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The Farce of Western Free Speech

People seem to be seriously struggling to understand free speech, insulting race, sexuality is offensive, insulting religion has been happening for a long time, it's only Muslims that get angry. Hell on last weeks family guy they did a autopsy of jesus where he dies of cocaine and hookers, thats far more offensive buy no outrage. If you don't like smithing then dont read it, watch it.

your post has hypocritical points...

1. there have been many socialist muslim nations, and those have criticized and punished the fanatics of prayer, ritual and oppression under religious guise... you live in egypt, where mullah morsi ( usa appointed ) was overthrown in 2013 by the sensible among egyptian people.

2. no one is insulting race.

3. why should male homosexuality be promoted??

4. that episode of "family guy"... why are cocaine and other drugs being shown as normal... no sensible society will allow drugs.

5. that episode of "family guy"... why should people be outraged about female prostitutes when they are not allowed to be outraged about male homosexuality...

I hope your brothers will not trace my I.P and Behead me just bcz i express my views freely.

Afterall free thinking is alien to your so called civilization.

if that "so-called civilization" wasn't free thinking, there would have been no hindus in india since the day in 711 ad that muhammad bin qasim began conquest in idolatrous india.

Taliban leader welcomed on Delhi???

indian government was among the first to unofficially recognize taliban "government"... the indian government sent an envoy, m.k. bhadrakumar, to meet the criminal leader, abdul sayyaf, in 1993 or thereabouts.

let me not start questioning if india was ally of the socialist afghan government, or was india with the usa government involved in regime-changing the afghan government.

please do start posting sensible things.
Killing tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq、Afghanistan etc is not terrorism。

Killing a dozen of not-so-innocent people in the West is terrorism。

Killing by a hidden roadside bomb is terrorism。

Killing by an unseen UAV is not terrorism。

Alright. So lets resort to a level of hypocrisy , you and I are comfortable with ;)

What you mentioned as examples of 'terrorism' are government actions. Ancient Rome has done it. Your han dynasty emperors did it in their own time. Our Ashoka did it. So if that makes them and current governments as terrorist. Its your call entirely. In this i won't mention the policy of CCP and its ruthlessness in dealing with any voice of dissent in China itself, since it will probably derail the topic.

Lets look at another POV - May be they retaliated against terrorists who attacked on their soil first? Have you thought about that ?

In china you are mostly Atheist or Buddhist, with Christianity rising significantly in last decade. Have you had any violent reaction from a) Atheists b) Buddhists c) Christians against any just or perceived inequality committed against them? Has it acquired any institutionalised form? Did they indulge in any bombings, beheading, underground movement to implement their religious way of living and that too in government? Did they stab anyone in the train?

Contrast this with islamic terrorism raising its ugly head up in Xinjiang. Need i say more? Some things you do to preserve your way of living and then some things you do to force your way of living upon others. Make a distinction amongst them and don't be so blind in your dislike towards west lest it impede your judgement.
Dont worry me and my brothers are the same. They call stupid a stupid and move on.
Evidently not,they are on a killing spree with perverse medieval attitude and i quote you a familiar line "slay wherever you find them"
Lets look at another POV - May be they retaliated against terrorists who attacked on their soil first? Have you thought about that ?

two million iraqis attacked american soil before they were killed by american military??

please stop being subservient to western government interests and to your religious culture... look at things from a detached big-picture human perspective.
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Taliban leader welcomed on Delhi???
Times of India seminar (held in India) Musharaf handed you over your reality. Seri Rehman also warned your Government about supporting the Jacobabad.

I know Najeebullah family were given asylum after he was hanged by Taliban as non Muslim communist.
wasn't Pakistan was one of the country who recognized the Taliban regime in 90s

My goodness! Are you serious? Talibans were known as Mujahedeens ( Everyone's favorite back then because they were fighting Russians fully supported by western) were accepted by the whole world so try to do you home work next time.

Both sides were Sikhs?? What's the point then.
You claimed that Muslims are killing Muslims so what do you think Sikhs were doing?

were they involved in the blowing of WTO or any beheading of non Sikhs in west.
I don't think you are aware of blue star mission. How many Sikh girls were raped and lost their breasts? You people are the one who did that. I am not the one who put the burning tire on the live human being. It happened in you state and they one who did that were Sikhs

Also read the history of Sikhs how a peaceful sects were forced to beat arms in 17th century after some of their gurus were beheaded by Muslims which i think is a favorite practice "to instill fear in the heart of non Muslim"
You guru was beheaded by Muslims? Joke of the century.

why you didn't answer my question regarding the ISI role?
Why you didn't answer any of my question above? How about Raw?
two million iraqis attacked american soil before they were killed by american military??

The reasons for attack by USA on Iraq is the matter between USA and Iraq. They were two nations fighting for resources or reasons best known to them.
Vietnam had a war with USA. World war I and II took place and they were wars with significant casualties. I don't see you bleed your heart out for poor vietnamese, or the millions of russians dead, or for that matter poor chinese starved to death by Mao! But bring islam inbetween and apologists will go to any length to justify the killings, beheading, terrorism by bringing irrelevant piece of history.
Talking of history, its replete with such instances. Do not twist the tale by calling it terrorism. And if you really want to stick to your guns, stop with the pretence of empathising with innocents. When its clearly the muslims you are concerned with and to hell with the infidels.
were they involved in the blowing of WTO or any beheading of non Sikhs in west.

So cutting the young girl's breasts, shoving the knives in the genital area, setting a live human on fire and feeding the deads to the dogs is some thing humane in your history book?
your post has hypocritical points...

1. there have been many socialist muslim nations, and those have criticized and punished the fanatics of prayer, ritual and oppression under religious guise... you live in egypt, where mullah morsi ( usa appointed ) was overthrown in 2013 by the sensible among egyptian people.

2. no one is insulting race.

3. why should male homosexuality be promoted??

4. that episode of "family guy"... why are cocaine and other drugs being shown as normal... no sensible society will allow drugs.

5. that episode of "family guy"... why should people be outraged about female prostitutes when they are not allowed to be outraged about male homosexuality...

if that "so-called civilization" wasn't free thinking, there would have been no hindus in india since the day in 711 ad that muhammad bin qasim began conquest in idolatrous india.

indian government was among the first to unofficially recognize taliban "government"... the indian government sent any envoy, m.k. bhadrakumar, to meet the criminal leader, abdul sayyaf, in 1993 or thereabouts.

let me not start questioning if india was ally of the socialist afghan government, or was india with the usa government involved in regime-changing the afghan government.

please do start posting sensible things.
1)I think you have a very shallow knowledge of history.
you are suggesting that some Desert Thugs like Bin Qasim were tolerant benevolent rulers who did not believed in spreading relegion by force,what do you think of Indian civilazion which is 5000 years old.Indians were not MONGOLS.India had a rich culture,thriving relegion,Philosophy ,architecture, so why would they adopt some regressive medieval culture which was born in a desert where not even a trace of grace let alone architecture etc.

2)secondly talk with some sense.In your blind love towards socialism you are suggesting that indian govt recognize Taliban the same Taliban who was involved in Qandahar hijack and who assassinated leaders of northern alliance and Najibullah supported by india and soviets.

3)Thirdly as my humble advice socialism is outdated ideology not compatible with modern world unlike capitalism the greatest system ever devised by humans.

Why you didn't answer any of my question above? How about Raw?
If RAW is killing innocent Muslims inside Pakistan why don't approach U.N or I.C.J after there are more then 50 Muslim countries support any resolution.BTW i am not indian.

were they involved in the blowing of WTO or any beheading of non Sikhs in west.

So cutting the young girl's breasts, shoving the knives in the genital area, setting a live human on fire and feeding the deads to the dogs is some thing humane in your history book?
Keep your level up as we are not discussing about thrusting knife in genitals but global zihad.
1)I think you have a very shallow knowledge of history.
you are suggesting that some Desert Thugs like Bin Qasim were tolerant benevolent rulers who did not believed in spreading relegion by force
Desert Thug? You forgot to mention the name of Looter RAJA DAHIR. A dacoit who used to loot and kill Arab trader and their families. Mohd Bin Qasim entered through Sindh specifically on the order of the ruler of Basra called Hajaj bin Yousef. Why he came to Sindh? To get rid of that goon Raha Dahir. In his first speech, he mentioned that his intentions were to get rid of Dahir. History shows that he returned back to Basra after getting rid of Dahir. In his era, shoodars and Brahmins used to eat with him on the same table.

If RAW is killing innocent Muslims inside Pakistan why don't approach U.N or I.C.J after there are more then 50 Muslim countries support any resolution.BTW i am not indian.
Watch the khara sach in which Mubashar Luqman clearly showed your home boy's i.ds live on the T.V. Who should we report? U.N? Come on dude! You and I know that how they operate? You are talking about the U.N who is in the favor of declaring the Palestine as a free state but can't help it. Nobody backed you up on the 26/11 drama anyway.
The reasons for attack by USA on Iraq is the matter between USA and Iraq. They were two nations fighting for resources or reasons best known to them.
Vietnam had a war with USA. World war I and II took place and they were wars with significant casualties. I don't see you bleed your heart out for poor vietnamese, or the millions of russians dead, or for that matter poor chinese starved to death by Mao! But bring islam inbetween and apologists will go to any length to justify the killings, beheading, terrorism by bringing irrelevant piece of history.
Talking of history, its replete with such instances. Do not twist the tale by calling it terrorism. And if you really want to stick to your guns, stop with the pretence of empathising with innocents. When its clearly the muslims you are concerned with and to hell with the infidels.

have you read all of my 2000+ posts... start with my user-name and profile-picture.

the four million north koreans who were killed in the korea war via the the western intervention ( plus of allies, you know who )... those north koreans didn't have muslim names yet they have my loyalty.

and which "millions of russians" are you talking about?? and what is your sympathy with vietnamese why you clearly support their oppressor??

and your reference to mao... your anti-modern-socialist anti-islam anti-eastern-bloc opinions are so clear.

what do you think of Indian civilazion which is 5000 years old.


are you connecting "indus valley" to the "vedic civilization"??

are you saying that "indians" were flying about in spaceships 5000 years ago??

oh, yes... the world knows about that kind of "history".
Keep your level up as we are not discussing about thrusting knife in genitals but global zihad.[/QUOTE]
:omghaha::rofl::rofl: Keep my level up? Should I say that you are turning your back on me because reality hurts. Prove me wrong. Everything I mentioned above actually happened and you think I am joking?
P.S We are talking about freedom of speech NOT global Jihad. You are tripping. Have some sleep. You will be fine after that.
It's a self-serving definition. Western countries decide what is "internationally recognized".

The Armenians have claims about their holocaust; the Turks have counter claims about their own holocaust. The West promotes the Armenian version while denying the Turk version. At the end of the day, it again comes down to whoever is dominant writes history and protects their sensibilities.
That's entirely different debate. It is always who could make his voice heard and believed.

In any case, it reaffirms the point that all societies, including Western ones, limit speech in the context of issues they consider sensitive.

Does French law restrict debate on the Rwandan genocide?
There is no restriction on debates about any aspect of any genocide. Restriction is on denial of the occurrence. They accept Rwandan genocide happened. They would argue about their complicity. Just like they would accept holocaust, but you can debate certain aspects.
There is no restriction on debates about any aspect of any genocide. Restriction is on denial of the occurrence. They accept Rwandan genocide happened. They would argue about their complicity. Just like they would accept holocaust, but you can debate certain aspects.

what about western genocide in north korea, iraq, libya and now syria?? why do western governments and their apologists not talk of these??
Restriction is on denial of the occurrence.

I don't see how anyone can deny that the Nazi Holocaust actually happened. One can debate whether the figure was 6 million or 5 or whatever. However, I suppose anything is possible and there would be people who would have such extreme views. It still falls into the category of speech restriction since denial of the Holocaust is not, in itself, a call to violence or incitement to racial hatred. It is a belief, however extreme, which can be countered with facts.
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