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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

12 terrorists arrested before made bombing atack,




Thats one pretty terrorist right there, just saying.
They both look educated. Poor souls, wasting their lives for bullshit causes.
While they already stood with their backs against the wall someone should have had emptied a clip or two at them or at least use them as real standing/running practise targets for our snipers etc. At least make them useful instead of wasting tax money to feed them, only for them probably to continue being terror supporters or sympathisants once they leave prison...
Turkish jail conditions have 5 stars and much more Europeanian and democratic.

Ukrainian and Russian jails are totally bad ! The word "bad" isn't enough to explain:)
Turkish aerial drones kill 72 PKK terrorists
Defense minister says drones proving successful in Hakkari province


By Mehmet Tosun


In the two months since armed aerial drones were introduced to Turkey’s fight against the terrorist organization PKK they have killed 72 terrorists in one province, Defense Minister Fikri Isik said Monday.

In a Twitter post, the minister revealed the toll since Bayraktar TB2 armed unmanned aerial vehciles were introduced in Hakkari, a mountainous province that borders Iraq and Iran.

Produced by Turkish firm Baykar Makina, the drone has a range of more than 150 kilometers (90 miles) and can fly at a maximum altitude of 6,800 meters (22,500 feet). It is armed with MAM-L laser-guided missiles made by Roketsan, another Turkish company.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July last year. Since then, PKK terrorist attacks martyred more than 700 security personnel and also claimed the lives of many civilians, including women and children, while nearly 8,000 PKK terrorists were killed in army operations.

They both look educated. Poor souls, wasting their lives for bullshit causes.

They're from Mersin (Relatively rich province), they look somewhat nicely dressed/groomed etc. Not sure if educated is the right word but there definitely is a RADICALIZATION process ongoing in Turkey in the past years, emboldened by peace process and war in Syria. The biggest example of this were the urban operations where a big portion were youth elements from high school/uni, whom received partial training or were active terrorists until they surrendered during peace process. Send to their deaths by the 'real' fighters who all surrendered neatly. Oh how nice that was, always 6-7 man surrendering at border gates every two weeks or so!

A different example of this is Israel where Palestinian youths get inspired to commit (stupid) attacks with knives or cars, and more often than not they're either really young or completely random (housewife, having regular jobs, being Israeli citizen etc). The same radicalization risks are also present with Islamic terrorists and unfortunately our government is very silent on this topic.

The line between being a terrorist sympathizer and an actual terrorist has seemingly diminished in Turkey in recent years. The plus side is that these semi-terrorists (part time terrorists???) are more often not exactly well trained and easily caught. But what if one manages to sneak through the cracks (which is inevitable) and goes from a failed attack to using a vehicle as weapon or being a suicide bomber?

I wish some of our ''strategic'' think thank/discussion platforms would talk about this...
I fear we will show typical Turkish behavior of not doing anything about it until we get slapped in the face with it.
78 kills...

I don't think it's very smart to keep screaming that out loud considering we're on a crash course with our allies due to regional events. All it takes is one part (no matter how small/unimportant) to get delayed and we're screwed.

You hear US screaming about kills? China? Iran?
Say it under the table during military event (idef etc), being subtle is key. But these morons do it akparti way and think domestic mind = international mind.
I don't think it's very smart to keep screaming that out loud considering we're on a crash course with our allies due to regional events. All it takes is one part (no matter how small/unimportant) to get delayed and we're screwed.

You hear US screaming about kills? China? Iran?
Say it under the table during military event (idef etc), being subtle is key. But these morons do it akparti way and think domestic mind = international mind.

Just last week I had to read Turkish military killed 200 Kurdish fighters on the frontpage of most German newspapers. Now even to people with the background knowledge this sounds bad, because it involves killing people and not just a few. Better to keep it under cover.
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