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The Farce of Western Free Speech

We have shown that numerous European countries have laws restricting speech around specific subjects which they consider sensitive.

But the correct question should be "can you draw caricatures of other religions, or just Islam?" - and the answer is yes, yes you can. Ergo, equality.

Why many on this forum equal denying the Holocaust (or other genocides) with drawing religious caricatures is beyond me....one is a religion, the other are crimes against humanity
I don't see how anyone can deny that the Nazi Holocaust actually happened. One can debate whether the figure was 6 million or 5 or whatever. However, I suppose anything is possible and there would be people who would have such extreme views. It still falls into the category of speech restriction since denial of the Holocaust is not, in itself, a call to violence or incitement to racial hatred. It is a belief, however extreme, which can be countered with facts.

There are (or may be were) deniers. Main reason for the law.

what about western genocide in north korea, iraq, libya and now syria?? why do western governments and their apologists not talk of these??

There is no restriction. It is just not 'profitable' to talk about these! Question was about prohibition of holocaust denial. Prohibition is over denial of genocides. Now the ones that define what is genocide are ones in power - this is universal concept. Law maintains equality.
Afterall free thinking is alien to your so called civilization.

What type of cesspit did you crawl out from? You must have autism which has led to your brain from malfunctioning. Before you try to criticize any particular group, at least try to interact with them and then make a conclusion.
But the correct question should be "can you draw caricatures of other religions, or just Islam?" - and the answer is yes, yes you can. Ergo, equality.

Why many on this forum equal denying the Holocaust (or other genocides) with drawing religious caricatures is beyond me....one is a religion, the other are crimes against humanity

The question is about freedom of speech.

YOU are making an artificial distinction about speech around religion and speech around other subjects.

As long as the speech doesn't incite violence -- which is already covered by other laws -- the distinctions are artificial and self-serving.
respect must be earned and is not a free thing. So far nothing in the islamic world shows anything that i can respect.

let me ask you something, why am i not allowed to visit Mecca? And do you think we should create an equal policiy and ban muslims from visiting Rome?

You don't believe in truth or human values, a few months back you said you support Western wars and imperialism and oppression if it benefits you. Nothing you say from now on could have any meaning after saying something like that. You are not in a position to criticize even the Saudi nutjobs. Pot calling the kettle black.
Not sure why we ban graphic videos of syria war , we should have freedom of speech people have right to know people dieing out there too
YOU are making an artificial distinction about speech around religion and speech around other subjects.

As long as the speech doesn't incite violence -- which is already covered by other laws -- the distinctions are artificial and self-serving.

Why are the distinctions "artificial and self-serving"? Freedom of speech is not without it's boundary.

Note that I don't agree with the french law against holocaust (genocide) denial, but I can, somewhat, understand it's reasons: by never allowing to denial/forget those crimes, the chance of them repeating them is lower (or so the logic goes).
Therefore the law is against it. Much like hate speech, to avoid (future) violence.

How does that have anything to do with Islam or caricature of other religions?

Apples and oranges...

PS: if it matters that much, there are enough EU countries (+USA) where you can scream your lungs out denying the Holocaust and nobody gives 2 cents.
Troll alert

no troll alert. I see nothing in the islamic world that can gain my respect. No science. No technology. No worldclass art. No world class university there. No international renomee from there. It just consumes and develops nothing. Tell me why i should show respect to something i look down too?
Why are the distinctions "artificial and self-serving"? Freedom of speech is not without it's boundary.

Note that I don't agree with the french law against holocaust (genocide) denial, but I can, somewhat, understand it's reasons: by never allowing to denial/forget those crimes, the chance of them repeating them is lower (or so the logic goes).
Therefore the law is against it. Much like hate speech, to avoid (future) violence.

How does that have anything to do with Islam or caricature of other religions?

Apples and oranges....

The distinctions are artificial and self-serving since these distinctions are used to justify restrictions on speech and to protect some sensibilities and not others.

There is nothing in the concept of "free speech" that makes a distinction between religious speech and any other.

The issue with hate speech is covered by laws that deal specifically with incitement to violence. Few people would defend incitement to violence as being covered by free speech.

PS: if it matters that much, there are enough EU countries (+USA) where you can scream your lungs out denying the Holocaust and nobody gives 2 cents.

Then the charge of hypocrisy would not apply to those countries, unless there are other instances of restriction on speech. Very few countries protect freedom of speech as broadly as the US does.
The issue with hate speech is covered by laws that deal specifically with incitement to violence. Few people would defend incitement to violence as being covered by free speech.
well this incites muslims to violence. Very simple concept
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