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Terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka


Jan 8, 2011
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Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Apr 02, Colombo: Sri Lanka police intelligence wings have revealed that around 150 terrorists have returned to the island after receiving training in Tamil Nadu, India, a Sinhala daily, Divaina reported Monday.

The Police came to know this information through the questioning of three suspects arrested for the murder of a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), a ruling party constituent partner.

The EPDP member, identified as Ragunathan, a resident of Muttur in Trincomalee district, was found on March 17 with throat slit allegedly by the suspects. They have reportedly displayed a note on the body of the victim saying that they had given death penalty to a traitor and have resumed their work.

The suspects have tried to flee to India after the murder of the EPDP member. However the police have foiled their attempt and arrested them, police said.

Upon interrogation the suspects have claimed that they have been trained in Tamil Nadu and sent to Sri Lanka disguised as fishermen to create mayhem and disturb peace in the North and East.

It has also been revealed that the suspects were former LTTE cadres who have fled to India through sea routes after the end of the war and were hiding in the Tamil Nadu state. They have reportedly received weapons training at a camp in a secret location in Tamil Nadu, the suspects have told the police.

The police are investigating whether the trio is connected to other unsolved murders in the northeast in the last few years.

The suspects have been handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) for further investigations.

The Island


Former LTTE terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka
Seems that Srilanka doesn't need an external intelligence wing, their police are enough to unearth such details. Hope our police were so efficient.
Seems that Srilanka doesn't need an external intelligence wing, their police are enough to unearth such details. Hope our police were so efficient.

I think these investigations has done by STF

SL justifying its attack on Indian fisherman at sea nothing more it just another false propaganda.

why they need to tell they were trained in Tamilnadu, India?
still india supporting terrorists in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan security forces should Fcuk these terrorists & send their body parts to their home country.

Sri Lankans also have right to live in peace..
Without any proof people start to jump :rofl:

India help SriLanka to destroy LTTE ... Without our help they cant make it ... and still some stupid believe in this news
^^^ skyline do you seriously belive that it is possible now a days to start a terror camp in India.

why not? it is very possible in Tamilnadu with their history and things happening in previous years....
why not? it is very possible in Tamilnadu with their history and things happening in previous years....
When was the last time this happened. Dont go by the hot air their politicians release from time to time, a terror camp in a place like tamilnadu will be known to everybody (unless they are doing it in deep jungle)
why not? it is very possible in Tamilnadu with their history and things happening in previous years....

I would wait for the results of the findings of investigation by Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) before making such tall accusations.
The Police came to know this information through the questioning of three suspects arrested for the murder of a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), a ruling party constituent partner.

this is called crime/murder. for this they need to train in TN :argh:
Without any proof people start to jump :rofl:

India help SriLanka to destroy LTTE ... Without our help they cant make it ... and still some stupid believe in this news

We Sri Lankans know who helped us and who isn't. Also know the who trained and which soil used for that. Not only that, we also seen the Indian politicians with that terrorist group. So no big surprised. ;)

The Police came to know this information through the questioning of three suspects arrested for the murder of a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), a ruling party constituent partner.

this is called crime/murder. for this they need to train in TN :argh:

so silly!
why the arrested men say that even they know they're already have to go to jail for some years?
2 faced are Indians are at it again while they ask SL to implement peace accord with tamils. Hypocrites. The indians are making
life hard for tamilians in SL. They obviously don't want any peace and stability in SL but a tamil ehlam out of SL to full fill
their Akhand Bharat dream. These delusional supa pawa ambitions won't get them any where and will hasten their doom.:angry:
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