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The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

Does this forum even have IRanians who live in Iran? Most Iranians on this forum are refugee in European countries because their country threw them out for political reasons..

Yet, they still defend their country tooth and nail, if they probably return to Iran today, they would be hanged for a minor thing, Persians are indeed very strange people. The only thing I like in Iran is south-Azerbaijan region were a lot of Azeri Turks live. We need to do something for them. They are living in the dark ages compared to free Turkic people.

Lolthey are so ashamed of Iran they can't even put their flag on their profile. Thus we have members like feyen a "German"
Well there are more asylum applys to turkey then from turkey. Around 6500 apply from Turkey and around 9000 apply to Turkey.

And a net migration rate of +0,5 per thousand citizens.
Does this forum even have IRanians who live in Iran? Most Iranians on this forum are refugee in European countries because their country threw them out for political reasons..

your papa migrated to netherlands to clean buildings right?
your papa migrated to netherlands to clean buildings right?

My papa did migrate for economic reasons.
But your papa did migrate to avoid the finger choppa machine.

my papa is migrating back along with the rest of his family next year.
While you'r papa cant do that , because the finger choppa is still waiting for him.

My papa is proud of his country.
While you'r papa has to hide behind fake flags just like you :)
My papa did migrate for economic reasons.
But your papa did migrate to avoid the finger choppa machine.

And my papa is migrating back along with the rest of his family next year.
While you'r papa cant do that , because the finger choppa is still waiting for him.

is that why most iranians from germany and western states go regularly back?

and fleeing for political reasons is more honorable than migrating for economic reasons.
is that why most iranians from germany and western states go regularly back?

and fleeing for political reasons is more honorable than migrating for economic reasons.

Than wy can this sander terphuis a iranian not go to iran:woot:

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Yep indeed fleeing for your own country has so much honour in it. I'm sure that the iranian regime also thinks the same.

Than wy can this sander terphuis a iranian not go to iran:woot:


You made my day man.

He's crying don't kick our *** out please accept us.
Thank you obli.
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Yep indeed fleeing for your own country has so much honour in it. I'm sure that the iranian regime also thinks the same.

your papas and mamas did the same. in case you forgot:







very honourable. :rofl:
Erdogan should learn the lesson from Pakistan . When war broke in Afghanistan, it not only destroy Afghanistan , it also destroy country who involve in meddling . Today Pakistan is more damaged then Afghanistan , due to Afghan war. Plus these warring nation has refuge for terrorist. Plus in this war Israel also achieve its targets.
your papas and mamas did the same. in case you forgot:






very honourable. :rofl:

Sander terphuis real name is Ali Riza Khan.

And that people in that picture are Ahmed, Mehmed and Fatma. And they are stil Ahmed, Mehmed and Fatma:yahoo:

They dont turned ther back and said fok you iran. I am from now on a german or dutch:laugh:
your papas and mamas did the same. in case you forgot:

very honourable. :rofl:

They are working to feed their families, to look after their children...Whats so funny about it? And why is it not honourable? Your attitude is very disturbing...Those cleaning ladies, workers, be it Iranian, or Turk, i am sure they are more honourable than you
Lol oblivious

What to say about their pride ehsan jami. Another refugee who curses on Iran.
Like most of their refugees.
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