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The fifth suspect of Christchurch shootings has defected to Israel

Dude, how can that tiny entity hope to become a superpower?
It got it's *** spanked by Hezbollah in 2006.

I love Hezbollah *** kicking in 2006 but they won the battle not the war after that embrassment they turned they target against Syria they divided the Muslim World into two poles much further they tried using Turkey but after like 2014 they switched sided to the Kurds and Saudis so they are planning we must defend Turkey and Iran as they are a bulckwarck against Jewish expanison
Yeah. I had said before and I will say it again. The terrorist's execution of such a highly sophisticated plan to such minute details couldn't have been done by 1 person alone or even by a small group of people. "Someone else" was involved.

Of course two years of planning means more people
That's because they are Anglos. They are like me and you - with origins in Pakistan. Only their origins are from Britain. US and Canada have slightly evolved more because of huge numbers from other regions migrated there also ~ like Blacks, Hispanics and in case of Canada the French. But the core of those countries remain Anglo.

The closets we have to the Anglos here in the Northeast are the WASPS but they just work in Manhattan and live in the suburbs
I love Hezbollah *** kicking in 2006 but they won the battle not the war after that embrassment they turned they target against Syria they divided the Muslim World into two poles much further they tried using Turkey but after like 2014 they switched sided to the Kurds and Saudis so they are planning we must defend Turkey and Iran as they are a bulckwarck against Jewish expanison

Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are key countries if the Muslim world shall rise again.
Pakistan has China to back it up and Iran looks like it is holding it's own against the US-Jewish-Arab puppet nexus.
Turkey looks like the most vulnerable as it has only really got an alliance of convenience with Russia.
WASPS is what made USA in 1776. And they are what makes it core even today.

That's right but they are Kosher *** kissers these days but I think they are more dangerous than them so of the crap these Evangelicals say are crazy crap
The Israelis aren’t crazy. They know who is leaving and entering their country. They probably have one the best intelligence.

If there is credibility to this news, it means higher ups at state level are involved. Probably even the security agencies.
Well, this guys is openly showing his intention ......and buying weapons and people around him silently watch him ... waiting for ??
Turkey, Iran and Pakistan are key countries if the Muslim world shall rise again.
Pakistan has China to back it up and Iran looks like it is holding it's own against the US-Jewish-Arab puppet nexus.
Turkey looks like the most vulnerable as it has only really got an alliance of convenience with Russia.

Turkey is the most vulnerable first Erdogan is hot head he has to go and someone who is more pragmatic needs to take hold, 2nd they need to leave the NATO and say good bye to the EU dreams why defend the Euros when they hate you and despise you 3rd form an alliance with Iran and Syria I dont trust the Russians as they are only being friendly to China,and Turkey cause of Western sanctions but once after the 2020 US elections and once the domestic Russo-phobia crap is dead expect Trump-Putin to be pals and say good bye to Eurasianism
I would not believe this. Jews are smart. This would be a PR disaster for them. If indeed it is true then they ain't as smart as I thought they are.
Nah. It will all die down. Mainstream Media won't even report it. Those some people who would report it on the internet would be termed as conspiracy theorist, racist and anti semite.
Only this terrorist would be prosecuted. And the whole world would believe it.
But they have been co-opting others since then. Germans, other Scandic, Jews, irish, Italians. And you will see some attempt at co-opting Indians as well ~ there are signs that this is already taking place.

Yes this is true but our uncle community leaders who lead or lobbying efforts are so stupid they would rather kissing up to MB and CAIR

Nah. It will all die down. Mainstream Media won't even report it. Those some people who would report it on the internet would be term as conspiracy theorist, racist and anti semite.
Only this terrorist would be prosecuted. And the whole world would believe it.

Typical of the MSM it will die down and something else will happen
Turkey is the most vulnerable first Erdogan is hot head he has to go and someone who is more pragmatic needs to take hold, 2nd they need to leave the NATO and say good bye to the EU dreams why defend the Euros when they hate you and despise you 3rd form an alliance with Iran and Syria I dont trust the Russians as they are only being friendly to China,and Turkey cause of Western sanctions but once after the 2020 US elections and once the domestic Russo-phobia crap is dead expect Trump-Putin to be pals and say good bye to Eurasianism

Russia cannot be trusted as you say.

Turkey needs to get closer to Iran and also link up with Pakistan-Chinese axis.
Russia cannot be trusted as you say.

Turkey needs to get closer to Iran and also link up with Pakistan-Chinese axis.

The Turkish public would prefer this but their government keeps playing double games with everyone pick a side you cant be a NATO member yet you want to have a foreign policy indepedent of Washington and Moscow will not save Erdogan *** when time comes
He must have handlers, he can't do this action alone. Someone must be guiding him from around and someone was streaming his videos from some proxy servers too.....

Lol. So now facebook also allows u to use ur own servers for streaming. Damn jews!

On a serious note, this sounds like fake news, not reliable.
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