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Thank You India

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Just a thought:

The almost juvenile glee among the Pak members gives a funny impression that PA/PAF/PN don't have the ability to gather information about something as trivial as helipads near LoC, and that they wouldn't have known the existence of these super secret helipads if it were not for the apparent 'slip up'.

Irony is that, all these 'thank yous', although intended to poke fun at India, end up mocking the Pakistani military establishment.
Windjammer should unjammed some fresh air so that he gets his sanity. He used to make fake headlines like Thank You India or India is No. 1.

These threads title reflects his intentions to flame and agitate a war of words. :tdown: :tdown:
The system says, wave high and whisper to the wind...... but likes of Veeru seem to to get satisfaction out of brain farts.
we can all celebrate our achievements without having to flame and start yet another personal insult match.

kindly try to contribute positively to the thread and if Kargil really has to be discussed then let me share one thing about both the Indian and Pakistani soldiers in this war. Both of them fought well and got the praise from each other too and if that’s not enough both gave respect to each other’s dead in their simple ceremonies There is a lot to take away for all members here when you see both the Indian and Pakistani soldiers saluting the dead.

The scenes remind me of the story that my father told me about meeting the Indian teams coming to his posts to collect the fallen Indian soldiers and after the simple ceremony they would exchange sweets and dry fruit with each other while the dead lay by draped in Flags. Soldiers, as I have shortly seen, have a very different perspective to things than the rest of the civilians. They do what they are told and earn the respect of each other.
Never second guess the bravery of your enemy even if he is beaten. I spent 2 nights in the front lines in Bhimber sector of Kashmir and was briefed in a room by Pakistani officers that used to be the Indian Army’s Bittalion HQ & CO’s office. When that place was wrestled from the Indians in 1971 then the Pakistanis didn’t fight the Indian soldiers that were less brave than the ones that took part in the fall of Dhaka or the end days of Kargil. Actually I was told that the same place in Bhimber was attacked few weeks ago before my visit and it was a very daring & vicious surprise attack (not a full frontal) by the Indian unit that was being commandeered by their CO in person who was known to be a fearless and dangerously ruthless in his tactics. While describing the attack (which was repulsed). The company commander was talking as a matter of fact and with precise detail without any hint of sarcasm or mockery, there was respect and recognition in his description about Indian attack while he pointed out towards the bullet holes from the LMG on the officer’s mess walls.

Regarding the posts by Indians (that are now removed) There is a positive message as well in all these Kargil related spats in the forum. And its about the difference between the terrorists and soldiers. While the opposing soldiers give the respect to each other dead and stand in respect while they are taken away, the terrorists behead their prisoners and mutilate the bodies.

Lets try to be civil, honourable and proud like a soldier and behave like one on the forum and not resemble a terrorist (troll).

I was wary of the entire thread but it is worth of reading this one post........
No wonder U are mod.....
A defence ministry official dismissed concerns about security breach, saying in the era of Google Earth, finding coordinates and other specifics of a military base was not a difficult task.

This itself should explain. Even a bunch of loony Kasabs could sit in net cafe and get coordinates if they wanted thanks to Google Earth. Though not appreciated on behalf of MOD, the next potential attack will axe this government forever. So either ways, we win. Be it war or kicking this government out. ;)
Next Indo-Pak or Indo-Chinese war:

Chinese/Pakistani platoon: xin / jabr platoon reporting. We have arrived at the coordinates. But there is no airbase here.

Control Centre: No way! The stupid Indians had put the coordinates up on the tender they floated in 2011.

Chinese/Pakistani Platoon: You sure? You sure you not f&&*cking with us!

Control Centre: I swear! those were the coordinated. Hey Anfoni(Anthony), check the coordinates again. Be a man.

Indians: Hehehe! Idiots believed us and came into killbox. Time to enjoy some barbecue fools!
And seems the bunch is out again......hunting in packs.

The lion hunts alone- Let them be in packs :D-

Windjammer - they need a pack of them to put 1 post up against you. I think they know what you have for breakfast! BTW great posting yet again..

Thats about the only thing they are capable of.
Lollz...Pakistanis accusing Indians of hunting in packs!!
And Regarding bold part, if there is only one Pakistani here arguing with Indians, who are the others with Pakistani flags?? Non-state actors??? :lol:
Chinese Anti satellite site


Chinese Nuclear submarine site

Armchair Sleuths Uncover Strange Military Sites in China by Katherine Cassidy

YINCHUAN, China - Tech-savvy armchair sleuths around the world are having a field day discovering military secrets in China.

Three times in the past few months, they've stumbled across unusual military installations using Internet programs that allow those online to view satellite and aerial images of the world.

In the most recent find, users spotted an underwater submarine tunnel off China's Hainan Island. They've also found a mock-up of a Taiwanese air base in China's remote western desert. In a bizarre discovery, a computer technician in Germany noticed a huge and startlingly accurate terrain model in northwest China that replicates a sensitive border area with India.

The discoveries have stirred up the Internet global-imagery community.

Armchair Sleuths Uncover Strange Military Sites in China
Next Indo-Pak or Indo-Chinese war:

Chinese/Pakistani platoon: xin / jabr platoon reporting. We have arrived at the coordinates. But there is no airbase here.

Control Centre: No way! The stupid Indians had put the coordinates up on the tender they floated in 2011.

Chinese/Pakistani Platoon: You sure? You sure you not f&&*cking with us!

Control Centre: I swear! those were the coordinated. Hey Anfoni(Anthony), check the coordinates again. Be a man.

Indians: Hehehe! Idiots believed us and came into killbox. Time to enjoy some barbecue fools!

Wonderful sense of humour ! loved it ! lol
This shows the " intelligence level of the folks who are excited here"-how much of " Top secret" can it be - if the information is given to private companies all over the world as a part of the tender process?

The hoop La here in the media is that it was on a public domain BUT not that such information is not shared period.
For those who think Mr Google Earth is a guud alternative to validated facts that are gathered through various means employed for spying either in the shape of spy satellites (Imagery Intelligence - IMINT) or ground recce etc, should then consider that the US is sure wasting their people's tax money by spending $8.7 B (as per Air Force’s unclassified space budget for the fiscal 2012) on their military space programme (ofcourse not all of it is used for solely for IMINT).

Also, i wonder why would the yanks would mull over: US intelligence spending – value for money? | The Great Debate

And before i forget, a Keyhole-class (KH) reconnaissance satellite like the KH-12 costs around USD 1 B.

Wonder why Lockheed Martin under contract to the CIA and the U.S. Air Force had to built Corona satellites which were first to do mapping of the Earth from space and had an imaging resolution of 6 feet. For the record, these were launched more than 100 times between 1960 to 1972 - Mr GE, my @$#!

P.S. Now i know why the indian artillery shells landing on Pakistan soil around the LoC and LAC had been so 'accurate' (during the indian (artillery) fire raids i literally have been sitting outside my bunker counting the indians wasting HE and TNT :lol:) - sure, they have been making use of google earth to calculate the Grid Coordinates/References to correct their artillery fire :rofl:

Since you are so excited about those 'leaked data' & took time to list out the significance of spy satellites with zeal, I shall let you know 'actual' value of the purported significance of the so called 'leaked info'.

The data shared is of the co-ordinates of airfields and helipads (ie stationary targets)
Those co-ordinated can be easily obtained through Google-earth, amateur and professional think tanks some times they get lucky & find a secret submarine base in far off coast in china or an underground aircraft hanger in North Korea and Google-earth's use for defense enthusiast stops right there.

And that explains why US has to Shell out billions on satellite imagery, for they are not just seeking co-ordinates and altitude. they seek topography, that includes height of a sand-dune in Iraq to the height of an 20 story building under construction in shangai, they map it some times on hourly basis and why do they do that?
thats coz their cruise missile and drones needs such precise information to literally hug on to the surface to evade radar and that is just one example of what they do with satellites.

I wont loose my nap over it ,for i know India has dedicated spy satellites 'on its own' that peeps on to the other side of the border gathering just more than co-ordinates.
This is the most amazing thread I have ever seen in PDF..I have been laughing from first till here.......!!!!!:rofl:
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