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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

It would be fair to celebrate if they were apprehended by the law or any other group, but they are celebrating and cheering on a group that doesn't care about their political bias, but just wants to target and hurt anything it can get its hands on in Pakistan.

Entirely illogical or foolish because when they come for a school or mosque again or worse, will you still cheer?

Who are we talking about here?

My point is, that there are plenty of retarded "ethnic nationalists" within Pakistan who use PPP, PLMN, PTI, as a cover for their nefarious anti-Pakistani activities and goals. Same ****, different names. This ethnic chauvinism runs deep among those lot, regardless of ethnicity. We see it on PDF on a weekly basis even from Pakistanis mostly based abroad, what do you think the situtation is among local brainwashed/ignorant/people limited to few sources of information in the various regions of Pakistan? How many Sindhis has your average Waziri ever met in his life or how many Pashtuns has your rural Sindhi ever met etc.?

If that was not the case, all those incompetent parties above, that are mainly ethnic/regional based, would no longer exist as none of them (overall) are doing much good for Pakistan as a country. Rather they serve as further divisions in a country that is already struggling to form a coherent and strong Pakistani identity.

It is amazing that such an obvious problem has not been/is not much more talked about within Pakistan but that is probably "by design".
Everyone is ignoring the fact the Pakistan hosts the largest Afghan refugee population in the world without a mechanism of tracking their movements. Unofficially there are millions more. After WOT began ofcourse some of them went rogue and created a network in Pakistan.

But one thing that has always confused me. How do they get them to blow themselves up? How does that work? Do their families get money if they become a suicide bomber? There must be an incentive.
My point is, that there are plenty of retarded "ethnic nationalists" within Pakistan who use PPP, PLMN, PTI, as a cover for their nefarious anti-Pakistani activities and goals. Same ****, different names. This ethnic chauvinism runs deep among those lot, regardless of ethnicity. We see it on PDF on a weekly basis even from Pakistanis mostly based abroad, what do you think the situtation is among local brainwashed/ignorant/people limited to few sources of information in the various regions of Pakistan? How many Sindhis has your average Waziri ever met in his life or how many Pashtuns has your rural Sindhi ever met etc.?

If that was not the case, all those incompetent parties above, that are mainly ethnic/regional based, would no longer exist as none of them (overall) are doing much good for Pakistan as a country. Rather they serve as further divisions in a country that is already struggling to form a coherent and strong Pakistani identity.

It is amazing that such an obvious problem has not been/is not much more talked about within Pakistan but that is probably "by design".
It's incredibly obvious, many people can notice it.

Using the cover of certain political parties or human rights activism to hide their covert support for terrorism or anti-Pakistan activities.

But from all of this, PTI was the closest thing to a national party although it had many flaws.

If the army wasn't so corrupt and severely incompetent, it's political meddling could've been the complete opposite of what it was. They could stabilise Pakistan's social fabric and integrate all groups well, reform state institutions into powerful effective ones with stricter selection processes for experience/qualifications and ways to monitor their productivity and quality. Form strong institutional anti-corruption bodies. This could've been done even while being slightly corrupt but they are also immensely incompetent and careless.
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Everyone is ignoring the fact the Pakistan hosts the largest Afghan refugee population in the world without a mechanism of tracking their movements. Unofficially there are millions more. After WOT began ofcourse some of them went rogue and created a network in Pakistan.

But one thing that has always confused me. How do they get them to blow themselves up? How does that work? Do their families get money if they become a suicide bomber? There must be an incentive.

They probably are brainwashed into thinking how holy it is and how badly they'll be tortured in our custody and that their families will suffer if they dont.
Put the Khorosanis in charge of Kabul and warn them that any failure to comply with Pakistan's concerns will mean the Taliban being brought back.

Khorosani Tajiks will cooperate and not interfere, they are more pragmatic thinkers, don't want unnecessary conflicts. Taliban is too primitive and tribal, they don't follow logic, they'd rather kill their entire race fighting.

@Signalian @PanzerKiel
Terrorists walk freely inside streets and can pass check posts easily. They can reach anywhere for the activity they want to undertake. Secondly, they can get automatic weapons and other explosive material for carrying out their activities. Thirdly, their communication is secure/encrypted that their coordination has not been intercepted. Lastly, Police and paramilitary undertook the responsibility of conducting the Ops, not Army.

Now their movement, their communication, and their activity will be back tracked and then after a week or two an IBO will be conducted and their partners in crime will be taken out.
The TTP attack on the police

TTP and all other terrorists, whether hiding behind perverted and distorted versions of religion (Islam), ethnic chauvanism/nationalism/seperatism, should face the iron fist of the Pakistani state, but the problem here is, that the Pakistani state, sometimes directly or most of the time indirectly, is the main cause for those groups existing in the first place.

We all know what occurred during the rule of Zia and what occurred next door in Afghanistan. We all know the history of the political clans and main political parties and their ties to the neutrals/establishment, the coups, the many political assassinations, the manipulations, the artificially created divisions etc.

What this all boils down to is the failure of the political institutions in Pakistan. The army and their complete control of Pakistan, sometimes for good (see the India challenge or the fact that the same army managed to keep Pakistan together as one nation since 1947 against very hard/difficult odds) but also for much bad (see the current condition of Pakistan), cannot be ignored. We can't have it both ways.

The army and their political and economic henchmen, are not ready to lose power in Pakistan and in order to keep their power, they are willing to use every tool to keep Pakistanis divided and passive in regards to their development and say in the development of Pakistan.

You know what, I don't particularly care about Western democracy (it only works in the West for a reason and that too after centuries of trying and numerous failures), I would prefer military rule if Pakistan faced 1000 times fewer problems, but sadly Pakistan is arguably one of the biggest disappointments out there compared to the population and potential. Pakistan was not born like that back in 1947, something/many things caused it to become like that.

I don't have the immediate solutions, I doubt that anyone has a solution that will solve the main challenges overnight, it most likely will be a hard and often bloody process, but drastic changes must occur.
They probably are brainwashed into thinking how holy it is and how badly they'll be tortured in our custody and that their families will suffer if they dont.

I don't think religion even comes into it. They are a gang of criminals, thugs, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, drug addicts. The religion thing is a smokescreen.

Either their families get threatened if a member doesn't become a suicide bomber or gets paid if he does. Also I am so sure the Talibs provide logistical support and training.
Suspicious, Establishment could be playing its game to prevent elections.

Pakistan is under threat because of people in these institutions are destroying everything for their selfish gains. Pakistan is under threat because of people in uniform. Real terrorists are harming my Nation from within.
TTP and all other terrorists, whether hiding behind perverted and distorted versions of religion (Islam), ethnic chauvanism/nationalism/seperatism, should face the iron fist of the Pakistani state, but the problem here is, that the Pakistani state, sometimes directly or most of the time indirectly, is the main cause for those groups existing in the first place.

We all know what occurred during the rule of Zia and what occurred next door in Afghanistan. We all know the history of the political clans and main political parties and their ties to the neutrals/establishment, the coups, the many political assassinations, the manipulations, the artificially created divisions etc.

What this all boils down to is the failure of the political institutions in Pakistan. The army and their complete control of Pakistan, sometimes for good (see the India challenge or the fact that the same army managed to keep Pakistan together as one nation since 1947 against very hard/difficult odds) but also for much bad (see the current condition of Pakistan), cannot be ignored. We can't have it both ways.

The army and their political and economic henchmen, are not ready to lose power in Pakistan and in order to keep their power, they are willing to use every tool to keep Pakistanis divided and passive in regards to their development and say in the development of Pakistan.

You know what, I don't particularly care about Western democracy (it only works in the West for a reason and that too after centuries of trying and numerous failures), I would prefer military rule if Pakistan faced 1000 times fewer problems, but sadly Pakistan is arguably one of the biggest disappointments out there compared to the population and potential. Pakistan was not born like that back in 1947, something/many things caused it to become like that.

I don't have the immediate solutions, I doubt that anyone has a solution that will solve the main challenges overnight, it most likely will be a hard and often bloody process, but drastic changes must occur.
100% couldn't agree with you more.

Western democracy is severely overrated, there isn't any "right" or "wrong" political systems. Only suitable or not suitable, because what works for everyone in the most efficient and effective manner depends on their socioculture. Maybe after a certain level of development democracy will naturally form.

In my opinion I do think covert army rule would be an ideal system for Pakistan if taken seriously with loyal and patriotic establishment - but their incompetency and carelessness knows no bounds. It is a nation-wide problem not exclusive to a single institution or person.

Instituional reforms are what we need urgently, stricter selection processes for state institutions that prioritise meritocracy and choose the most experienced/qualified folk, a government body to monitor the quality of work and productivity of the institutions, and a strong anti-corruption body that enforces the law against institutional corruption harshly. Increase funding in the education sector, a higher quality educational standard with a strong focus on STEM and work to make it accessible to all.

If we do the above - even if the army is a little corrupt with their plots or golf courses - we can still progress and develop. But they choose corruption and incompetency/ineptness which is a destructive combination.
It's incredibly obvious, many people can notice it.

Using the cover of certain political parties or human rights activism to hide their covert support for terrorism or anti-Pakistan activities.

But from all of this, PTI was the closest thing to a national party although it had many flaws.

If the army wasn't so corrupt and severely incompetent, it's political meddling could've been the complete opposite of what it was. They could stabilise Pakistan's social fabric and integrate all groups well, reform state institutions into powerful effective ones with stricter selection processes for experience/qualifications and ways to monitor their productivity and quality. Form strong institutional anti-corruption bodies. This could've been done even while being slightly corrupt but they are also immensely incompetent and careless.

Pakistan is in desperate need of some unifying personality that at least for a certain time would be larger than Pakistan itself and mould Pakistan into a coherent ideology/identity. I am thinking of someone like Atatürk or Mao Zedong in China or whatever. Without the negatives and extremes of those two and other similar powerful leaders that shaped their countries greatly.

Some kind of political figure that could somehow manage to install a sense of Pakistani patriotism by drawing/including/focusing on the rich shared ancient past of Pakistan and the native peoples (ethnic groups that share more in common than the opposite), while at the same time not neglecting our Islamic heritage.

Saddam Hussein was in many ways a crazy dude, but at least his idea of mixing the Arab Islamic identity of Iraq together with its old pre-Islamic past (Mesopotamia etc.) together, into a secular entity (with an Islamic backbone - just like Turkey is secular but at its heart an Islamic/Muslim country) had/has its charm IMO. I prefer that over the simplistic version of either full-blown Islamic society or full-blown secularism. Both are extremes in my way and both don't really fit the Pakistani soul and identity.

A Pakistani figure, minus the craziness, that could somehow mold/tell the Pakistani history and at the same time create a new Pakistani narrative drawing back to pre-Islamic times (IVC, Gandhara etc.), the Islamic heritage, the cultural/ethnic/social fabric of Pakistan, play to Pakistan's strengths etc. for say 10-20 years etc. would be a good "restart button" and at least worth an attempt.

Pakistan has a ton of potential, it is such a shame, that it has been wasted for decades upon decades.
You could literally pay him to kill someone

Pretty much the reason people hate Sindh police so much.... Like tf...
More than just hate. Ask a Karachite who has been in Karachi for at least the past 15 years about today’s attack. Warning, you won’t hear pleasant things.

Anyways, hunt khawarij down deep in their safe heavens. For every attack in Pakistan there must be one on their owners be it in india, Afghanistan or even Iran. Our state messed up trying to negotiate with khawarij and releasing them from jails. They regrouped and restrategized.
Recently there has been rising tension in Afghanistan between Haqqanis and Kandahari Taliban and Badakshan falling completely to ISKP. This is a perfect opportunity for Pakistan to cash in on.
If someone is born in Pakistan and raised in Pakistan then aren’t they Pakistani by birth and culture ?
If someone is born in Pakistan and raised in Pakistan then aren’t they Pakistani by birth and culture ?
Yeah, but it depends by this metric faarigh tateh or Tariq Fateh is also a Pakistani?

You have to love your land and people, appreciate it's history, and treat each other like brothers - whatever your's faith or lack of it, gender identity, linguistic identity- in my eyes that makes you a Pakistani

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