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The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

well ,

you little keyboard warriors ( Turks ) only comparing the number of tanks , Fighters and etc ....
when you begin a war with your neighbor , you have to finish it in ground not in air and you need at least 300 000 solders to put an end to SAA ...... and fighting with an army who become professional in guerrilla and anti guerrilla tactic is something else ....

Sure bro :coffee:

Now crawl back to hole you came from, shoo shoo.:wave:
no the syrian government won't fall . it would be the Foreign mercenaries and Cannibals and Al-Qaeda rejects who will fall . CIA itself admitted if today if you held an election 75% of people will vote for Asad

That's what Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussan, Colonel Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarrak and their supporters also claimed for decades on end but when their time came, these tyrants couldn't find a place hide in their own nations from their own people!

In Syria, an entire nation of Sunni Muslims has been subjected to live under a government that follows a blasphemous Alawis ideology, a monolithic evil that has no right of existence in the first place.

Long Live the Free Syria Army.
=Oublious;4309612]I dont give a **** of you are proud shia. The fact is only reason why you are in syria is secterian benefits. There is no logical arguments from you only talking about brownies. And now pimp?

L O L wow i should be concerned what a pimp living in Holland thinks of me.

The fact is only reason why you are in syria is secterian benefits. There is no logical arguments from you only talking about brownies. And now pimp?


Yes you are supporting and training terrorist out of goodness of your heart since you are known humanitarian.

Get lost big joke dude

Big Joke is country keeping quite when Palestinians Sunnis are slaughtered and you keep quite.How Libya was destroyed and you helped How Iraq was bombed for 10 YRS and you helped And now you are in Syria helping while claiming its for the Sunnis really.

Fact is syrian army lost the war. With the help of secterian shia countries they are fighting. There are several fighters operational with the help of russia. And there are fighters coming from libanon, iraq and iran. When you losses the war. Syria will be a Vietnam.

The fact that you have to train Wahhabi Terrorist and send them into Syria says a lot about you.Syrian civilian are helping their government fight the terrorist is bothering you to no end.Turk is telling me Syria will be a Vietnam is proud of the fact that his government is training and supporting terrorism in another country while also claim they are their for Sunnis civilians.

Now you can see the fact. Nusayri alewits are socialist, communist and most of them are atheists. Funny that nasrallat of hizbullat is giving fatwa to fight Free Syrian army. The devil speaks and wait fatwa of khamaini. The benefits of shia is secterian. This is the truth...

L O L brain washed retard Most unwanted trash from Arab world makes majority of FSA Terrorist. They are their fighting the Syrian government troops cause they have been promised quick heaven by Wahhabi preachers :omghaha:.Wahhabi preacher also issuing fatwa its OK to rape Syrian women to let out steam:hitwall: .FSA terrorist cannibalizing and using chemical weapons on their own but having that claim blow up in their own face. How low can you sink to support terrorist and still call your self Muslim.

Majority of Turks are probably happy to see garbage like you leave Turkey and i am willing to bet next election Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is a goner.Syrians will rebuild but you will still b a pathetic loser living in slums of Holland or hiding from authorities .
well ,

you little keyboard warriors ( Turks ) only comparing the number of tanks , Fighters and etc ....
when you begin a war with your neighbor , you have to finish it in ground not in air and you need at least 300 000 solders to put an end to SAA ...... and fighting with an army who become professional in guerrilla and anti guerrilla tactic is something else ....
Future wars are won by air and not by ground forces.this is not the 19th century.
But hey if you say so lets see then.
Well , who tried to put USA puppet in his league !?

and you are the one who losse an economic partner and your people get killed and have to support thousands foreign refugee in your home not Iran ....
We didnt loose nothing,you still in bussiness with us,not that we need it.
You need not worry tho,as long as Erdogan in charge we will have trade with your regime.
And since we are ''puppets''of the west,they will finish you off without us doing anything.
no. perhaps turkish kurds in iran.

Yes you'r right iran is in the world known as a country where refugee's seek safe haven.

I can't believe how messed up someone in his head must be, that he wake's up in the morning and then thinks I need a better life in a better country and then he chooses Iran.

My man you first prevent your own citizens from becoming refugee's , before you even think about taking refugee's in to your own country.
That's what Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussan, Colonel Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarrak and their supporters also claimed for decades on end but when their time came, these tyrants couldn't find a place hide in their own nations from their own people!

In Syria, an entire nation of Sunni Muslims has been subjected to live under a government that follows a blasphemous Alawis ideology, a monolithic evil that has no right of existence in the first.

Long Live the Free Syria Army.

well , maybe only 25% of the people care about these nonsense you wrote and another 75% care about something more valuable than these sectarian hatreds

Yes you'r right iran is in the world known as a country where refugee's seek safe haven.

I can't believe how messed up someone in his head must be, that he wake's up in the morning and then thinks I need a better life in a better country and then he chooses Iran.

My man you first prevent your own citizens from becoming refugee's , before you even think about taking refugee's in to your own country.

well , your country could not host 100000 refuge and start to cry its a crises .
our country hosted 3.5 million refuge and we were ready to accept more if the need arise
well , maybe only 25% of the people care about these nonsense you wrote and another 75% care about something more valuable than these sectarian hatreds

well , your country could not host 100000 refuge and start to cry its a crises .
our country hosted 3.5 million refuge and we were ready to accept more if the need arise

I'm not talking about war refugees my friend. I'm talking about asylum seekers.
we were talking about war refugees. million of afghans fled to iran. now you again.

Yearly 18500 persians apply for asylum elsewhere. Oh oh oh how good Iran is. So good that's it own population won't stay there.
that is because political reasons.

That still doesnt change the fact that iran is in top 5 countries of assylum source.

Nor does it change the fact that Iran has a net migration rate of -0,1 per thousand citizens.
For the kurds in Turkey to seek refugee in Iran they must be mad :)
Does this forum even have IRanians who live in Iran? Most Iranians on this forum are refugee in European countries because their country threw them out for political reasons..

Yet, they still defend their country tooth and nail, if they probably return to Iran today, they would be hanged for a minor thing, Persians are indeed very strange people. The only thing I like in Iran is south-Azerbaijan region were a lot of Azeri Turks live. We need to do something for them. They are living in the dark ages compared to free Turkic people.

Besides that, Iran shouldn't intervene or even talk about Syria. They should first solve their own problems.

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