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Thank You India

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Just saying thank you wont help ! Make use of this '"golden opportunity" ! :rofl:
The way the Indians are so slack with security we have a golden opportunity every other week young man! :azn:

It definitely was a blunder but this is peace time so no harm done.
Thank you India! :D
Ah! At last! A Chinese poster THANKING India!! Oh wow!

And this is no big deal! Army units deployed along the LOC/LAC already have all the details of posts and bunkers within their respective areas of influence/interest. Both, Indians and Pakistanis already have intel of each others deployment down to the type of weapons in each of those bunkers! After all most areas have a eyeball to eyeball deployment. So what's the big deal even if the Air Force has given a six figure grid reference in the tenders?

So relax guys! No need to thank the Indians on PDF. You dudes already know the details. And so do the Indians! What's important and secret are the plans for an offensive, which neither side knows!


how bout getting off these antibiotics
how bout stopping eating when I'm full up
how bout them transparent dangling carrots
how bout that ever elusive kudo

thank you india
thank you terror
thank you disillusionment
thank you frailty
thank you consequence
thank you thank you silence

how bout me not blaming you for everything
how bout me enjoying the moment for once
how bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
how bout grieving it all one at a time
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Oh kids will be kids lolz ... everyone from trolls to behind the screen hero's and day dreamers have all waken up from the dead just to pay their attention to this thread :lol::cheesy:
Any Explicit posts that are meant to derail the topic or even cleverly crafted ones that are meant incite flame war will be removed. Making sweeping statements, poking fun and condescending to fellow members is another reason to remove such posts to prevent the possible troll feed chain.

You don’t have to claim your awesomeness at the expense of others. Continue to do that and the posts will be removed without any further explanation.

Enjoy your stay at the forum and contribute positively

thanks for your understanding
@ Topic : Serious lapse on part of IAF, though it still remains doubtful if it would benefit Pakistan / China to such a large extent.

we can all celebrate our achievements without having to flame and start yet another personal insult match.

kindly try to contribute positively to the thread and if Kargil really has to be discussed then let me share one thing about both the Indian and Pakistani soldiers in this war. Both of them fought well and got the praise from each other too and if that’s not enough both gave respect to each other’s dead in their simple ceremonies There is a lot to take away for all members here when you see both the Indian and Pakistani soldiers saluting the dead.

The scenes remind me of the story that my father told me about meeting the Indian teams coming to his posts to collect the fallen Indian soldiers and after the simple ceremony they would exchange sweets and dry fruit with each other while the dead lay by draped in Flags. Soldiers, as I have shortly seen, have a very different perspective to things than the rest of the civilians. They do what they are told and earn the respect of each other.
Never second guess the bravery of your enemy even if he is beaten. I spent 2 nights in the front lines in Bhimber sector of Kashmir and was briefed in a room by Pakistani officers that used to be the Indian Army’s Bittalion HQ & CO’s office. When that place was wrestled from the Indians in 1971 then the Pakistanis didn’t fight the Indian soldiers that were less brave than the ones that took part in the fall of Dhaka or the end days of Kargil. Actually I was told that the same place in Bhimber was attacked few weeks ago before my visit and it was a very daring & vicious surprise attack (not a full frontal) by the Indian unit that was being commandeered by their CO in person who was known to be a fearless and dangerously ruthless in his tactics. While describing the attack (which was repulsed). The company commander was talking as a matter of fact and with precise detail without any hint of sarcasm or mockery, there was respect and recognition in his description about Indian attack while he pointed out towards the bullet holes from the LMG on the officer’s mess walls.

Regarding the posts by Indians (that are now removed) There is a positive message as well in all these Kargil related spats in the forum. And its about the difference between the terrorists and soldiers. While the opposing soldiers give the respect to each other dead and stand in respect while they are taken away, the terrorists behead their prisoners and mutilate the bodies.

Lets try to be civil, honourable and proud like a soldier and behave like one on the forum and not resemble a terrorist (troll).

The first Indian Army casualty in Kargil : Col Saurabh Kalia met such a terrible death at the hands of NLI / PA, it is really beyond words that can describe the torture which had not a single iota of humanity :

The postmortem revealed that the Pakistan army had indulged in the most heinous acts; of burning their bodies with cigarettes, piercing ear-drums with hot rods, puncturing eyes before removing them, breaking most of the teeth and bones, chopping off various limbs and private organs of these soldiers besides inflicting all sorts of physical and mental tortures before shooting them dead, as evidenced by the bullet wound to the temple.

Saurabh Kalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thats was a very difficult warning to understand :D-
No question about it- its a break in protocal by the Indian airforce BUT Look a simple google search ...comes up with. With GPS enabled how do yo figure each others countries does not know the location of the others military bases.





Can someone tell me how many private air cargo carriers in india that uses helicopters? I know pawan hans that is for civilian use.
Windjammer should unjammed some fresh air so that he gets his sanity. He used to make fake headlines like Thank You India or India is No. 1.

These threads title reflects his intentions to flame and agitate a war of words. :tdown: :tdown:
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