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The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel

You know what is amazing? NZ is the furthest point on earth from UK. 12 hour time differance. It is directly on the other side of the globe. Yet it looks remarkably like UK. Christchurch could almost pass off for my hometown in UK. The police, the ambulances, etc is eeerily familiar.

If I went into my backyard and dug a hole in a straight line through the center of the Earth, and out the other side, I would emerge about 30 kms south east of Madrid's city center. I plan on visiting the exact co-ordinates one day and planting something if possible.

Christchurch is often compared to English Cities, more than any other place in NZ. Hagley park has rows of English Oak trees that would give it a very familiar look to you.

Hagley park has rows of English Oak trees that would give it a very familiar look to you.
This looks like exact replica of my local park with those mature Oak trees.

30 kms south east of Madrid's city center. I plan on visiting the exact co-ordinates one day and planting something if possible.
Are you from Hastings/Napier area? I checked but my city falls some hundred odd miles south of tip of New Zealand. So no planting trees for me.

And if you see 'Jake the Muss' say 'hiya' to him from me. The only NZ movie I can recall. Once were warriors.
You know what is amazing? NZ is the furthest point on earth from UK. 12 hour time differance. It is directly on the other side of the globe. Yet it looks remarkably like UK. Christchurch could almost pass off for my hometown in UK. The police, the ambulances, etc is eeerily familiar.
Dude I live in the UK and have been to Christchurch. They are not the same.
You know what is amazing? NZ is the furthest point on earth from UK. 12 hour time differance. It is directly on the other side of the globe. Yet it looks remarkably like UK. Christchurch could almost pass off for my hometown in UK. The police, the ambulances, etc is eeerily familiar.

Thats because NewZealand is still part of the commonwealth and is modeled on UK. Even Australian major cities look exactly like that.
This looks like exact replica of my local park with those mature Oak trees.

Are you from Hastings/Napier area? I checked but my city falls some hundred odd miles south of tip of New Zealand. So no planting trees for me.

And if you see 'Jake the Muss' say 'hiya' to him from me. The only NZ movie I can recall. Once were warriors.

I live and work in Auckland, but home is in the Bay of Plenty, a bit north of Hastings.

I'm actually a relative of Temuera Morrison the actor who portrayed Jake the Muss. He's nothing like the character of course, I've got aunties tougher than him.
That's because they are Anglos. They are like me and you - with origins in Pakistan. Only their origins are from Britain. US and Canada have slightly evolved more because of huge numbers from other regions migrated there also ~ like Blacks, Hispanics and in case of Canada the French. But the core of those countries remain Anglo.
Err Most blacks were imported didn't migrate there.

The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel



A suspect confronted the court, two other under investigation; reports about another suspect who left for Israel faces the silence of authorities.

The attack to two mosques in Christchurch, a city in eastern New Zealand, has led to the death of 49 people leaving dozens seriously injured. The terrorist, holding a camera on head live-streaming the attack on Facebook, rushed the Al-Noor mosque with a gun and then fled to streets continuing to shoot the passers-by.

The live-stream stopped a few streets away while minutes later another mosque, Linwood mosques, was targeted by another attack. Most casualties, nevertheless, were reported in the first attack.

The local authorities announced that less than an hour after the attack, the main suspect, a 28-year-old Australian, was arrested while three others were also put under investigation. One suspect was released from custody after the end of primary investigations.

It remains unclear if the attackers of the two mosques were the same or there were five attackers involved. One of the terrorists managed to escape the country hours after Friday noon. The fifth attacker has defected to Israel with the help of unknown aides. No official reaction has been made by Tel Aviv or local authorities on the issue yet.

While the main suspect has confronted the court a day after the terrorist attack, the local authorities has made no remark about his partner(s) in the brutal act.

The distance between the two mosques seems to show that the terrorist would have no chance to get to the second mosque if he were alone. Besides, considering the fact that the attack was terroristic in nature, as the New Zealand Prime Minister asserted, the involvement of other individuals, or other countries, seems probable.


The main culprit behind this whole thing is pamella geller and robert spencer who the fbi protects despite them radicalising idiots online to commit terror attacks against innocent people. The terrorist from norway also had links to them, edl also has links to them.
I bet a 100$ these culprits have links to them. Chutiya fbi will raid people's homes over a rice cooker but protect chittay extremists.

It's fake news. Israel derives no benefit from killing Muslims in New Zealand. None. Zero.
They rewarded pamella geller and robert spencer once upon a time and those 2 are behind all this.

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