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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

hurriyet is crap and works for foreign agenda.. they are just robots of EU and zionists..

we need more nationalistic rational newspapers with good quality stuff and no lies..

You would think that with it's large grassroot support base that the MHP via the Grey Wolves would have a pretty strong media outlet to counter the Western agenda.

Cumhuriyet, once a patriotic & nationalist newspaper but now defenders of pkk.

lt's a shame actually, the same is happening with CHP.

I thought CHP turned away from Ataturks principles when Alparslan Turkes denounced them in the 70s?
In 1996 I was in Bucharest for 2 month. PKK terorists hidden by Romanian goverment threated and took money from People.
In 1996 Bucharest was open air bordello managed by goverment and mafia.
Police could take money without any proof.
Romanian mafia or gypsies I don't know who they were used to kill and cut people for money.
Probably 20 years ago you were a child of this culture.
Your grandparents used to have a shit in the middle of the city centre . I saw from my eyes. I couldn't use elevators because of smell.

Today How you dare speaking about civilisation and insult Turkish nation who helped surviving your women from starving?
Your grandpArents must remember.
You would think that with it's large grassroot support base that the MHP via the Grey Wolves would have a pretty strong media outlet to counter the Western agenda.

I thought CHP turned away from Ataturks principles when Alparslan Turkes denounced them in the 70s?
MHP are mostly fake Grey Wolves lol.
Bahceli is pretty much a born loser, now, I like most MHPers, but their accepting of Kurds is a worry.
I like HEPAR. they're more nationalistic to me, than MHP ever was or will be.
I also get a headache to listening to Bahceli, which doesn't help.
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You would think that with it's large grassroot support base that the MHP via the Grey Wolves would have a pretty strong media outlet to counter the Western agenda.

at least they have an organisation..

but nationalistic includes everyone in turkey.. I think we need a new step a new mind that does real jornalism for the sake of our country and not for others like many many idiots do in our country.. they (polititians, jornalists,) work for foreign countries for foreign companies and they dont think about the ones who elected them and the ones who form the nation.. I dont like crappy journalismI want deep and intelligentjournalism and news.. I want our country to form a propaganda institute and do something against all the propaganda against us..

and we see how those robots are praised and loved by west just because they are their puppets..

they are everywhere, like our polititians - I am talking about the likes of sellouts who favor others and dont build a plane because someone other offers it and does not want you to build a plane..
I talk about those who buy tanks and dont want to build a own one.. about every sellout who practice politics for someone else and themselves.. about those who do not want to end the PKK thing to use it, to get rich or just because others dont allow them.. I am talking about newspapers who cry over every single terror act in EU and puke into our country when it happens there.. this are the worst of the worst and they need to take everyone out..
so we need national and nationalistic thinking media.. not sellouts..
Reports from today; clashes in Diyarbakir + suspected vbied taking out by attac heli. Yet another airstrike in Tunceli, 10-15 killed. Surely they must be getting some good intel from there.
Reports from today; clashes in Diyarbakir + suspected vbied taking out by attac heli. Yet another airstrike in Tunceli, 10-15 killed. Surely they must be getting some good intel from there.
Kafalarini zor kaldiriyor picler
Some sources say Terror Organisation leaders Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ are arrested. Will be clear in the morning, right now social media blocked in Turkey.

Edit : Some sources claim dozens of PKK mps are arrested. Again, nothing is confirmed yet.

PKK twitters are crying :D

edit 2 : these are confirmed terrorists that arrested ;

selahattin demirtaş
figen yüksekdağ
ferhat encü
leyla birlik
ziya pir
mehmet ali aslan
selma ırmak
sırrı süreyya önder
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