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Terrorism in Syria must be eradicated: Chinese envoy

Yes, that's debatable, China didn't say which in this article either, but we should all agree terrorists should be eradicated.

It matters alot who that terrorist is.

For some, Taliban is terrorist, while for us it is simply the major power of our neighboring country.

Some declared all Palestinians and Kashmiris as terrorist, for us they are fighting for freedom from occupation.

Perspective is everything. Terrorist is one word which has become totally meaningless.
It matters alot who that terrorist is.

For some, Taliban is terrorist, while for us it is simply the major power of our neighboring country.

Some declared all Palestinians and Kashmiris as terrorist, for us they are fighting for freedom from occupation.

Perspective is everything. Terrorist is one word which has become totally meaningless.
China just used a vague neutral word, terrorists, those who neve believe themselves are terrorists don't have to worry and get upset.
China just used a vague neutral word, terrorists, those who neve believe themselves are terrorists don't have to worry and get upset.

Why would anyone believe they're "terrorists"??

Like many have said before.....branding others "terrorists" is a an easy way of saying "they're our enemy but we don't want to do anything against them alone so we'll call them terrorists so that we not only have public support but international also"...

Why is China so concerned about "terrorists" in Syria??

We all know the bigger game China is playing...it only wants to secure itself against the Western/US designs in Syria but that can be done without supporting a genocidal maniac...

China should stay out of this issue because if it interferes then it gives other groups the right to interfere, physically, into China's issues.

It matters alot who that terrorist is.

For some, Taliban is terrorist, while for us it is simply the major power of our neighboring country.

Some declared all Palestinians and Kashmiris as terrorist, for us they are fighting for freedom from occupation.

Perspective is everything. Terrorist is one word which has become totally meaningless.

Exactly.....everyone is nowadays calling their enemy a "terrorist".

We need to know "who" China calls a terrorist and on what basis?
Is China jumping in on the Syria issue?
China support Russia and Syria army push to re capture whole idlib and destroy all terrorist hiding there. Just like how Sri Lanka destroy the Tamil tiger terrorist and achieve peace for them many years ago.

For the sake of humanity, Chinese terrorism must be eradicated.
Hope wuhan virus gonna do it for the sake of humanity.
@waz @Slav Defence @The Eagle

Unacceptable comment.
No u don't. You have friendship with only the dictators of Muslim states.

as if Turkey has good relations with the muslim population, I was reading comments regarding the recent issue in Idlib on the Arab defence forum, while the majority of them seems to agree that Assad is a bad guy, most (like around 60%) of them are against Turkey, they believe Assad is evil but Turkey is more dangerous because of it's neo Ottoman imperialist ambitions, so if you are waiting for any kind of unified mass support for Turkish expansionism from the muslim world then you won't get it outside of some Ikhwan supporters.

"My terrorist is a freedom fighter.

Your freedom fighter is a terrorist."
AlQaeda (AKA Jabhat Alnusra, HTS etc..) is a terrorist organization fullstop no matter how many times they change their names, all HTS members have to be killed or jailed for life, the saying "some one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter" does not apply on AlQaeda/HTS, any member who considers them to be "freedom fighters" is a terrorist supporter himself, there is no middle ground on this issue, they will have a special place in hell alongside that demon Osama bin Laden.
I agree China should stay away Muslim world as far as possible as someone suggested here.
Let them kill themselves, not our businesses.
Arab defence forum,


I agree China should stay away Muslim world as far as possible as someone suggested here.
Let them kill themselves, not our businesses.

That is not the reason. The reason is to be neutral because neither US and Russia are. We need a friendly power in the Muslim world from Non-Muslim to rid us of imperialism.

AlQaeda (AKA Jabhat Alnusra, HTS etc..) is a terrorist organization fullstop no matter how many times they change their names, all HTS members have to be killed or jailed for life, the saying "some one's terrorist is another's freedom fighter" does not apply on AlQaeda/HTS, any member who considers them to be "freedom fighters" is a terrorist supporter himself, there is no middle ground on this issue, they will have a special place in hell alongside that demon Osama bin Laden.

You are conflating too many groups together who are not related. I always find this habit among Shias unfortunately, to all of you any Sunni group you disagree becomes attached to Al Qda or Daesh.

FSA is totally different, if anything it has ties to Muslim Brotherhood, but even then there are groups now who are not affiliated with them.
Terrorism in Syria must be eradicated: Chinese envoy
Xinhua, February 20, 2020

A Chinese envoy said Wednesday that terrorism in Syria must be eradicated to create a favorable security environment for the political process.

"Rampant terrorism has seriously affected Syria's political process and the country's future, and must be taken seriously and addressed by all parties," Wu Haitao, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, told the Security Council meeting on the situation in Syria.

"Idlib has become a breeding ground for terrorism and the acute problem of HTS (the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the umbrella group of the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front) has created serious spillover effects. Countries should eliminate the safe havens established by terrorist groups in Syria in accordance with Council resolutions and international law. This is also a requirement of Resolution 2254," said the envoy.

"China supports all parties concerned in continuing to seek comprehensive and long-term solutions to the Idlib problem through dialogue and negotiations," Wu said.

Talking about political solution to the Syrian crisis, the envoy urged parties concerned to stay the course towards political settlement and make good use of the Constitutional Committee as a platform.

"Political solution is the only way to end the Syrian crisis," he said.

Political solution to the Syrian issue must be based on maintaining Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, he added.

"The establishment of the Constitutional Committee is a good start for the Syrian political process. Its role should be fully leveraged on the basis of existing outcomes. Differences among Syrian parties in the work of the Constitutional Committee, while unavoidable, should be resolved through dialogue," said Wu.

"Attention should be paid to maintaining the independence of the work of the committee and creating conditions for all parties in Syria to narrow their differences and build consensus. We hope that members of the committee will demonstrate their political will, uphold the spirit of compromise, and play a constructive role in reaching consensus among all parties in Syria," said Wu.

The Syrian Constitutional Committee is a UN-facilitated constituent assembly process, which seeks to reconcile the Syrian Government headed by President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian opposition, in the context of the Syrian peace process, by amending the current or adopting a new Constitution of Syria.

Speaking of the humanitarian situation in Syria, Wu said that efforts should be made in this regard, "which will help advance the political settlement process."

"The international community should step up humanitarian aid to Syria, support the UN in providing help for the displaced persons. Humanitarian aid to Syria should have no political strings attached in the long run," said the envoy.

"We should support the Syrian Government in carrying out reconstruction in areas where the security situation is relatively stable," he added.

"The international community has the moral responsibility to help Syria restore economic development and tranquility," said Wu.


So in your view point who is terrorist in Syria that needs to eliminate?
only with dictators who dont represent their own people and i dont blame china because your own government dont represent its own people. so there you are!
China is raising the white flag on their trade war with Trump.
Who Cares What They Say? Nobody!

Stop begging for attention if you feel neglected by international stage.

Is this right that Erdogan once begged for money from China?.

Keep your profile low, otherwise, you will soon be world's laughing stock, like Gaddafi's Libya.
Comparing Turkey to Libya, wow.

Same. When countries' leaders start behaving like they are big, while they are actually not, countries will suffer, especially weaker countries.

Middle Eastern people are still too emotional. It is not good for long term, for any country. 10 years ago, I thought that Turkey was a West European country and would behave more maturely, but so disappointed to see its leaders and people still behave like medieval people, systematically.

I do not hate Turkey. Until now, I still love it, but it is a little disappointed.
China support Russia and Syria army push to re capture whole idlib and destroy all terrorist hiding there. Just like how Sri Lanka destroy the Tamil tiger terrorist and achieve peace for them many years ago.
What I meant was militarily. China putting its weight physically would change the balance and tide of war.
What I meant was militarily. China putting its weight physically would change the balance and tide of war.
China sides with Syrian government and Russia, but she is not like to commit that much of efforts and resources for this cause as those two do, China doesn't have a big stake in Syria as Syrian government and Russia.
Middle Eastern people are still too emotional. It is not good for long term, for any country. 10 years ago, I thought that Turkey was a West European country and would behave more maturely, but so disappointed to see its leaders and people still behave like medieval people, systematically.

You dont understand the threat posed by PKK and instability in the Levant to Turkey. Turks ensured KRG in Northern Iraq would not entertain PKK as a precursor for good relations.

All these regions are traditionally in the sphere of influence of Turkey.
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