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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Well, it's not like there are any competent politicians left, RTE fired them all, while foam was coming out of his mouth.

But still the UAV has proven itself initially. I just hope the tally will increase, winther is coming and this is where the terrorists come down from the mountains to hide in the cities, we just have to kill them.

I also think terrorists should be sterilized before they breed.
One terrorist called Gülten Kışanak is arrested. I hope Demirtaş, the leader of HDP Terror Organisation will also be arrested soon.


PKK ve Peşmerge, Kerkük'te böyle poz vermiş!

Türkçe Konuşan Ülkeler Uluslararası Gazeteciler Derneği (TKÜUGD) Başkanı Güngör Yavuzaslan, “..PKK hâlâ Kerkük’tedir. Irak Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimine bağlı Peşmerge güçleri ile birlikte yol kontrolleri yapmaktadır


KRG ''forces'' and PKK terrorists were posing side by side in Kirkuk in Iraq, which took place a few days ago.

Barzani gets Turkish support at every level. Barzani supports the PKK..

AKP and Erdoğan seeks interests of Turkey.

P.S: KRG in Turkish means ''Irak Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimi'', Peshmerga forces mean Peşmerge güçleri in Turkish. In the quote you see those words in bold.
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Barzani supports the PKK..
What else do you know about Barzani and Peshmerga expect that photo?

"Nüfusu 1 milyon 400 bin olan Kerkük'te, asayiş, büyük oranda Talabani'ye bağlı sayıları 5 binle ifade edilen Kürdistan Yurtseverler Birliği (KYB)'li peşmergeler tarafından sağlanıyor."

"Cem Ersever: What Talabani wants to do? ... Talabani wants to be a power against Barzani's KDP in N. Iraq but needs men. ... He wants an equal power to that of KDP and later will seek to remove KDP from power. That's why, he wants PKK on his side." Binbaşı Ersever'in İtirafları by Soner Yalçın (pages: 65,66,67)

Look what your Hurriyet link says:

"Yavuzaslan, "Yaşanan olaylar sonucunda Kerkük’ün KYP’li Valisi örgüt üyelerine karşı hiçbir karşı yaptırım uygulamamıştır” dedi.

PKK ve Peşmerge, Kerkük'te böyle poz vermiş!

What is that KYP(PUK)? Talabani's party.

Neither Peshmerga is a national force nor KRG is a country:

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October 22nd 10 soldiers martyred in suicide blast by PKK bomb loaded truck. Not gonna post their stupid video here but you can go check it out for yourself if you want on their YouTube channel, "58" martyred according to PKK's twitter source.



KRG ''forces'' and PKK terrorists were posing side by side in Kirkuk in Iraq, which took place a few days ago.

Barzani gets Turkish support at every level. Barzani supports the PKK..

AKP and Erdoğan seeks interests of Turkey.

P.S: KRG in Turkish means ''Irak Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimi'', Peshmerga forces mean Peşmerge güçleri in Turkish. In the quote you see those words in bold.

as I said ever stupid stupid stupid thing to support Puştmerga..

but MR. BOB is very eager in his agenda to create or destroy.. we will see when it is too late..

but what else should I say , everything points to the same direction no action no laws no trying no social agenda no propaganda for our case, nothing except some military shooting around and one guy using this for his agenda
it looks like he want it and that he will fullfill his role..
IED attack in Bingol, 1 soldier KIA.

This is the fourth attack or so in Bingol area last week. Yesterday IED was found & defused.

Does Turkey effectively fight against PKK terrorism?

Osman Pamukoğlu gives a very detailed answer in evey aspects of the fight.

P.S: Pamukoğlu made it clear that There are still 3 camps of PKK in Iran, and some recent attacks are done by terrorists who came from Iran camps.

Some 157 tons of ammonium nitrate have been confiscated in operations carried out at two addresses in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır, the Turkish Armed Forces has announced.

The operations were conducted with the gendarmerie in the Reşik neighborhood of Diyarbakır’s Hazro district, it stated.

The Armed Forces also announced that a total of 105 PKK militants were “neutralized” in operations conducted between Oct. 20 and 26 in the southeastern provinces of Hakkari, Şırnak, Diyarbakır and the eastern provinces of Siirt, Bitlis, Bingöl, Batman and Ağrı.

Saying operations have been ongoing in order to prevent militants from preparing for winter, the military added that explosives, rifles, rocket launchers, mines, ammonium nitrate and materials used to make home-made explosives were confiscated in the operations.

It also announced that two bomb-laden vehicles had been destroyed in operations in the Savur district of the southeastern province of Mardin and the Ovacık district of the eastern province of Tunceli. Shelters, depots and tunnels belonging to the PKK were also destroyed, the military added.

Elsewhere, Turkish warplanes conducted airstrikes against PKK targets in the Zap province of northern Iraq. The military said five targets were destroyed in the operation conducted between 5:05 and 5:17 p.m. on Oct. 27 after intelligence was received about PKK sites.

The statement added that the warplanes returned to their bases safely after the airstrikes.




Security forces hold an anti-PKK operation in the southern province of Adana. AA photoAt least three soldiers were killed and five others injured in an outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) attack in eastern Turkey, said a military source on Oct. 29.

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on talking to media, said the PKK militants attacked security forces with mortar shells in the Çukurca district in the Hakkari province.

One soldier is in critical condition, said the source.

An operation was launched in the region to apprehend the perpetrators of the attack.

Separately, twelve suspected members of the youth wing of the PKK were arrested on Oct. 29 in the western province of İzmir, security forces said.
Police received information that the suspected terrorists were preparing to target security forces with improvised explosive devices on Oct. 29, during celebrations for Turkey's Republic Day, security sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

Materials used for making bombs were also found during the operation in İzmir, the security sources added.

In a separate operation, six PKK and six Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) members were arrested in the capital Ankara according to the Ankara Police Department.

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