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Terror attack in Gurdaspur, India

Just in from CNN-IBN:

There were reports that ISI might try and fly in a hang glider into Punjab and J&K and drop ammo and supplies for terrorists.

Come on guys, at least be a bit sensible and professional in your jingoistic claims.

@Icarus, kia aap nay kabhi hang glider uraya hai? :P
no no no....we just don't wrap it under the carpet by merely saying RIP....
Proper action has to be taken.
We should wait to verify the source first and then hit them hard.
Ideally, yes. But do you think we have the backbone? I really wanted action after 26/11 - all that happened was an exchange of dossiers. It is laughable to hand dossiers to the crook in the hope that the crook will prosecute himself. Besides sabre-rattling - India will be asked to "absorb" the attack - as if it is a sponge. I wish I shared your optimism.
So @Icarus now that we've been blamed for this at the drop of a hat - again - by those who've got a pathological dislike for all things Pakistan and Pakistani, what do you reckon is the way out of this 'Pakistan did it - Halaaalaaalaaaa' thing happening again and again and again.

This angle has already been discussed to death on this thread and then some.

The proposition of an impartial inquiry by the UN clearly won't work because well you know the UN is only there for declaring World Yoga Days and what not. At least until and unless India manages to get a permanent seat on the Security Council on which day the overly cliched Indian phrase 'its a bilateral issue' would go out the window.

Valid observation.

So how do we get out of this ?

Bas hojaye ga, fikar na kar yaar.
Just in from CNN-IBN:

There were reports that ISI might try and fly in a hang glider into Punjab and J&K and drop ammo and supplies for terrorists.

Come on guys, at least be a bit sensible and professional in your jingoistic claims.

@Icarus, kia aap nay kabhi hang glider uraya hai? :P

I would much rather teleport using black magic taught to ISI by bearded mountain trolls.
So @Icarus now that we've been blamed for this at the drop of a hat - again - by those who've got a pathological dislike for all things Pakistan and Pakistani, what do you reckon is the way out of this 'Pakistan did it - Halaaalaaalaaaa' thing happening again and again and again.

The proposition of an impartial inquiry by the UN clearly won't work because well you know the UN is only there for declaring World Yoga Days and what not. At least until and unless India manages to get a permanent seat on the Security Council on which day the overly cliched Indian phrase 'its a bilateral issue' would go out the window.

So how do we get out of this ?

who else would do this ? i mean you have a history of sending non state actors . I am surprised you people keep denying it, even the sane Pakistanis. Time and again you have been held responsible after denying it initially
There is High/Red Alert at random places.Looks like the alert issuing authority has been outsourced to a certain country! :lol:
Just in from CNN-IBN:

There were reports that ISI might try and fly in a hang glider into Punjab and J&K and drop ammo and supplies for terrorists.

Come on guys, at least be a bit sensible and professional in your jingoistic claims.

@Icarus, kia aap nay kabhi hang glider uraya hai? :P
well presstitutes wheather indian or pakistani onli care about TRP and their profits and for that thier best tools are creating jingoism and sensationalism
the news channels reports that the operation was conducted by Punjab police SWAT.. army SF and NSG were on support role.
if the terrorists came from Indian J&K then I dont understand why border tensions should increase with Pakistan. media must wait for the details first before increasing the tensions

Media has no use for the details, they have gone bonkers as usual. No one from the government has officially spoken. The Home Ministry is very tight lipped about it. Until the Home Minister makes a statement in parliament about this matter (tomorrow) , the government has not said anything. Take everything on the media with a pinch or truckload (depending on your taste) of salt till then.
Whatever the consequences, We must strike and clear training camps in Pakistan. I don't see any other way to get is solved.
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