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The Al-Badr operative Mujaheed to hang

Huge number of Bengalis were killed, number can be anywhere between what HR commission reports (by taking account PA officers log entries) or what Bangladeshis claim, however it's not the number but the intent which compelled ICJ to term it as genocide.

Wiki states thus & the link seems credible enough : A 1972 report by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) noted that both sides in the conflict accused each other of perpetrating genocide. The report observed that it may be difficult to substantiate claims that the 'whole of the military action and repressive measures taken by the Pakistani army and their auxiliary forces constituted genocide' that was intended to destroy the Bengali people in whole or in part, and that 'preventing a nation from attaining political autonomy does not constitute genocide: the intention must be to destroy in whole or in part the people as such'. The difficulty of proving intent was considered to be further complicated by the fact that three specific sections of the Bengali people were targeted in killings committed by the Pakistani army and their collaborators: members of the Awami League, students, and East Pakistani citizens of the Hindu religion. The report observed, however, that there is a strong prima facie case that particular acts of genocide were committed, especially towards the end of the war, when Bengalis were targeted indiscriminately. Similarly, it was felt that there is a strong prima facie case that crimes of genocide were committed against the Hindu population of East Pakistan.

There were no Bihari villages, they were mainly centered around old Dhaka like mirpur etc. Mukti Bahini had hard time to get those areas under control even after PA surrendered which contributed to killing of Biharis. UNHCR says around thousand were killed.

Any source for that ?

eh bhai, ap anti-Bangali ho gaye ho kya? very bad :astagh:

Sir ho saktaa hooon meiiin ? :disagree:

I'm just far too Pro-Pakistan ! :smitten:
Wiki states thus & the link seems credible enough : A 1972 report by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) noted that both sides in the conflict accused each other of perpetrating genocide. The report observed that it may be difficult to substantiate claims that the 'whole of the military action and repressive measures taken by the Pakistani army and their auxiliary forces constituted genocide' that was intended to destroy the Bengali people in whole or in part, and that 'preventing a nation from attaining political autonomy does not constitute genocide: the intention must be to destroy in whole or in part the people as such'. The difficulty of proving intent was considered to be further complicated by the fact that three specific sections of the Bengali people were targeted in killings committed by the Pakistani army and their collaborators: members of the Awami League, students, and East Pakistani citizens of the Hindu religion. The report observed, however, that there is a strong prima facie case that particular acts of genocide were committed, especially towards the end of the war, when Bengalis were targeted indiscriminately. Similarly, it was felt that there is a strong prima facie case that crimes of genocide were committed against the Hindu population of East Pakistan.

Any source for that ?

Sir ho saktaa hooon meiiin ? :disagree:

I'm just far too Pro-Pakistan ! :smitten:

Off Course as ICJ says, it was primarily a genocide attempt against Bangladeshi Hindus. You should read the whole report by ICJ instead of the short extract.

MAR | Data | Chronology for Biharis in Bangladesh
Wiki states thus & the link seems credible enough : A 1972 report by the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) noted that both sides in the conflict accused each other of perpetrating genocide. The report observed that it may be difficult to substantiate claims that the 'whole of the military action and repressive measures taken by the Pakistani army and their auxiliary forces constituted genocide' that was intended to destroy the Bengali people in whole or in part, and that 'preventing a nation from attaining political autonomy does not constitute genocide: the intention must be to destroy in whole or in part the people as such'. The difficulty of proving intent was considered to be further complicated by the fact that three specific sections of the Bengali people were targeted in killings committed by the Pakistani army and their collaborators: members of the Awami League, students, and East Pakistani citizens of the Hindu religion. The report observed, however, that there is a strong prima facie case that particular acts of genocide were committed, especially towards the end of the war, when Bengalis were targeted indiscriminately. Similarly, it was felt that there is a strong prima facie case that crimes of genocide were committed against the Hindu population of East Pakistan.

Any source for that ?

on topic, its been long since Hasina asked you guys "sorry bol". seems fishy
Off Course as ICJ says, it was primarily a genocide attempt against Bangladeshi Hindus. You should read the whole report by ICJ instead of the short extract.

No they didn't say that either ! What they said was there is a strong prima facie case that crimes of genocide were committed against the Hindu population of East Pakistan. & prima facie, in legal terms, is something which is At first sight; before closer inspection or is evident without proof or reasoning - Precisely the reason why I talked about an Impartial Commission to establish fact from fiction !

That is not a UNHCR Report...that has as much standing as the other reports & scholarly works that put the Bihari Casualties between 50,000 & 500,000 but often settle at an arbitrary 150,000 ! A fact finding Commission would really help in this regard.

on topic, its been long since Hasina asked you guys "sorry bol". seems fishy

Waisee I really don't know which one is Hassina & which is Khaleda Zia ! :ashamed:

I've never seen there photographs ! :oops:

Whose the one with so thin plucked eyebrows that it appears as if she uses a pencil to draw them ? :what:
Waisee I really don't know which one is Hassina & which is Khaleda Zia ! :ashamed:

I've never seen there photographs ! :oops:

Whose the one with so thin plucked eyebrows that it appears as if she uses a pencil to draw them ? :what:

the one who uses too much make up is khaleda. The brown one i hasina. don't fall in love with them, out of your league :D
One of my relatives is a victim of killing by Al-Badr gang led by this Shaitan Al-Mujahid. He was taken away from his residence in Topkkhana Road under the threat of guns and was killed on 15th December, 1971.

sad to hear, why didn't you become a witness? is your love for your relative that much only?
@Armstrong @Dillinger what is the difference between Hindi and Urdu ?

Mujhe kuch samajh nahi ata :what:

the dialogues in the Hindi movies are in Hindi, while the songs in the Hindi movies are in Urdu in most of the time, that is why the songs in Hindi movies are beautiful. You will understand the dialogues of Hindi movie easily, but the meanings of songs are not easy always.
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sad to hear, why didn't you become a witness? is your love for your relative that much only?

Are you trying to talk sarcasm on a Shaheed? By talking like that you are disguising yourself. Even to see the face of a razakar from the witness post or to talk dialogue with them in the PDF is a disgusting experience. You have proved yourself by indirectly insulting a Shaheed.

It is PDF that is why anti-BD guys like you can talk with impunity and without retribution from others. You guys are always committing crimes every day by abusing those Shahids who were killed by your heinous razakar group.

Al-Badr leaders must be hanged until they suffocate to death. How about volunteering yourself to the law agencies in BD so that you can face the same. Oh!!! Are you shitting with fear? Be brave, go and hang in order to meet that Mujahid in the Hell.
Are you trying to talk sarcasm on a Shaheed? By talking like that you are disguising yourself. Even to see the face of a razakar in the witness post or to talk dialogue with them in the PDF is a disgusting experience. You have proved yourself by indirectly insulting a Shaheed.

It is PDF that is why anti-BD guys like you can talk with impunity and without retribution from others. You guys are always committing crimes every day by abusing those Shahids who were killed by your heinous razakar group.

Al-Badr leaders must be hanged until they suffocate to death. How about volunteering yourself to the law agencies in BD so that you can face the same. Oh!!! Are you shitting with fear? Be brave, go and hang in order to meet that Mujahid in the Hell.

Very true indeed.But what about those people? Who were having relief food in Kolkata refugee camp and now claims to be BEER Muktijodha and taking undue advantage from government with our heard earned money aren't the making fun of real war heroes?don't you think they should be brought to justice as well for tarnishing the independence war heroes name.shouldn't they be hanged till dead?
Are you trying to talk sarcasm on a Shaheed? By talking like that you are disguising yourself. Even to see the face of a razakar in the witness post or to talk dialogue with them in the PDF is a disgusting experience. You have proved yourself by indirectly insulting a Shaheed.

It is PDF that is why anti-BD guys like you can talk with impunity and without retribution from others. You guys are always committing crimes every day by abusing those Shahids who were killed by your heinous razakar group.

Al-Badr leaders must be hanged until they suffocate to death. How about volunteering yourself to the law agencies in BD so that you can face the same. Oh!!! Are you shitting with fear? Be brave, go and hang in order to meet that Mujahid in the Hell.

Bro try to ignore them as much as possible. Have you forgotten your ban recently for talking against them.
And as its a ___ related forum. Cant say anything against them. It will be a cause of wrath of the ____.
As I faced just mentioning some of them. If you want to survive just digest. Just dance with the tune.

BTW Muzahid is a great man. Al badars are great patriot. Evil ICT made international crime by this verdict.
Very true indeed.But what about those people? Who were having relief food in Kolkata refugee camp and now claims to be BEER Muktijodha and taking undue advantage from government with our heard earned money aren't the making fun of real war heroes?don't you think they should be brought to justice as well for tarnishing the independence war heroes name.shouldn't they be hanged till dead?

No, they should not be hanged for being petty thieves. Do you know this proverb in Bangla, "Haiga Shochena, Kintu Muita Gola Panite Jay." Your feeble argument reminded me of this proverb.
bad hairy day for al zakir, m saint and luffy 500 :P
Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujaheed will go to the gallows for unleashing his ruthless Al-Badr militias on unarmed intellectuals including a top journalist to snuff out the dream of Bangladesh four decades ago.

The tribunal ordered that the 66-year-old be “hanged by the neck”.

The presiding ICT-2 judge – Justice Obaidul Hassan – described Mujaheed as an “atrocious Al Badr” commander who conspired, abducted, tortured and murdered.

The top defence lawyer said they would appeal and that the tribunal failed to assess the evidence properly.

Of the seven charges brought against the Jamaat Secretary General, the tribunal found the former Al Badr operative guilty of five.

Mujaheed was found “guilty of extermination of intellectuals” and involvement in the murder and torture of the Hindu community, for which he was given death sentence.

He got death for the first charge -- abduction and murder of journalist Sirajuddin Hossain.

The first charge was “merged” with the sixth charge -- conspiracy and extermination of intellectuals; the death penalty came for these two.

The tribunal said Mujaheed would go to the gallows for the seventh charge – murder and torture of Hindu community – proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

He got life sentence for his role in the abduction torture and murder (charge 5) of composer Altaf Mahmud, well-known freedom fighters Shafi Imam Rumi, Badi, Nizamuddin Azad, Jewel and Jahiruddin Jalal (who managed to flee).

Charges of genocide (charge 2) and abduction and torture in another instance (charge 4) were not proven beyond reasonable doubt.

For the third charge – another abduction and torture – he was given five years in jail.

“All the sentences will naturally merged into a single sentence of death,” the judge said.

“With due respect to the tribunal, this is a wrong verdict,” said chief defence counsel Abdur Razzaq. “They have failed to evaluate the customary law in this regard.”

‘They have failed to evaluate the evidence. We will naturally appeal against this judgement.”

But all three judges of the tribunal were convinced and unanimous.

“The charges have been proved beyond doubt,” Justice Obaidul Hassan, the chief of the panel, said in a courtroom crowded with the press pack, lawyers, observers and families of the victims of 1971 war crimes and the accused.

The court found Mujaheed, in his mid-20s in 1971, guilty of almost all 34 counts in seven broad categories of charges that included murder of intellectuals, genocide, abduction, torture and arson.

His party called a daylong general strike to protest the announcement of the verdict.

Justice Md Mujibur Rahman Mia and Judge Md Shahinur Islam read out the summary of the judgement

The verdict came after the court sifted through the testimonies of 18 witnesses and months of arguments. The hearing ended on June 5.

The judgment came hot on the heels of Jamaat ideologue Ghulam Azam’s sentencing by another tribunal.

The Al-Badr operative Mujaheed to hang - bdnews24.com
if the albadars are patriot then al jakir ,m saints are muktijoddha for sure haha
Bro try to ignore them as much as possible. Have you forgotten your ban recently for talking against them.
And as its a ___ related forum. Cant say anything against them. It will be a cause of wrath of the ____.
As I faced just mentioning some of them. If you want to survive just digest. Just dance with the tune.

BTW Muzahid is a great man.
Al badars are great patriot.
Evil ICT made international crime by this verdict.
Bro try to ignore them as much as possible. Have you forgotten your ban recently for talking against them.
And as its a ___ related forum. Cant say anything against them. It will be a cause of wrath of the ____.
As I faced just mentioning some of them. If you want to survive just digest. Just dance with the tune.

BTW Muzahid is a great man. Al badars are great patriot. Evil ICT made international crime by this verdict.

I am sure you are enjoying and learning from this forum more than any other forums there around

and yes, we should talk carefully when talking about Shahids.
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