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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Mate... this CHP is.... i mean they are retards...

They use Alevi card
They use Kurd card
They re-select their leader whom lost 9 elections. (This is also the same issue for Bahçeli, although he lost much more elections than Kılıçdaroğlu)

So in return he is only going to lose more votes.

They do not use any card against another, that is why we are still living in tune in most part of Turkey. The speechs of Erdoğan and The Akp are actually dividing the population into sides. I do not know how much you are interested in politics, but i assure you that The middle eastern ''leaders'' like to provoke some people againts other people in their speechs, in that way they solidify their positions in those countries... ''divide and rule'' version of Western approach.

I think What is wrong with CHP and MHP is that They do not follow the same path as The Akp does. They are well-educated people, therefore their way of dealing with problems is based on rational and long term ones that put the interests of the contry first, Their rhetorics are therefore way more different than The akp. That is where those parties start to lose ground. One uses tears and religion to convince people, whereas the other two use ''brain'' to convince people. In West the latter wins, while in the ME the first wins without any doubt.

I will not go further in this issue. You opened the door to very deep issue, thanks :)


Germany, where there are millions of Turks and zero influence politically. If they were Armenian or Jewish, you could bet your asses these sophisticated weaponry wouldn't be at the hands of PKK sympathisers.
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View attachment 96350

Germany, where there are millions of Turks and zero influence politically. If they were Armenian or Jewish, you could bet your asses these sophisticated weaponry wouldn't be at the hands of PKK sympathisers.

There are 21.399.082 Turkish voters WHO voted for The current government that is in negotiation with PKK terrorists in tea gardens. Pm of that government says we will continue throwing roses even though you throw Stones(mostly bullets) at ''us''.
To be true the PKK is quite usefull because they clearly show the weakness of Turkey (or its politically Leadership)
Germany, where there are millions of Turks and zero influence politically. If they were Armenian or Jewish, you could bet your asses these sophisticated weaponry wouldn't be at the hands of PKK sympathisers.
thank you ! you are so right really right.. and they do it because of hate..

@ other so we will try to be the good cop but I can bet that this retards will not play a good game and never will they be good to us.. just look ppl like al kurdi they are the same retards .. the only good think is we will get is legitimation for being hard to them.. this will shut down the dirty mouthes of those who say "lets try" "be good and kind and everything will turn fine" "be libaral" those idots will see that you cannot speak with kurds its impossible

sometimes I wish a Timur to our folk :D
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Pkk is seeking help from Turkey:-). Ther is no mounting no place to hide and run good luck....
Pkk is seeking help from Turkey:-). Ther is no mounting no place to hide and run good luck....

IS or ISIS is far better than Turkish army, I can say. These religious zealots did in 1 year what Turkish army couldnt do in 30 years.
IS or ISIS is far better than Turkish army, I can say. These religious zealots did in 1 year what Turkish army couldnt do in 30 years.
They are not better simply their goverment bodies don't include traitors or sold out puppets.
IS or ISIS is far better than Turkish army, I can say. These religious zealots did in 1 year what Turkish army couldnt do in 30 years.
ISIS is using fear as a tactic. They kill people and then everyone flees because they are scared. After they occupy an area only their supporters are left and all opposition flees so that means they can control land easily.

If turkey occupies an area opposition stays because they aren't scared for their lives so that makes it hard to control the area.

Turkey could conquer what isis did but then there would be a big insurgency.
They are not better simply their goverment bodies don't include traitors or sold out puppets.

Turkish soldiers or policemen are sitting in their posts. Not moving. Allowing pkk roam the countryside. Even in 90's, it was a chronic disease. Losing soldiers mean losing career in the longrun for commanders. Pkk can use this environment to hit and run.

These IS fighters decide to hit, then go after them. Pkk sh.t in their pants when IS encountered
Turkish army is forced to play by the book (laws, human rights, conduct of operations etc), thus restricted in effectiveness, while IS is free to do what it wants. not comparable.
IS or ISIS is far better than Turkish army, I can say. These religious zealots did in 1 year what Turkish army couldnt do in 30 years.

You're comparing apples with oranges. While IS and ypg fight frontal battle (cephe savaşı) TSK fought insurgency (dusuk yogunluklu savas). In one you see and know where your adversary is, in the other you don't. Pkk used hit and run against TSK, but can't use that in syria because they can't run back to n. Iraq or caves of Gabar mountain. When they tried to openly confront TSK (fall of 1992/3?, summer of 2011/2) they were annihilated. Any insurgency is doomed if it tries to challenge standing army in the open.
You're comparing apples with oranges. While IS and ypg fight frontal battle (cephe savaşı) TSK fought insurgency (dusuk yogunluklu savas). In one you see and know where your adversary is, in the other you don't. Pkk used hit and run against TSK, but can't use that in syria because they can't run back to n. Iraq or caves of Gabar mountain. When they tried to openly confront TSK (fall of 1992/3?, summer of 2011/2) they were annihilated. Any insurgency is doomed if it tries to challenge standing army in the open.

When you were in Kyrgyzstan, people I know closely were fighting there. When I served in military, commanders were telling us the war stories. I didnt see armed conflict in southeast, but i beat them in schools with sticks. No offence, but i know a little more.

We didnt do many things that were necessary. We hunted flies, not dried the swamp. Many Turks emigrated west, leaving the area to mountain villagers. Yes to those villagers living in mountains. Eastern Turks left eastern cities. Kurds living in mountains came to eastern cities.

That was needed to be done was to settle Turks, Turkmens or even Arabs, Circassians densely among Kurds so that the demographic structure wouldnt allow Kurds to cause revolt.

Settling some Uzbeks in Antioch or Urfa, some Kyrgyzs in Van didnt change much. Elazığ-Bitlis-Van belt should be tightened by settling more and more Turkic or non-Kurdish citizens. Abdulaziz settled Turkmens in Elazığ, then some Tatars were settled from Romania to Kovancılar. Thats it. After 1930's, nothing done.

Soldiers died for nothing.
When you were in Kyrgyzstan, people I know closely were fighting there. When I served in military, commanders were telling us the war stories. I didnt see armed conflict in southeast, but i beat them in schools with sticks. No offence, but i know a little more.

We didnt do many things that were necessary. We hunted flies, not dried the swamp. Many Turks emigrated west, leaving the area to mountain villagers. Yes to those villagers living in mountains. Eastern Turks left eastern cities. Kurds living in mountains came to eastern cities.

That was needed to be done was to settle Turks, Turkmens or even Arabs, Circassians densely among Kurds so that the demographic structure wouldnt allow Kurds to cause revolt.

Settling some Uzbeks in Antioch or Urfa, some Kyrgyzs in Van didnt change much. Elazığ-Bitlis-Van belt should be tightened by settling more and more Turkic or non-Kurdish citizens. Abdulaziz settled Turkmens in Elazığ, then some Tatars were settled from Romania to Kovancılar. Thats it. After 1930's, nothing done.

Soldiers died for nothing.

No need to go emotional and aggressive. I'm not talking about socio-economic reasons behind pkk terror or how to solve it. I'm talking about basic battle tactics. You can't kill what you can't see. US learned that in vietnam, iraq and afgan, Soviets learned it in afgan and couldn't do anything despite their military might.

P.S. Let's just agree to disagree.
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