another militant.

The strikes followed an attack in the parking lot of the governor's office in southern Adana province, in which two people were killed and 33 were wounded.

Labor Minister Mehmet Müezzinoğlu stated that the attack was most likely carried out by the PKK terrorist organization.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU -- resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015. Since then, more than 600 security personnel have lost their lives and more than 7,000 PKK terrorists killed.

Germany remains safe haven for PKK terrorists


Germany remains a platform for the terrorist PKK's recruitment, propaganda and funding activities, according to official reports.

The far-left terrorist group had more than 14,000 members and adherents in Germany, according to the 2015 annual report of German domestic intelligence agency, BfV.

Although PKK is banned in Germany, which is home to a large Kurdish community, the terrorist group is carrying out significant activities via various cultural associations.

According to the BfV's annual report released in June, the PKK raised more than 13 million euros ($14.3 million) in Germany last year.

The group, which is listed as a terror organization by the EU and the U.S., is responsible for the deaths of more than 44,000 people in a decades-long campaign against Turkey, and it has recently intensified its terrorist attacks.

Following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's sharp criticism of NATO ally Germany last week for turning a blind eye to the PKK activities, Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged on Wednesday Berlin's responsibilities in fighting terrorism, but did not promise stronger action against the PKK.

She argued that her government cannot influence the decision of judicial authorities concerning investigations on PKK activities.

"[In Germany] we have opened more than 4,000 court cases against PKK members. But politics cannot have an influence on the rulings of our independent judiciary; it accepts these rulings," she said.

Turkish officials have repeatedly criticized German authorities for not using all available legal instruments, in countering the activities of the PKK followers in Germany.

In response to a question by the Anadolu Agency, Germany's Federal Ministry of Justice said, courts have opened 4,400 criminal cases against PKK suspects between the years 2004-2013.

The suspects were accused for various crimes, including illegal fundraising, serious bodily injury or breach of the public peace.

But the Ministry said it has no information on the results of these criminal proceedings, and noted that all such inquiries should be referred to the relevant authorities in several federal states.

While Germany has adopted stricter legislation last year against foreign fighters, courts have so far avoided opening criminal investigations against German citizens or residents who traveled to Syria to join PYD, the PKK's Syria-based affiliate.

According to the German media reports, domestic intelligence believes more than 130 Germans so far traveled to Syria and joined the PYD.

German courts so far opened more than 100 court cases against radicals who traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the terrorist group Daesh.

We’ve figured out PKK’s racket system: Turkish minister


Turkish authorities have determined how the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) raises money through “extortion” following more than three decades of struggle, Environment and Urban Minister Mehmet Özhaseki has claimed.

“They do it this way: There is a sheet in front of them. ‘Whose property is this? That person’s.’ They then build a road there. The owner of the land says, ‘My parcel is ruined, I was going to build 10-20 apartments there.’ Then they tell the man that they can fix it, ‘We can fix it, give us 100,000 Turkish Liras and it will be done.’ There are documents and footage of this. We’ve figured out the system,” he said, giving an example from the southeastern province of Diyarbakır, whose democratically elected leaders were forced out and taken prisoner by Turkey’s government.

“The contracts that were made for the municipalities that trustees were appointed to with the latest state of emergency decree will be canceled,” Özhaseki said, referring to the state of emergency declared after July 15 failed takeover, widely believed to have been masterminded by the U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen.

“Because when you look at it, it seems that there are 250 people working in the municipality, but 50 of them are actually there and 200 of them are in the mountains. We’ve seen the example of it in Diyarbakır Municipality. Three PKK militants sit in the back room as temporary workers,” he also said.

“They force citizens to pay money. The people appointed as trustees say, ‘Let’s clear the municipalities that were managed by the PKK, finish the old businesses, end the contracts, because there is filth all over.’ We can’t clear the municipalities in any other way,” he added.

Trustees were appointed to several municipalities in the eastern and southeastern regions after their mayors were removed from their posts or taken prisoner.


Amazing how it took AKP 15-years to figure out something we've known for decades. :lol:
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