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The depth of Turkey's miscalculation, in Syria

The fact is assad is technical down. Only reason why he is in charge is help of terrorists from hizbullat, iraq and iran. There is no landforece of syrian goverment anymore. They have big problems wit the maintance of the jetfighters. with the help of russia they are for now operational.

When the air-force falls down then it will be finished. This will be Vietnam for Iran and not of America, turkey or other country.

Long term effects of special Holland brownies,
Americans had the same thought when they went into Iraq and then Afghanistan thinking it will be a walk in the park.2014 Americans move out after losing 1000s of soldiers and trillions of dollars are you telling me Turks would have been able to do better in Syria whos armed forces have much more equipment then Afghans.

But the part I'm talking about specifically was a walk in the park. I'm only talking about hypothetically destroying the Syrian Arab Army. The United States wiped out Iraq's army in a short matter of time. And I'd venture to say that the effect of the embargos on Saddam's Iraq and the civil war in Assad's Syria put their armed forces not too far off (edge to syria probably)

Also factor in that the United States invaded a hostile Muslim country 11945 km away. Turkey would be intervening in it's former colonial possession (Think france in mali), which it also shares a border AND while obviously there would be some form of insurgency, the majority of the population isn't going to freak out about a bunch of kafirs in their land and strap bombs to themselves. I just can't see that happening to Turkish troops if it's a short occupation.

I do see your concern though man. As a Pakistani you've got every right to be concerned about cross border terrorist activity and violence spilling over. I just can't see it happening in this situation.
To be fair, Turkey did hold off for quite awhile before getting fully involved.

However,Erdogan miscalculated because he thought the Turks would be on board and this would be the conflict that would propel him to regional hero amongst the Arabs and Turks.

The Turks are not interested in a conflict that has extreme jihadists in it.

Turkey does unfortunately have a duty to aid the refugees. This happens to all countries that have borders with a warring state.

Why wil erdogan be a hero with interfering a war? Every good thing in Middle east is bad thing for zionististan. When there is peace beneed the muslims is for the middle east countries good. The past 100 years in the middle east wher dictators become the leaders of muslims countries started al the problems. No unity especially araps. The 7 days war loosing becaus foking each other. Not because israels smart and modern army. Because egypt betrayel against syrians etc etc.

Like this stupid iranians wiht americans. Helping for there own benefits against saddam and taliban. And now barking to Turkey about syrians and you zionistanies.

There is no any logic....:cuckoo:

Long term effects of special Holland brownies,

Are you pakistani shia? If you are then there is no reason to write you. I dont talk with what they cal in the dutch azijn pissers. It means vinnegar pissing...
What makes you so sure that Iran could seriously hurt Turkey, in all seriousness?
Let's ignore Turkey's capabilities for a second and just talk about the next logic step once Iran shoots just one rocket or whatever at Turkey: NATO will get involved. The USA are probably just waiting for an incident to take your Mullahs out. They have more then enough troops and aircraft carriers close to Iran to make you stop within a few days.

Look at Iran's strategic location, and there is your answer as far as NATO is concerned. Its an assymetrical advantage that cant be overlooked. But we are getting a little out of hand with the discussion. I dont want it to escalate to a Iran vs Turkey military pissing contest. Lets stick to the core of the topic.
Unless Turkey finds another gas/oil source other than Iran, the possibility of war between Turkey&Iran is %0...And thats just 1 reason, there are many more reasons too
Unless Turkey finds another gas/oil source other than Iran, the possibility of war between Turkey&Iran is %0...And thats just 1 reason, there are many more reasons too
Not a huge problem. It'll cause a short term shock but I'm sure the Saudi's would be happy to have us solve their sectarian stand-off in exchange for some black gold.

Back to Syria, guys. Question out here for my fellow Turks. What, in your opinions, would make the Turkish public in favor of exercising our military power against Syria? Would it take an actual chemical attack?
Not a huge problem. It'll cause a short term shock but I'm sure the Saudi's would be happy to have us solve their sectarian stand-off in exchange for some black gold.

Back to Syria, guys. Question out here for my fellow Turks. What, in your opinions, would make the Turkish public in favor of exercising our military power against Syria? Would it take an actual chemical attack?
That would be the obvious reason(will never happen).
That would be the obvious reason(will never happen).
I don't think it will happen but I'm asking what it would take. It seems like even if we had video footage of Syrian tank shells missing their target and hitting Turkish towns, it seems like everyone just turns to Ankara and complains rather than support limited retaliation.
=Oublious;4308923 Are you pakistani shia?

Yes i am and proud of it who are you?

If you are then there is no reason to write you

You Must be a proud Turk living in Holland working as a pimp. Do u really think i would talk to a low life pimp like you if i had known what you are.

I dont talk with what they cal in the dutch azijn pissers. It means vinnegar pissing...

I will not sink to your level
Yes i am and proud of it who are you?

You Must be a proud Turk living in Holland working as a pimp. Do u really think i would talk to a low life pimp like you if i had known what you are.

I will not sink to your level
And what are you one of his workers?
At least he has a life!
Yes i am and proud of it who are you?

You Must be a proud Turk living in Holland working as a pimp. Do u really think i would talk to a low life pimp like you if i had known what you are.

I will not sink to your level

Be glad that their are so many nice friendly and gentle pakistanis in here.
You're not worth it.
The Syrian Army has already been destroyed through heavy losses and defections over the past 2 years which now lead to having Hizbullah entering the war with his full force beside Assad's alawi militia . The Free Syrian Army is mostly composed of former Syrian Army soldiers who defected over the past 2 years .

Syria was always a thorn in Turkey's back anyway whether during Assad time or his father, both countries nearly went to war in 1998. The greatest thing Turkey achieved was destroying Syria for good , this country will never recover again for decades and it needs at least 300 billion dollars to rebuild what was destroyed , something neither the Russians or Iranians would pay for .

In worst case scenario the country will be divided between Sunnis and Alawis where an alawi state is formed on the Syrian coast and the current activity of Assad Armies proves this point they are mostly fighting in Homs near qusar etc where through ethnic cleansing of sunnis they aim to build a corridor connecting their future alawi enclave with southern lebanon " hizbullah " and the capital damascus if they succeed in keeping it under their control .

The end of this war will lead to another civil war in Iraq which currently has been witnessing rising armed conflict between Shia and Sunnis .

Be glad that their are so many nice friendly and gentle pakistanis in here.
You're not worth it.

He is Shiah pakistani and their allegiance has always been to iran , understandable .
I still don't get the comments like " Turkey is begging for NATO help. "

You have to distinguish "Turkey's Military capability" from "Turkey's willingness to fight".

All Turkish opposition parties and most of the Turkish people are against an military intervention. If Erdogan had the peoples support, he had been already created a buffer zone but he doesn't.

He his not trying to get help from NATO but from UN security council (Watch his latest statements while he was in US).
Yes i am and proud of it who are you?

You Must be a proud Turk living in Holland working as a pimp. Do u really think i would talk to a low life pimp like you if i had known what you are.

I will not sink to your level

I dont give a **** of you are proud shia. The fact is only reason why you are in syria is secterian benefits. There is no logical arguments from you only talking about brownies. And now pimp?

Get lost big joke dude.

Fact is syrian army lost the war. With the help of secterian shia countries they are fighting. There are several jeftighters operational with the help of russia. And there are fighters coming from libanon, iraq and iran. When you losses the war. Syria wil be a vietnam.

Now you can see the fact. Nusayri alewits are socialist, communist and most of them are ahteists. Funny that nasrallat of hizbullat is giving fatwa to fight Free Syrian army. The devil speaks and wait fatwa of khamaini. The benefits of shia is secterian. This is the truth....
I still don't get the comments like " Turkey is begging for NATO help. "

You have to distinguish "Turkey's Military capability" from "Turkey's willingness to fight".

All Turkish opposition parties and most of the Turkish people are against an military intervention. If Erdogan had the peoples support, he had been already created a buffer zone but he doesn't.

He his not trying to get help from NATO but from UN security council (Watch his latest statements while he was in US).

Turkish Opposition parties are right , Turkey should not get directly involved in the war . Actually the longer this was goes the better for Turkey as Iran will be wasting more money subsidizing Assad forces fuel , salaries and weapons supply.

who do you think will rebuild syria after all the destruction that has happened ? no one will pay a penny for them except the Gulf countries and in return Turkish construction companies will make billion out of Syria reconstruction in addition to imports of millions of Steel Tons , cement and other construction material , Just like what happened with KRG .

Any Future Syrian state will be forced to join the Western/Gulf camp to rebuild its destroyed Infrastructure , Economy and receive any loans from the IMF , the Iranians barely feed themselves and Russians have not even helped their salvic brothers in Serbia or Ukraine to start thinking about helping out rebuilding a muslim country Economy , they did not even rebuild chechenya till today .
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