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Terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka

Still you cracking same comedy?? I don't knw wat to say? ryt now I am not interested in posting the same UN pdf file and other sources regarding this issue again and again. :lol:

I have 2 questions, mention what are those rights missing for Tamils?
Q2. Mention special rights Sinhalese get in Constitution?

If u can't mention those rights then go away!
What a joke, former LTTE cadres are well trained, they don't need training in India.

There are no LTTE training camps in India, thats just not possible. If wanted that, we would not have blockaded LTTE and allowed them access when LTTE were a force. Rajpakse is just hurting from the UNHRC vote, hence his police will come up with any BS, if they have the balls they should take up the issue with India. Printing such stories for gullible population is a norm in the region, but if one country has proof, they confront the other country.

SL media has no choice but to follow Rajpakse's directions and can not ask questions, otherwise he just has them killed, also a norm in India's neighborhood.

Voice from the grave: Sri Lankan journalist's final editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Here is an interesting article from Srilankan Daily , Daily Mirror

Search ops to trace LTTE
MONDAY, 02 APRIL 2012 15:09
Security forces have begun search operations in the Eastern Province in search of LTTE cadres who are suspected to have returned to the country, illegal weapons and other armed gangs hiding in the area, military sources said today.

He said the army and police launched a search operation in and around Trincomalee-Anuradhapura junction and Anbuwelipuram in Trincomalee.

The source said search operation was launched when an LTTE suspect who was arrested after the killing of an EPDP member recently had revealed that some LTTE cadres who had arrived from India were now operating in the Eastern Province. (Amadoru Amarajeewa)

Search ops to trace LTTE | Top Story

And here are some comments for the same article.

Good one to divert people's attention from the price hikes & other main issues.

So the LTTE problem is still not solved by the government?

What next? Imposing state of emergency again?

He we go again!!! the people are moving forward but the government is going backwards...Look Burma...they have realised and started the change..god help Lanka!!!

Don't believe this. LTTE is destroyed permanently and they cannot return anymore. GOSL is now seeking some reason to put the state of emergency back and to postpone the implementation of LLRC.

Not all Srilankans are morons to follow Rajapakse blindly.
what nonsense! If Killers are saying they were trained in Tamilnadu what else. I read the complete story how they were captured on a news paper which isn't a pro government news paper!

If that is true then has your govt approcahed us, or are you also waiting like pakistan govt for afridi to turn 35 before they stop selling these stories for domestic consumption and broach the topic with India? :lol::lol::lol:

Everything is possible, of course, but you trying to pin an speculative report on indian state smacks of your true agenda.

Re-trained terrorists, LOL!

Tamil Nadu has grater land area, greater population, greater industrialization, greater GDP, than the whole of sri lanka.

If the indian tamils really wanted you dead, you wouldnt be here

May be greater to you but not for Sri Lankans!

Here is an interesting article from Srilankan Daily , Daily Mirror

Search ops to trace LTTE
MONDAY, 02 APRIL 2012 15:09
Security forces have begun search operations in the Eastern Province in search of LTTE cadres who are suspected to have returned to the country, illegal weapons and other armed gangs hiding in the area, military sources said today.

He said the army and police launched a search operation in and around Trincomalee-Anuradhapura junction and Anbuwelipuram in Trincomalee.

The source said search operation was launched when an LTTE suspect who was arrested after the killing of an EPDP member recently had revealed that some LTTE cadres who had arrived from India were now operating in the Eastern Province. (Amadoru Amarajeewa)

Search ops to trace LTTE | Top Story

And here are some comments for the same article.

Not all Srilankans are morons to follow Rajapakse blindly.

I'm not fan of president Rajapaksa either, I do have some issues with him and some of his acts and his jokers! :lol:
I'm not fan of president Rajapaksa either, I do have some issues with him and some of his acts and his jokers! :lol:

But sure he is playing up his 'War Hero' Image.

Let us actually start sending those freedom fighters .... then SL will know what kind of training we give...

That what Sri Lankans don't realize. If GoI along with RAW really decides to go back to the pre-1987 era of Tamil Eelam movement Sri Lankans will have another civil war in their hands.
I know well about Tamil peoples are go and support the words of LTTE....but they are not trained IN tamil nadu or elsewhere in Indian Territories...But the real truth is India's arms and weapons in the Lankan Hands Kill the Tamilans and tamil Nadu Fisherman's....

I Am always Support my Tamil Eelam Friends..

தமிழ் வாழ்க
But sure he is playing up his 'War Hero' Image.

That what Sri Lankans don't realize. If GoI along with RAW really decides to go back to the pre-1987 era of Tamil Eelam movement Sri Lankans will have another civil war in their hands.

Indira Gandhi helped the LTTE movement. No doubt about that. But that was in response to SL help to PN during '71. Tit-for-Tat.

But it is also true that Indian Navy played a crucial role in the elimination of LTTE top brass... If this simple fact cannot be acknowledged by the SL and they rather try acting as smart *****... then history will repeat...
India denies report of 'secret LTTE camps' in Tamil Nadu

COLOMBO: The Indian high commission denied a report in a Sri Lankan newspaper today that 'terrorists' were being trained at three secret camps in Tamil Nadu, describing it "entirely erroneous".

The high commission said in a statement that the report 'Tigers return from India on a destabilisation mission - SL intelligence' published in 'The Island' newspaper today was "baseless".

"The suggestion contained in the news item regarding the training of terrorists at three secret camps in Tamil Nadu, India is entirely erroneous and baseless.

"Relevant agencies of the two countries have ongoing cooperation and no such information has been brought to the notice of the government of India," the release said.

The report said that Sri Lankan state intelligence services have received information that around 150 terrorists who underwent a special arms training at three secret camps in Tamil Nadu have returned to Sri Lanka and are hiding in the north and east to carry out a destabilisation campaign.

It quoted authorities as saying that information had come to light on interrogation of three former members of the LTTE accused of hacking to death a member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) last month in the eastern district of Trincomalee.

India denies report of 'secret LTTE camps' in Tamil Nadu - The Times of India
13th amendment? Provincial council are active except Northern province. Non of Provincial council get Police and land powers!

Now can you explain me which rights Tamils are missing for Tamils but other ethnic minorities are enjoying in Sri Lanka?

Also I would like to know what are the special rights given by constitution for Sinhalese?

These 2 questions are open for any Tamilnadu Tamil who are wiping crocodile tears.

Its actually U who s weeping tears for us.....
If laws werent passed be4 discriminating tamils in the past, LTTE problem wouldnt have arised at all.....
I dont care about u guys enjoying rights or not...
What i care was wat happened to the prommise made by SL to GoI?
May be greater to you but not for Sri Lankans!

Islander talking beyond his limits , do you people thinking you are big A$$ in south asia?. SL is nothing but a joke of Indian ocean and you talking against India.

India having capability to do anything and everything in our regions nobody can't stopping us ,so better stay away.
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