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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

This proves that Kurds are truly what one would call "kanı bozuk". Ungrateful to the land they live on.
Its hard to generalize a big group such as Kurds, many Turks have Kurdish relatives and vice versa and many new generations of 50/50 kids but its true that other minoritys dont cause trouble.
Its hard to generalize a big group such as Kurds, many Turks have Kurdish relatives and vice versa and many new generations of 50/50 kids but its true that other minoritys dont cause trouble.

No, not many have Kurdish relatives.
I know many from my own surrounding, booth in Turkey and Europe, my uncles wife is also Kurdish.

Strong distrust among two communities. Taking and giving woman is uncommon. It has been so since Ottoman times.
Strong distrust among two communities. Taking and giving woman is uncommon. It has been so since Ottoman times.

I have to say that this was also the case in Karabakh, where some Kurdish tribes lived among Turkic tribes (some Kurdish tribes had settled there in 18th century if I'm not mistaken). Never ever would Turks give bride to Kurds, or take Kurdish brides.
Strong distrust among two communities. Taking and giving woman is uncommon. It has been so since Ottoman times.
I never claimed there isnt a distrust ofcourse there is, otherwise we wouldnt have problems, in Ottoman times Kurds was only in south east Anatolia but today they spread all over west Turkey and intermarriages became more common.
I have to say that this was also the case in Karabakh, where some Kurdish tribes lived among Turkic tribes (some Kurdish tribes had settled there in 18th century if I'm not mistaken). Never ever would Turks give bride to Kurds, or take Kurdish brides.

Giving woman to a Kurd is taboo in many communities.
Its hard to generalize a big group such as Kurds, many Turks have Kurdish relatives and vice versa and many new generations of 50/50 kids but its true that other minoritys dont cause trouble.

I mean those proper Kurdish areas where they cause trouble all the time. Kyrgyz of Ulupamir is one example, In the east you have also much larger Turkish, Azerbaijani (Igdir, Kars), Ahiska, Cherkez communities but you will never hear about any trouble in those places, even though they also suffer from same social problems.
I mean those proper Kurdish areas where they cause trouble all the time. Kyrgyz of Ulupamir is one example, In the east you have also much larger Turkish, Azerbaijani (Igdir, Kars), Ahiska, Cherkez communities but you will never hear about any trouble in those places, even though they also suffer from same social problems.
As i said i agree with this and the reason is obvious.
3 PKK have been killed, one escaped in Kagizman, Kars.

Kağızman'da çatışma: 3 PKK'lı terörist öldürüldü
Yetkililerden edinilen bilgiye göre, Kağızman ilçesinde bulunan hidroelektrik santraline dün akşam saatlerinde 4 PKK'lı terörist saldırdı.

İhbar üzerine bölgeye jandarma ekipleri sevk edildi. Jandarma ekiplerinin teslim ol çağırısına araçla kaçmaya çalışan 4 teröristin ateşle karşılık vermesi üzerine çatışma çıktı.

Teröristlerle jandarma ekipleri arasında çıkan çatışmada 3 terörist öldü. Teröristlerin kaçmaya çalıştığı araçta 4 kaleşnikof ve çok sayıda el bombası ele geçildiği belirtildi. Kaçan bir teröristin yakalanması için bölgede operasyon başlatıldı.


Kars Valiliği, Kağızman ilçesinde son dönemlerde bölücü terör örgütü üyelerince düzenlenen saldırılarda bölgedeki hidroelektrik santrallerine (HES) 6 kez saldırı ve tehdit gerçekleştirildiğini bildirdi.

Valilikten yapılan yazılı açıklamada, son dönemde Kağızman'daki HES'e yönelik bölücü terör örgütü tarafından yapılan tehdit ve saldırılar sonucunda bölgede vatandaşın can ve mal güveliğinin sağlamak amacıyla gerekli tedbirler alındığı belirtildi.

"Daha önce bölgemizde faaliyet gösteren değişik hidroelektrik santrallerine son aylarda altı defa saldırı ve tehdit gerçekleştirilmiştir" denilen açıklamada, şu ifadelere yer verildi:

"Saldırılar sonucunda 2 adet aracı ve santrallerin sistem odalarını yakmışlardır. Ayrıca dizüstü bilgisayarı ve çalışanların cep telefonlarını, şantiyeye misafir olarak gelen bir şahsın arabasını da gasbetmişlerdir. 23 Ekim 2014 günü yine 21.50 sıralarında vatandaşın can ve mal güvenliğini korumak için önleyici tedbir olarak Kağızman bölgesi İl Jandarma Komutanlığı ekiplerince Altungedik köyü yakınlarında faaliyet gösteren özel sektöre ait elektrik santralinde bulunan araçları ve kulübeyi yakarak santrale ait araçları gasbederek kaçmaya çalışan bir grup bölücü terör örgütü mensubu ile karşılaşılmıştır. Yapılan dur ihtarına ateşle karşılık veren teröristlerle çıkan çatışmada 3 bölücü terör örgütü mensubu silahlarıyla birlikte ölü olarak ele geçirilmiştir."


Dün akşam saatlerinde özel bir şirkete ait Kağızman ilçesi Tuzla mevkisindeki hidroelektrik santraline saldıran ardından buradan araçla kaçmaya başlayan ve "teslim ol" çağrısına ateşle karşılık veren terör örgütü üyeleriyle Kağızman İlçe Jandarma Komutanlığı ekipleri arasında çatışma çıkmıştı. Olayda, 3 terörist ölü ele geçirilmiş, araçta yapılan aramada ise 4 kaleşnikof ile çok sayıda el bombası bulunmuştu.

Kağızman'da çatışma: 3 PKK'lı terörist öldürüldü - Hürriyet GÜNDEM
Do you guys think pkk under those leaders in Iraq have a different agenda than ocalan's? It seems pkk is itching to stir things up again while the peace process is still given respect, from govt and ocalan's side. Sometimes i cant help but to imagine that those attacking pkk are either 1) a disguised third party aimed at increasing hostilities between state and pkk (+ its supporters). it's known that certain countries had an interest in arming/supporting pkk against us in the past, so i'd not rule such a possibility out 2) pkk under beyik (whatever his name is) and his successors in Iraq have their own agenda rather than listening to ocalan, bypassing ocalan 3) ocalan just plays the peace process card while he is actually fine with pkk's increasing activities.

What is your view on this matter?

@Kaan @olcayto @xenon54 @Sinan @Alienoz_TR @tesla @xxxKULxxx @cabatli_53 and others
Do you guys think pkk under those leaders in Iraq have a different agenda than ocalan's? It seems pkk is itching to stir things up again while the peace process is still given respect, from govt and ocalan's side. Sometimes i cant help but to imagine that those attacking pkk are either 1) a disguised third party aimed at increasing hostilities between state and pkk (+ its supporters). it's known that certain countries had an interest in arming/supporting pkk against us in the past, so i'd not rule such a possibility out 2) pkk under beyik (whatever his name is) and his successors in Iraq have their own agenda rather than listening to ocalan, bypassing ocalan 3) ocalan just plays the peace process card while he is actually fine with pkk's increasing activities.

What is your view on this matter?

@Kaan @olcayto @xenon54 @Sinan @Alienoz_TR @tesla @xxxKULxxx @cabatli_53 and others

Mate, i can't comment.

As there are too much unknowns to us because of the negotiations.... we know nothing about the negotiations so i don't think we can do a healthy comment.
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