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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

They are apperarently accused with supporting both FETÖ and PKK lol. I'm pretty sure there is no such thing. There was a rumor weeks ago that AKP wanted to shut down Cumhuriyet. Here you go. They will likely shut down Cumhuriyet even if many of those journalists are freed later.

They pretty much do everything they accused "Kemalists" with doing in the past. Whoever has the power becomes a bully. No ideology in that.
Police arrested 13 terrorists in Cumhuriyet newspaper.

We live in a country, where every journalist is labeled a terrorist and stupid people believe it. It sad how deep we have sunken.

No free media left and if there is, they are terrorists. Comars are the end of this country.
The last free newspaper in Turkey will be closed soon. I hope you people who call journalists terrorists and support the Sultan will remember that it was the stupidity of you, that made the injustice possible that is taking control of the country.

Three soldiers were killed in an attack by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants in Turkey’s eastern province of Hakkari on Oct. 31, Doğan News Agency has reported.

Another soldier was wounded in the attack in Hakkari’s Dağlıca area.

Meanwhile, four PKK militants were ‘neutralized’ by security forces.

Cumhuriyet is a PKK newspaper and will be removed from Turkish history.

But i agree, we need to create one Kemalist newspaper in Turkey, because there is none.

Those people who support PKK newspapers are dishonorable people, and they have no connection with Atatürk. They are just using Atatürk as a shield for their PKK fascism.
No. There is literally no Kemalist newspaper in Turkey. Those ones are just using Atatürk for their political benefits.

There is one Kemalist TV, Ulusal Kanal. And that is the only Kemalist media left in Turkey.
@what Can you shut the **** up please?

Can you stick a banana up your asshole? Im sure you can.

If you have a problem with what I said than argue like a normal human being, this is not Tayyipistan where you can jail people for not having the same sheep mentality you have.
Mon Oct 31, 2016 | 10:00am EDT

Three Turkish soldiers and 13 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants were killed on Monday during clashes in Turkey's largely Kurdish southeast, security sources said.

Turkish soldiers were on an operation in the Daglica district of Hakkari province, which borders Iraq, when clashes broke out, leaving three of the soldiers and four militants dead, the sources said. One Turkish soldier was also wounded, they added.

Nine more PKK militants were killed and four were severely wounded in an operation in the Hisar region of Hakkari, security sources said.

The Turkish military said earlier this month that a total of 463 militants had been killed in military operations in the Hakkari province.

An operation is being carried out in the region to root out the militants with aerial and gendarmerie support, the sources said.

Turkey's southeast has been rocked by violence following the collapse of a 2-1/2-year ceasefire between the state and the PKK in July of last year.

In security operations over the past week, 28 PKK militants were "neutralized", the Interior Ministry said on Monday.

More than 40,000 people have been killed in the conflict since the autonomy-seeking PKK took up arms in 1984. It is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.

(Writing by Tuvan Gumrukcu; Editing by Daren Butler and David Dolan)
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