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Terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka

India is a state sponsoring terrorism in SriLanka, in Bangladesh and in Pakistan. That is proven through out history and repeating itself now.
Its actually U who s weeping tears for us.....
If laws werent passed be4 discriminating tamils in the past, LTTE problem wouldnt have arised at all.....
I dont care about u guys enjoying rights or not...
What i care was wat happened to the prommise made by SL to GoI?

Who cares GoI? Sri Lankans internal matters its own matter, others don't need to worry about it. Try to solve your won matters before start giving advice to others!

Islander talking beyond his limits , do you people thinking you are big A$$ in south asia?. SL is nothing but a joke of Indian ocean and you talking against India.

India having capability to do anything and everything in our regions nobody can't stopping us ,so better stay away.

Hello Kid. You need to grow more! :lol:
Simple solution: JUST KILL THEM ALL and dump their bodies into the sea.

Apr 02, Colombo: Sri Lanka police intelligence wings have revealed that around 150 terrorists have returned to the island after receiving training in Tamil Nadu, India, a Sinhala daily, Divaina reported Monday.

The Police came to know this information through the questioning of three suspects arrested for the murder of a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), a ruling party constituent partner.

The EPDP member, identified as Ragunathan, a resident of Muttur in Trincomalee district, was found on March 17 with throat slit allegedly by the suspects. They have reportedly displayed a note on the body of the victim saying that they had given death penalty to a traitor and have resumed their work.

The suspects have tried to flee to India after the murder of the EPDP member. However the police have foiled their attempt and arrested them, police said.

Upon interrogation the suspects have claimed that they have been trained in Tamil Nadu and sent to Sri Lanka disguised as fishermen to create mayhem and disturb peace in the North and East.

It has also been revealed that the suspects were former LTTE cadres who have fled to India through sea routes after the end of the war and were hiding in the Tamil Nadu state. They have reportedly received weapons training at a camp in a secret location in Tamil Nadu, the suspects have told the police.

The police are investigating whether the trio is connected to other unsolved murders in the northeast in the last few years.

The suspects have been handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) for further investigations.

The Island


Former LTTE terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka
India is a state sponsoring terrorism in SriLanka, in Bangladesh and in Pakistan. That is proven through out history and repeating itself now.
Go and tell it in the international arena, and I am sure all will laugh but not by their mouth.
If Sri Lanka has any corroborative evidence then share it with the world

I have heavy doubts if its ever going to happen though.
Simple solution: JUST KILL THEM ALL and dump their bodies into the sea.
commenting on a piece of forged news is simple, I have not seen any Government side formal discloure of information from the SL side and hence the news itself is void.
you and 9 other nation including INDIA fought one freedom fighting organization and even killed 13 year old and even younger kids in the process and now you are talking about wiping out the entire race calling them as terrorist. and this is what the SL need, some international support to kill innocents and you are blindly giving it to their attrocities.
commenting on a piece of forged news is simple, I have not seen any Government side formal discloure of information from the SL side and hence the news itself is void.
you and 9 other nation including INDIA fought one freedom fighting organization and even killed 13 year old and even younger kids in the process and now you are talking about wiping out the entire race calling them as terrorist. and this is what the SL need, some international support to kill innocents and you are blindly giving it to their attrocities.

Freedom fighters? :lol: Put off your race "Tamil" away and see it again if you aren't a "Tamil" racist! :D
Delhi, Lanka trash Tamil terror camps claim

COLOMBO/CHENNAI: New Delhi and Colombo on Monday denied a Lanka media report that tried to attribute some of the recent spate of murders in the island’s Tamil-speaking North and East to Lankan Tamil terrorists.

About 150 terrorists freshly trained in camps in Tamil Nadu had infiltrated into Lanka and that group might have been responsible for the crimes, the report published in The Island had insinuated.

“The suggestion contained in the news item regarding the training of terrorists at three secret camps in TN, is entirely erroneous and baseless,” the Indian High Commission said in a press release here.

“Relevant agencies of the two countries have on-going cooperation, and no such information has been brought to the notice of the Government of India,” the release said.

Lankan military spokesman Brig Ruwan Wanigsuriya too said that the report was incorrect. “It was based on what one person said. That was not corroborated,” he said.

The Island quoted Lankan intelligence to say that the infiltration came to light when three LTTE cadre were taken into custody after an Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) member was hacked to death in Trincomalee.

The suspects said they had fled to India after the LTTE’s defeat in May 2009, and followed refresher military courses in secret locations in TN before returning to Lanka disguised as fishermen to conduct clandestine operations in the North and the East.

In Chennai, the Tamil Nadu Police too rubbished the report.

“There are no training camps in TN. Extremist organisations remain banned in the State and the report in this connection is totally baseless,” Director General of Police K Ramanujam said in a statement. The DGP said that a similar report had surfaced in Sri Lanka some time back and was later retracted.

“A strict vigil is being maintained to curb any overt or covert activity. Any (pro-Eelam) activist identified is lodged in a special camp... Therefore, there is no question of any training camp functioning or being allowed to function in Tamil Nadu,” he said.

Delhi, Lanka trash Tamil terror camps claim | Lankan Tamils | | The New Indian Express
India is a state sponsoring terrorism in SriLanka, in Bangladesh and in Pakistan. That is proven through out history and repeating itself now.

plz inform the authorities...........go to UN,........call for sanctions against India:toast_sign:

Apr 02, Colombo: Sri Lanka police intelligence wings have revealed that around 150 terrorists have returned to the island after receiving training in Tamil Nadu, India, a Sinhala daily, Divaina reported Monday.

The Police came to know this information through the questioning of three suspects arrested for the murder of a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), a ruling party constituent partner.

The EPDP member, identified as Ragunathan, a resident of Muttur in Trincomalee district, was found on March 17 with throat slit allegedly by the suspects. They have reportedly displayed a note on the body of the victim saying that they had given death penalty to a traitor and have resumed their work.

The suspects have tried to flee to India after the murder of the EPDP member. However the police have foiled their attempt and arrested them, police said.

Upon interrogation the suspects have claimed that they have been trained in Tamil Nadu and sent to Sri Lanka disguised as fishermen to create mayhem and disturb peace in the North and East.

It has also been revealed that the suspects were former LTTE cadres who have fled to India through sea routes after the end of the war and were hiding in the Tamil Nadu state. They have reportedly received weapons training at a camp in a secret location in Tamil Nadu, the suspects have told the police.

The police are investigating whether the trio is connected to other unsolved murders in the northeast in the last few years.

The suspects have been handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) for further investigations.

The Island


Former LTTE terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka

cover up for killing of fisherman or revenge of insult in UNSC?
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