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The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

"rebels are succeeding"

says the resident wahabi


Considering Assad regime already lost control of the %70 of Syrian landspace to rebels i think its not wrong to say they are succeding. :closed:
Not a huge problem. It'll cause a short term shock but I'm sure the Saudi's would be happy to have us solve their sectarian stand-off in exchange for some black gold.

Back to Syria, guys. Question out here for my fellow Turks. What, in your opinions, would make the Turkish public in favor of exercising our military power against Syria? Would it take an actual chemical attack?

A huge misturst has been emerged against the Turkish government during this Syria problem. Even its own supporters have become sceptical towards AKP's claims. Considerable amount of people including many AKP voters don't believe that the terrorist attack in Reyhanlı was the job of Assad. This is really a shtty position for a government to be in; despite its claims about how they captured the perpetrators and found a link between them and SAA intelligence, it still hadn't been enough to convince Turks. Same goes for the shelling which claimed 5 Turkish lifes last year.

Let alone a chemical attack, if they had proven that the shell was belong to SAA and intentionally fired upon a Turkish town by an unprovoked attack, IMO it would have been enough to convince Turkish public for military intervention in Syria. At least, it would have been enough to convince me.
I dont think Turkey should have ever allowed its territory to be used against Syria. Its counter productive and has created rifts in the regional Muslim countries.

Let alone a chemical attack, if they had proven that the shell was belong to SAA and intentionally fired upon a Turkish town by an unprovoked attack, IMO it would have been enough to convince Turkish public for military intervention in Syria. At least, it would have been enough to convince me.

Turks must look at their govt and their behavoiur towards Syria first before claiming about a Syrian shell. The attack if it happened was not unprovoked as Turkey has been sending arms shipments inside Syria which utlimately kill Syrians.
Turks must look at their govt and their behavoiur towards Syria first before claiming about a Syrian shell. The attack if it happened was not unprovoked as Turkey has been sending arms shipments inside Syria which utlimately kill Syrians.

Have you even read what i wrote? Turks do look at their government's behaviour and criticize it, which is why we haven't intervened after all this sht. Although we don't know who fired the shell, but the attack did happen and killed a mother and 4 of her children. Before passing any judgement, at least know what you are talking about.

Turkey's support to FSA doesn't justify an attack on civillians. If it did, we would have turned Syria into a hell after their support to PKK.
One way or another, the Syrian government will fall.

It's just unfortunate, that because of Russia's pro-Syrian involvement in this conflict the Syrian people have had to endure inhumane suffering for this long. However, I must stress Americans do know how to persuade the Russians on this. They can always start something in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, etc. but they won't for now, until they get their troops out of Afghanistan first.

It's like when US was silence for the first few weeks into the Libyan conflict while it desperately tried to pull it's citizens out of the country. Once they were out, we all know what happened next.

Long live the Free Syrian Army. Allahu Akbar.
no the syrian government won't fall . it would be the Foreign mercenaries and Cannibals and Al-Qaeda rejects who will fall . CIA itself admitted if today if you held an election 75% of people will vote for Asad
The battlefield in Syria has been changed in this year ...know FSA is losing more and more territory, by this process i think in late 2014 you can just find FSA in history books.

What a clown , this war will never end unless Russians and Americans force an agreement on both sides, other than that it will continue for a very long time until the country ends up partitioned between several factions .

All what is Assad army is fighting for is building a safe route to the coast from damascus , he lost control over south and north already .

Lets hope your regime will survive until 2014 and Secular persians do not revolt during that period like 2009 .

no the syrian government won't fall . it would be the Foreign mercenaries and Cannibals and Al-Qaeda rejects who will fall . CIA itself admitted if today if you held an election 75% of people will vote for Asad

another load of bullshit, if you told this to the syrian community in UAE you would get raped to death , typical stupid mullah student.

Have you even read what i wrote? Turks do look at their government's behaviour and criticize it, which is why we haven't intervened after all this sht. Although we don't know who fired the shell, but the attack did happen and killed a mother and 4 of her children. Before passing any judgement, at least know what you are talking about.

Turkey's support to FSA doesn't justify an attack on civillians. If it did, we would have turned Syria into a hell after their support to PKK.

Syria is already hell for them , enough Assad lost control over half of his territory , he has to travel under cover between Damascus and the coastal regions more like an escaped prisoner or thief.

Imagine a leader of a country uses a foreign militia " hizbullah " to retain control over his territory, Assad is already in bad shape .
What a clown , this war will never end unless Russians and Americans force an agreement on both sides, other than that it will continue for a very long time until the country ends up partitioned between several factions .

All what is Assad army is fighting for is building a safe route to the coast from damascus , he lost control over south and north already .

Lets hope your regime will survive until 2014 and Secular persians do not revolt during that period like 2009 .

another load of bullshit, if you told this to the syrian community in UAE you would get raped to death , typical stupid mullah student.

Syria is already hell for them , enough Assad lost control over half of his territory , he has to travel under cover between Damascus and the coastal regions more like an escaped prisoner or thief.

Imagine a leader of a country uses a foreign militia " hizbullah " to retain control over his territory, Assad is already in bad shape .

The only source of information they have is PressTV and Syrian Government TV, I am willing to bet my entire fortune on that none of them have met a Syrian in real life.
That's funny because last time I checked rebels have made huuuuuuge gains in Aleppo and in smaller towns:

The Jewel is Damascus !!

losing some unimportant town is not big deal ... they can free it when the time come , but now , they have to focus their force in important Area ...

in past month FSA and AlQaede lose all of major conflict and they will losing the future one ...

and your source is not fair source ....
The only source of information they have is PressTV and Syrian Government TV, I am willing to bet my entire fortune on that none of them have met a Syrian in real life.

Senior Hizbullah terrorist Fady al-Jazzar reportedly among those killed in intense fighting in the Syrian town of Qusayr.

Senior Hizbullah Official Killed in Syria Fighting - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Now this is from qusar.

The Free syrian army is a flexible fighting force , they have been attacking and retreating from various towns and cities in homs and damascus over the past 2 years.

The main goal of FSA is a war of attrition because the longer this war goes , the more sectarian it will get , thus more defections within the Syrian Army from Sunni fighters and we have seen thousands of defections .

This is why now Assad relies on Hizbullah forces , the so called newly created National defence militia " composed of alawis " all these signs show that the Syrian Army has already been destroyed and divided.

Assad cannot control Syria with a militia force , in worst case scenario he will hold the coastal provinces with unsafe routes reaching damascus that could easily be attacked by rebels like whats happening now .

This war will not end until Assad leaves , other than that let them bear the consquences .
well ,

you little keyboard warriors ( Turks ) only comparing the number of tanks , Fighters and etc ....
when you begin a war with your neighbor , you have to finish it in ground not in air and you need at least 300 000 solders to put an end to SAA ...... and fighting with an army who become professional in guerrilla and anti guerrilla tactic is something else ....
The Jewel is Damascus !!

losing some unimportant town is not big deal ... they can free it when the time come , but now , they have to focus their force in important Area ...

in past month FSA and AlQaede lose all of major conflict and they will losing the future one ...

and your source is not fair source ....

The Jewel is Aleppo clown its Syria's economic and industrial hub , main Syrian Dam that feeds the whole country " Teshrin " is under rebel control.

Assad does not rule damascus , you forgot it is sourrounded by reef damascus under rebel control .

Now we want this war to continue for 5-7 years until Hizbullah runs out of soldiers and Iran keeps losing money .

Your people are escaping on boats to Australia and were killing each other few month ago over dollars to get rid of your toilet paper currency.

Enjoy Economic destruction clown and keep wasting more money.

well ,

you little keyboard warriors ( Turks ) only comparing the number of tanks , Fighters and etc ....
when you begin a war with your neighbor , you have to finish it in ground not in air and you need at least 300 000 solders to put an end to SAA ...... and fighting with an army who become professional in guerrilla and anti guerrilla tactic is something else ....

LOL Mullah regime Education
You have so much power the world is shaking,the only ''power''you have is talk on internet.
Did you have your daily Red Bull yet?
Must be cause you flying,dreaming!
You lost Syria so just give up,dont take on Turkiye out of your league!

Well , who tried to put USA puppet in his league !?

and you are the one who losse an economic partner and your people get killed and have to support thousands foreign refugee in your home not Iran ....
well ,

first , you can not have both Sun and Moon in the same time ... just a though ....

second , the jewel is Damascus , you really have no sense of politics and military .... Capital is key , till Capital is stand still , SAA have his back ....

and all of those industrial factory are only junk in this situation ....
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