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Terrorists re-trained in Tamil Nadu committing murders in Sri Lanka

When was the last time this happened. Dont go by the hot air their politicians release from time to time, a terror camp in a place like tamilnadu will be known to everybody (unless they are doing it in deep jungle)

Former Indian PM got killed in Tamilnadu state right?
how many TN Tamils got involved in that incident?
Okay, I heard they will get death penalty some months ago.......what happened? What Tamilnadu politicians did? now postponed?? ..........Even if the Indian government can't control the TN state then why should I believe as a Sri Lankan Tamilnadu is free from Terrorists and Tamil Tigers are getting zero support from politicians of Tamilnadu?
Former Indian PM got killed in Tamilnadu state right?
how many TN Tamils got involved in that incident?
Okay, I heard they will get death penalty some months ago.......what happened? What Tamilnadu politicians did? now postponed?? ..........Even if the Indian government can't control the TN state then why should I believe as a Sri Lankan Tamilnadu is free from Terrorists and Tamil Tigers are getting zero support from politicians of Tamilnadu?

I am talking about today, post LTTE scenario. Do you belive there is any chance of it happening TODAY?
Death penalty is a different issue, it is very rare in India, and there are some humanitarian issue.

Tamil people support tamil tigers, but are they actually doing it now? There is a difference between saying we support and actually creating a training camp.

Even when LTTE was created and supported GoI was the main factor and not TN politicians.
They are former LTTE cadres, meaning they already have all the training needed. So why go all the way to TN to get retrained.
I am talking about today, post LTTE scenario. Do you belive there is any chance of it happening TODAY?
Death penalty is a different issue, it is very rare in India, and there are some humanitarian issue.

Tamil people support tamil tigers, but are they actually doing it now? There is a difference between saying we support and actually creating a training camp.

Even when LTTE was created and supported GoI was the main factor and not TN politicians.

Difficult to trust India!
Tamils from Tamilnadu think "Tamils" in SL are live only in North and East. It's totally wrong, if something goes wrong chance of damage to Tamils is higher. Tamilnadu Tamils should know it when they directly or indirectly supporting to a Terrorist Group.
Difficult to trust India!
Tamils from Tamilnadu think "Tamils" in SL are live only in North and East. It's totally wrong, if something goes wrong chance of damage to Tamils is higher. Tamilnadu Tamils should know it when they directly or indirectly supporting to a Terrorist Group.

Nobody is asking to trust India. But at least when you bring allegation, have some prove or show some reason. You have every reason to hate India, I cant stop you from that. At least know the truth (even though you can spread lies)

About tamils sympathy of srilankan tamils, they are of same ethnic origin, and lankan tamils are harassed. What is wrong in Indian tamils supporting lankan tamils.
Difficult to trust India!
Tamils from Tamilnadu think "Tamils" in SL are live only in North and East. It's totally wrong, if something goes wrong chance of damage to Tamils is higher. Tamilnadu Tamils should know it when they directly or indirectly supporting to a Terrorist Group.

That we should ask....
Still 3 years after war, have SL implemented the 13th amendment resolution as promised?
Nobody is asking to trust India. But at least when you bring allegation, have some prove or show some reason. You have every reason to hate India, I cant stop you from that. At least know the truth (even though you can spread lies)

About tamils sympathy of srilankan tamils, they are of same ethnic origin, and lankan tamils are harassed. What is wrong in Indian tamils supporting lankan tamils.

There is nothing wrong for supporting Tamils in Sri Lanka. Supporting to a Terrorist Organization is so much different!!!! Which is banned in India and many other countries...!
That we should ask....
Still 3 years after war, have SL implemented the 13th amendment resolution as promised?

13th amendment? Provincial council are active except Northern province. Non of Provincial council get Police and land powers!

Now can you explain me which rights Tamils are missing for Tamils but other ethnic minorities are enjoying in Sri Lanka?

Also I would like to know what are the special rights given by constitution for Sinhalese?

These 2 questions are open for any Tamilnadu Tamil who are wiping crocodile tears.
There is nothing wrong for supporting Tamils in Sri Lanka. Supporting to a Terrorist Organization is so much different!!!! Which is banned in India and many other countries...!

If you go through the various treads on Indian vote against SL in UNHRC, it can be seen that most of the Tamils here have no love for LTTE, but they are also highly angry with how GoSL behaved in the last phases of the war by conducting atrocities against Tamil Civilians. So as long as justice is not done to SL Tamils, this anger will make sure that LTTE find new sources in TN and elsewhere.
If you go through the various treads on Indian vote against SL in UNHRC, it can be seen that most of the Tamils here have no love for LTTE, but they are also highly angry with how GoSL behaved in the last phases of the war by conducting atrocities against Tamil Civilians. So as long as justice is not done to SL Tamils, this anger will make sure that LTTE find new sources in TN and elsewhere.

I agree with this, that's why I said we can't trust India!
It has also been revealed that the suspects were former LTTE cadres who have fled to India through sea routes after the end of the war and were hiding in the Tamil Nadu state. They have reportedly received weapons training at a camp in a secret location in Tamil Nadu, the suspects have told the police.

What a joke, former LTTE cadres are well trained, they don't need training in India.

There are no LTTE training camps in India, thats just not possible. If wanted that, we would not have blockaded LTTE and allowed them access when LTTE were a force. Rajpakse is just hurting from the UNHRC vote, hence his police will come up with any BS, if they have the balls they should take up the issue with India. Printing such stories for gullible population is a norm in the region, but if one country has proof, they confront the other country.

SL media has no choice but to follow Rajpakse's directions and can not ask questions, otherwise he just has them killed, also a norm in India's neighborhood.

Voice from the grave: Sri Lankan journalist's final editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

I agree with this, that's why I said we can't trust India!

India has honestly helped you get rid of LTTE. If you can't differentiate between actions of a state and speculation about possible potentioal actions of private individuals then we give a rats behind.

Besides the trust issue is between your state and your tamil nationals, if these fake stories helps you get over the murder of tamil civilians then the consequences are also your own problem, we can't keep humoring every neighbor and their tantrums. Your bluff has been called in geneva, you need to change your game.
13th amendment? Provincial council are active except Northern province. Non of Provincial council get Police and land powers!

Now can you explain me which rights Tamils are missing for Tamils but other ethnic minorities are enjoying in Sri Lanka?

Also I would like to know what are the special rights given by constitution for Sinhalese?

These 2 questions are open for any Tamilnadu Tamil who are wiping crocodile tears.

Still you cracking same comedy?? I don't knw wat to say? ryt now I am not interested in posting the same UN pdf file and other sources regarding this issue again and again. :lol:
What a joke, former LTTE cadres are well trained, they don't need training in India.

There are no LTTE training camps in India, thats just not possible. If wanted that, we would not have blockaded LTTE and allowed them access when LTTE were a force. Rajpakse is just hurting from the UNHRC vote, hence his police will come up with any BS, if they have the balls they should take up the issue with India. Printing such stories for gullible population is a norm in the region, but if one country has proof, they confront the other country.

SL media has no choice but to follow Rajpakse's directions and can not ask questions, otherwise he just has them killed, also a norm in India's neighborhood.

Voice from the grave: Sri Lankan journalist's final editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

what nonsense! If Killers are saying they were trained in Tamilnadu what else. I read the complete story how they were captured on a news paper which isn't a pro government news paper!
13th amendment? Provincial council are active except Northern province. Non of Provincial council get Police and land powers!

Now can you explain me which rights Tamils are missing for Tamils but other ethnic minorities are enjoying in Sri Lanka?

Also I would like to know what are the special rights given by constitution for Sinhalese?

These 2 questions are open for any Tamilnadu Tamil who are wiping crocodile tears.


Tamil Nadu has grater land area, greater population, greater industrialization, greater GDP, than the whole of sri lanka.

If the indian tamils really wanted you dead, you wouldnt be here
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