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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

CHP is supporting democracy.

Demirtas and Co. were as much pro PKK during the time they were best bros with AKP as they are now.
Somehow AKP didnt care back then. Now they do, why? Well the AKP has to please their new girlfriend the MHP, so they can get their presidential system.
no matter how you put it that is how it looks to me and i'm sure thats how it looks to most turks
at one point maybe AKP did have close ties to Demirtas because there was ongoing dialog for peaceful resolution of kurdish problem, but once PKK resumed their terror acts that dialog was over
Cant believe CHP support that terrorist party
They do what their eu and us master say in times of enemies everywhere ppl should stick together even if you dislike them because Nobody will care about us when it is too late

Those idiots everywhere I don't know what to say..

AKP idiots arw far too late with this the hdp must be compleatly crushed and everyone complaining about that should be crushed too

First of all hdp should have been crushed the time it was created
The hdp has served its function. When it talked pro-peace before the june election last year people had some confidence in them, even then it managed to cross the barrier thanks to 'emanet oylar' from certain leftists (e.g. Tunceli, normally traditional chp) and most probably fetoculer too (which explains that hdp very interestingly got most votes in Japan and other countries). After all the pro-terror fiascos of the hdp after the elections, even peace loving hdp voters have seen hdp's true face. After all of this, the ones who still support hdp are the hardcore separatists. Now no one can say 'they are afraid of us, that's why they closed us'. They had a good chance not seen ever before, they blew it hard and now they must face the consequences. And the majority average Kurdish citizens? I'm willing to bet that they will miss the hdp like toothache and have opened their eyes more and more.
I highly highly doubt Tunceli is chp nowadays.... think those days are gone m8. We lambast about MHP being ineffective and turning in to AKP puppets but the same can be said for CHP and their ''leftist'' ideas.
Seems like forum's PKK Terrorist arrived in this topic and start barking his "b-but democracyyy" song in previous page, it means we are on the true track :D

One Terrorist MP arrested, prosecutor wants 4 more MP to be arrested including Demirtaş and Figen

this twitter claims that Diyarbakır citizens stoned HDP headquarters

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15 media outlets with ties to PKK shut down with new decree



Here is one of those outlets, named Özgür Gündem. On the first page along with a picture of terrorists and their flags roughly is translated '' it is the day to show solidarity with Öcalan''.

Öcalan is the imprisoned ''leader'' of PKK terrorist organisation.

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I'm so tired that most people are repeating the very same thing - how AKP was once supporting/allowing the existence of HDP and how they are trying to get rid of them right now.

I can spoil the same thing, what AKP did was surely wrong. But it was a peaceful approach to cease fire and reduce or eliminate the number of our young brave matyrs - and seemingly it "worked" for a period of time. BUT: after AKP made enemies with FETÖ, FETÖ directly changed its support line to HDP. This is easily portrayable in many ways, I personally know people inside FETÖ from the country I live in right now, who went to Turkey to make HDP propaganda prior to the elections.

After AKP made enemies with FETÖ, things escalated more and more, AKP and Erdogan realized that there were no peaceful solution to this and thus the war against terrorism started.
CHP is supporting democracy.

Demirtas and Co. were as much pro PKK during the time they were best bros with AKP as they are now.
Somehow AKP didnt care back then. Now they do, why? Well the AKP has to please their new girlfriend the MHP, so they can get their presidential system.

Let me be straight, I dont have anything against a Kurdish party but the HDP did not distance itself from the PKK thats the biggest mistake they have ever made.
But these AKP will in order to appeal to the ultranationalists do anything they can, just for one fucking referendum.

Those ultra nationalists will push Turkey closer to a war.
They wont stop at HDP.
Maybe next time they'll target Atatürkcüs, who knows. With these lunatics in Ankara anything is possible.

Not the same thing.
1)During the "peace process" its was normal to turn a blind eyes do HDP's PKK support, and futher they had their imunity which protected them so this was pointless during this time.

2)CHP should stop with its support to HDP. What democracy ? Even in Germany a deputy has pay a fine because she bear the PKK's flag! CHP is not a UE's party, its Turkish party, they should know about some HDP's deputy speech which cleary make PKK proganda! Its look like to mee CHP only do it because they want to such the west dick.

3)Its not just to accuse AKP to only doing it because they want ultrantionaliste vote....maybe this is true....but HDP deserve to be in jail.
All hail to Sultan Erdogan ....

I fear that Erdogan become Saddam of Turkey ....
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