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The Fight against PKK Terrorism


Three soldiers were martyred and three others injured in an operation against the terrorist PKK in Turkey’s southeastern province of Hakkari early Friday.

Security sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking with the media, said the casualties came from a clash in the Cukurca district between Turkish security forces and PKK terrorists in the Mt. Guven area, close to Turkey's border with Iraq.

The PKK terrorists had attempted to infiltrate a military base.

A total of 15 PKK terrorists were "neutralized" in the clash, up from an earlier number of seven.

Nine others were also seriously injured in an air-supported operation in the area.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorist in question was either killed or captured.

The operation is ongoing.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year. Since then, more than 300 civilians and nearly 800 security personnel have been martyred. Around 8,000 PKK terrorists have been killed or apprehended.

Reporting by Yilmaz Kazandioglu; Writing by Can Erozden;


Over 300 PKK terrorists were “neutralized” in security operations inside and outside Turkey in November, according to army figures compiled by Anadolu Agency.

In operations carried out between Nov. 1 and Nov. 30, a total of 317 terrorists were neutralized: 275 were killed, 23 captured and 19 surrendered themselves to the authorities.

The Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorist in question was either killed or captured.

Fourteen security personnel were martyred and 18 civilians lost their lives in the same period. More than 100 other people were injured.

In that period 560 PKK suspects were arrested, 367 of whom were taken into custody.

Among those detained were the co-chairs of the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag, the HDP Group Deputy Chairman Idris Baluken, HDP lawmakers and the co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Sebahat Tuncel.

In addition, a 400-meter tunnel between Syria's Qamishli province and the border town of Nusaybin in Turkey's southeastern Mardin province was uncovered.

Security sources said the tunnel -- which contained explosives -- was made to transfer materials between the PKK/KCK and PYD/YPG terrorist organizations.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year.

Since then, more than 300 civilians and nearly 800 security personnel have been martyred. Around 8,000 PKK terrorists have been killed or apprehended.

Reporting by Yunus Okur;Writing by Tutku Senen
Where did we killed those pigs bro? Which province.

Yesterday I read that in Hakkari province we had killed 547 pigs since August 2016

Yes, operation in Hakkari/Cukurca was pretty big, it was named after combat medic Mekan Sahin who was kia/martyred when administering aid to a wounded soldier.


Unfortunately military did not release proper images like they did during Daglica ops (I compiled all of those), rather media released small bits of captured stuff after 1 week etc. There was also a few pictures with captured weapons all stacked together.

You can read about it here, there are a few parts that were released


There have been a few counterattacks by way of mortar attacks from across the border (we lost 5-6 men that way) as well as a few infiltration attempts (there was some pictures showing them with snow camo in trenches) and few airstrikes on bigger groups preparing to attack as well as lots of armed uav action.

- 2000 kg anfo captured in Hakkari, from Iran
- 2400 kg anfo captured in Diyarbakir/Sur
- Some more ieds captured/destroyed in various area's
- Small hide-out found in Antalya region where 1 cell was operating
- Cell house raided in Viransehir, 4 killed
- 15-20 killed with airstrikes/artillery during attack on outpost
- 7 killed in Mardin countryside area
- 2 soldiers lost in Bingol/Diyarbakir border area, couple of bad guys (7?) killed
- Some weapons captured in Hakkari during routine sweep, coming in from Iraq/KRG
- 3 killed in Van/Erçis region, one was 'regional' leader (take with grain of salt)
- Some arrested while traveling with fake passports
- Tunceli ops continue I think
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Four outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants were killed in a house raid in the Viranşehir district of the southeastern province of Şanlıurfa on Dec. 3.

The operation came after counter-terrorism police and special forces teams detected that militants, including two women from the PKK’s mountain group, were hiding in the house and were allegedly preparing an attack.

Arriving at the scene to capture the militants, forces called on the militants to surrender, after which an armed clash occurred in which the militants were killed.

In an earlier inspection at the house, explosives were found to be planted in traps, so bomb disposal teams were dispatched to the area. After the explosives were detonated, police teams found additional explosives, arms and ammunition in the building.

Meanwhile, in the Sur district of the southeastern province of Diyarbakır, gendarmerie teams conducted a raid at an address on Dec. 3 and seized 2.5 tons of explosives. Two people were detained in the operation and 2,400 kilograms of ammonium nitrate explosive materials were seized, in addition to 100 kilograms of unidentified explosive materials.

We are hitting those pigs every day from what I see from around the web but do you guys think we are demaging them hard enough? I want to ask all of you members in here a question: which weapons are we developing and/or already starting to integrate into our army and air force that will cause the most demage to those rats?
  1. Do you think the wall we build on our Syrian border will at least stop some terrorist from entering Turkey?
  2. What about Gokturk 1 that was launched yesterday?
  3. What about our UAV's (and other weapons and systems we develop)?
  4. Are we conducting any action against PKK in Northern Iraq?

@cabatli_53 @Neptune @Combat-Master @Sinan @xenon54 @usernameless @kartal1 @Yenikuyu @Everyone else who wants to comment.

ps I really don't remember the names of all Turkish users here but hope more people give their views and share some info with us- especially when it commes to new gadgets we can use against those sub-humans. :D

ps2 Stay polite guys... let's keep it classy. :enjoy:
We are hitting those pigs every day from what I see from around the web but do you guys think we are demaging them hard enough? I want to ask all of you members in here a question: which weapons are we developing and/or already starting to integrate into our army and air force that will cause the most demage to those rats?
  1. Do you think the wall we build on our Syrian border will at least stop some terrorist from entering Turkey?
  2. What about Gokturk 1 that was launched yesterday?
  3. What about our UAV's (and other weapons and systems we develop)?
  4. Are we conducting any action against PKK in Northern Iraq?

@cabatli_53 @Neptune @Combat-Master @Sinan @xenon54 @usernameless @kartal1 @Yenikuyu @Everyone else who wants to comment.

ps I really don't remember the names of all Turkish users here but hope more people give their views and share some info with us- especially when it commes to new gadgets we can use against those sub-humans. :D

ps2 Stay polite guys... let's keep it classy. :enjoy:
well these pigs are receiving one of the biggest blow in history i read somwhere that since july last year we have killed over 8:000 rats,:chilli: thats have of what they got, :bounce:
well these pigs are receiving one of the biggest blow in history i read somwhere that since july last year we have killed over 8:000 rats,:chilli: thats have of what they got, :bounce:

Yes actually It's noticeable too. You don't see them posting any attacks on our soldiers for a good few weeks now even a month or so I'd say, because they're too busy getting their asses handed to them. :sniper:
We are hitting those pigs every day from what I see from around the web but do you guys think we are demaging them hard enough? I want to ask all of you members in here a question: which weapons are we developing and/or already starting to integrate into our army and air force that will cause the most demage to those rats?
  1. Do you think the wall we build on our Syrian border will at least stop some terrorist from entering Turkey?
  2. What about Gokturk 1 that was launched yesterday?
  3. What about our UAV's (and other weapons and systems we develop)?
  4. Are we conducting any action against PKK in Northern Iraq?

@cabatli_53 @Neptune @Combat-Master @Sinan @xenon54 @usernameless @kartal1 @Yenikuyu @Everyone else who wants to comment.

ps I really don't remember the names of all Turkish users here but hope more people give their views and share some info with us- especially when it commes to new gadgets we can use against those sub-humans. :D

ps2 Stay polite guys... let's keep it classy. :enjoy:
I think our UAV programs will play a major role in a possible large scale campaign against PKK. UAVs like ANKA B/S, Bayraktar armed UAV and future suicide drones will be one of the main weapons for survaillance, fast hits against small groups and marking targets for jets. We all are waiting for developments in the case with suicide drones that can deliver a major damage to the man power and the infrastructure of the organizations we are fighting against. We have developments related to unmanned ground vehicles from Aselsan that can carry weapons and can be used for example in one possible cave clearing operations and as we know actions from this kind are very often faced by our security forces. We have developments in radar technology for example Aselsan ACAR that can be very useful in combination with E/O system or controlled from distance large caliber weapons like heavy machine guns or grenade launchers. We have our attack helicopter T129 ATAK if the development proces goes fine soon we will have our turboprop CAS plane Hurkus C. We develop our missiles like our laser guided 70mm CIRIT with 8 km range and our long range anti tank guided missile UMTAS our mini missiles like Bozok, MAM L/C that we will use actively in the fight against terrorism on our platforms and for our jets guidance kits like HGK, LGK, KGK our NEB anti bunker missile. Our artillery systems like Panter and Firtina are actively used in the fight against terrorism and now with the last developments our missile artillery is more stronger with projects like Kasirga 302mm guided missile and our 122mm guided missile. The equipment of our soldiers is geting more modern and in higher quality compared to before. Our soldiers will get a new service rifles MPT76 MPT55 and their variations. Weapons that are going to be equiped with our domestic made accessories and many more to come. Our armed forces and our domestic capabilities are developing with every single day. Our scientists, our engineers our people dont sleep. Our armed forces are strong. We have almost everything but in the war against terrorism in our case the problem is not in the armed forces. The problem is political and if our politicans untie the hands of our armed forces and fight for the environment required for fight against terrorism we will finish them in no time but the game is bigger from that and lets hope from this time ahead our government will fight for the interests of the Republic of Turkey and the turkish nation instead of chasing personal goals.
We are hitting those pigs every day from what I see from around the web but do you guys think we are demaging them hard enough? I want to ask all of you members in here a question: which weapons are we developing and/or already starting to integrate into our army and air force that will cause the most demage to those rats?
  1. Do you think the wall we build on our Syrian border will at least stop some terrorist from entering Turkey?
  2. What about Gokturk 1 that was launched yesterday?
  3. What about our UAV's (and other weapons and systems we develop)?
  4. Are we conducting any action against PKK in Northern Iraq?

@cabatli_53 @Neptune @Combat-Master @Sinan @xenon54 @usernameless @kartal1 @Yenikuyu @Everyone else who wants to comment.

ps I really don't remember the names of all Turkish users here but hope more people give their views and share some info with us- especially when it commes to new gadgets we can use against those sub-humans. :D

ps2 Stay polite guys... let's keep it classy. :enjoy:

Boots in the northern Iraq camps....nothing else matters.

I am just civilian with no experience but from what I can tell based on open source information (media, twitter etc etc) we are at the minimum making life harder for them. You can't solve terror by killing bad guys, but you can make life harder for them and force them to re-consider their strategy.

I think our armed UAV will become our biggest asset but it most not stop there. I don't know what Turkish UAV strategy is but as far as I'm concerned we should have multiple uav's in the air per province(!!). In recent months the amount of attacks done in combination with uavs has been tremendous, let alone the ones done by armed uav.

About a year ago we saw quite some airstrikes hitting groups that were around ~20 in size, sometimes more/less. This happened both in real rural area's as well as closer to urban cities/villages etc when they were trying to infiltrate. The ones closer to urban spots were hit with helicopters mostly. Examples of these are the ones trying to escape from Nusaybin to Syria, two groups caught trying to enter/leave Idil urban operation (this one ended in a week!).

After this the average group size dwindled in size to anywhere from 2-15 people max, a few times groups of 7-15 got hit and killed. Example is from last week, they had 1 sniper rifle, 1 rpg, 1 machinegun, 4 ak's + grenades. So an team level 7 seems minimum for them. The other smaller ones are either infiltration attempts or planting ieds etc.

2nd; There seems to be an increase in use of gas cylinders as IEDs as well as VBIEDs but also in anti-tank mines. As we got up and running the c-ied operations multiplied which lessened successful ied attacks plus we also did more routine sweeps to take out supplies etc, just to make life harder for them. So instead of going from hide-out 1 to hide-out 5 with 3 stops in between they now might have less. Remember during 7-8 oct riots they raided gas stores to steal tubes.

Also during last 2 summers instead of focusing on large convoys they focused on hitting smaller targets, i.e the c-ied guys providing security for the big convoy.

To counter their dramatic losses they first did parked vbieds to hit police vehicles/hqs etc, after it got harder they started focusing on non-traditional area's with suicide bombing(!) as that is harder to stop. They can also try and do 1 big attack instead of 10 smaller ones for propaganda effect.

Quite a few times the ones responsible for such attacks have been killed, it's very obvious they have dedicated cells in certain area's for these type of attacks. The area's I immediately notice are Mardin (many big ieds targeting police), Diyarbakir (this one got killed by SF) and Van area (1 killed at minimum).

3rd; In certain area's in the s.east there are a lot of tips being given by locals or by intel guys, which means lots and lots of house raids. Even in the house raids there were 1 or 2 where big numbers got killed, after that this number also dwindled. Most raids happen in Van area, but also in Siirt for example. During initial house raids we had 1-2 losses but our guys have seemingly become a bit cautious it seems (which is good).

4rd; They're trying to use proxy's or local Kurds that moved there for (seasonal) work to attack in Izmir-Black Sea/Ankara and recently Antalya. Once again raids based on intel/tips, sometimes smaller clashes. 1 cell in Antalya got pretty much dismantled (1-2 missing), 1/2 cells in Black sea got hit after multiple attacks on soft targets + targeting of Kilicdaroglu, another one was hit in another province while on the move to/from said area's.

In addition to these urban attacks they're also trying to attack in area's where they lost (Cizre svbied attack), examples of these are when they tried to infiltrate in to Nusaybin hidden in a truck and got killed after police noticed them. 2 suicide bombers got killed in Cizre by POH, another 7 were killed in/near Nusaybin as well.

The problem is that there is an increasing number of Kurds that choose to blow themselves up rather than surrendering, while this makes our life a bit easier it becomes harder to gain intel and it shows the battle is becoming 'harder' if that makes sense. Atleast the ones trying to do suicide attacks do so, in s.east they still surrender.

Then finally we have the rural operations in area's long not entered by us, this is typically done by many airstrikes, followed by artillery and then ground troops sweep in to clear it and kick them back. Sometimes they flee, sometimes they try to resist. After getting kicked out they do infiltration/mortar attacks from Iraq border area. A few gopro's were taken in after killing them. Most recent example; Cukurca (Direct fighting, no civilians) or for more indirect COIN Tunceli operation.
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