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terror attack in china. 01.24

I never implied that chinese to be dissident or overthrow their govt. If they are happy and content, why should they act against their govt.
My post was quite specific, that 'I' do not trust chinese news source (a view I hold for press tv or RT too). Similarly you might not find Indian media credible (if at all you follow it).
I was replying to a pakistani, not doing a political commenary on china or chinese. You seem to see me as zombie of western propaganda. :)

Believing in a news source is not good. News people have agenda too, nobody can truly be objective. It's not just economics, it's also belief, for example, an American will view a Chinese saying that Chinese government is doing the right thing because the economy is what it is as blind faith, due to no election. However, if an American say the same thing, they will see it as a confirmation of the government.

While China views chaos in American politics as inefficient, and pointlessly wasting money and time, Americans sees Chinese overwhelming approval rate as police state.

Are any of them not true? Both are true, but they are at the same time not true.

You have to decide what you believe in, read from every angle, that's why I always look for different news groups from different countries, while also thinking about what I would do and what I think.
You have to decide what you believe in, read from every angle, that's why I always look for different news groups from different countries, while also thinking about what I would do and what I think.

But everyone here will dismiss the Uighur version of events as terrorist propaganda.

The same thing happens when a Western country claims something about killing terrorists, and the other side claims they were civilians.

"National security" has become a blanket term for governments to pursue specific actions. In Australia, some government watchdog journalists claim they were harassed and monitored under such rules.
The problem is not with Islam but with political Islam. This problems occurs when there is a population that has more Muslims than other religions ex: Xinjiang and Kashmir Valley. This is when they want Islamic rule, resulting in related terrorism.

In the most problem area in xingjiang , the uygurs musilm were majority. But the uygurs procentage are reducing since decades

Excellent strategy by China. :tup:

By relocating Hans Chinese into Xingjiang, China is reducing the Muslim majority. India should do the same in Kashmir.

from 1952 till 2004. han chinese in xingjiang increasing 24.5 times. uygures 2.5 times. but not enough. the uygurs increasing fast cause they not follow one child policy. and recent years very infected with external extrem wahabis ideologie.

xingjiang is our internal matter.
but kashimir is diffrent matter.
kashmir is diputed area. if you do the same , It can cause bigger problem.

Wrong. The area of Xinjiang where Han migrate to is Dzungharia (northern Xinjiang) which was the land of the Dzunghar Buddhist Oirat Mongols.

The Truth about Uyghur demographics and Han immigration in Xinjiang

In the Tarim Basin (southern Xinjiang) Uyghurs are over 90% and that is their native land. Very few Han migrated there at all. The percentage increase of Han is shown only for the overall province, if you look at each county, Han population growth is entirely in Dzungharia.

Uyghurs in Dzungharia are also migrants or descendants of migrants.

An equivalent would be India sending people to migrate into (buddhist majority) Ladakh and (hindu majority) Jammu, while avoiding settling them in the Kashmir Valley, which Kashmiri Muslims are native to and make up over 90% of the population. You can send millions of Hindus into Jammu and it won't change anything in the valley.

China has no plans on increasing the Han population in the Tarim Basin to outnumber Uyghurs, its efforts are focused at developing the area as it stands now.

The problem is poverty in the Uyghur community, many of these attackers are unemployed and have no hope at finding a job.

The dual education system is also a problem. In Xinjiang, both Uyghur and Mandarin language schools are run by the government. The parents can send the children to either school. (Its not a segregated apartheid system, they can enter into either school and nobody is banning them from one or the other)

In the Uyghur language schools, they get Ramadan and Islamic holidays off, in the Mandarin schools, they don't. So many Uyghur parents who want their children to get ahead, choose the Chinese school, so they will have better employment prospects for the future, but some go to just the Uyghur school in order to practice their holidays and religion.

The demographics problem in Xinjiang rest not just on Han numerical superiority, but also on Uighur's concentration in Southern Tarim Basin.

The Northern Uighurs are quite assimilated, especially those in the Turpan and Hami. They do not give much problems. The Southern Uighurs are not assimilated. There is no way today for mass Han migration, not even if China want to create a Shenzhen there.

First, the place are all deserts with few economics opportunities. Not even Wang Zhen is able to put too much of his construction corps there as water is limited. Not very possible for large scale agriculture. Even if there are agriculture and Industries there, it is not easy to get the product out.

Unless some minerals can be found allowing Han Chinese some economics activities for migration.

And there is no reason for flooding the tarim basin with migrants. We are not Japan, who flooded Hokkaido with millions of Japanese and swamped the native Ainu out of existence, and nearly wiped them out and drove their language to extinction.

many possiblility
we need to destroy all wahabis funded black religions nuts school.
abandon the failed minority protection policy (失败的民族政策)。
set up information agency special against them. information is priority.

and recruiting more muslim policeman and agent against them.
the normal uygurs criminals (such like thieves), they didnt fear hans police much, because of minority protection policy ... we are too mercy and kind.
but they fear the uygurs policeman very much. the uygurs policeman are far more harder than hans policeforce.
the uygurs dont have a common soul. they only call them each other muslim brother. but in fact they are not.

Many Uyghurs are not religious. (and it has nothing to do with government policy, its in their national character, foreign travelers in the 19th and 20th century observed religious laxity among the Uyghurs while they noted the Hui Muslims were religious and fanatical) Hence they suffer from a higher rate of drug addiction problems like heroin, while the more religious Hui Muslims suffer from no such thing.

(One problem is that the Hui drug dealers are selling Heroin to Uyghur addicts. The Uyghurs then blame the Hui for their addiction problems)

Nationalism and Ethnoregional Identities in China - Google Books

The problem in the Uyghur community is poverty and drug addiction, and many jobless people were driven to vandalism and committing attacks.
BBC News - China: Twelve dead in Xinjiang violence


Clashes that killed 12 people in China's western region of Xinjiang were caused by "terrorists", Chinese state media report, citing police.

Six people were shot dead by police and six were killed in explosions in Xinjiang's Aksu prefecture on Friday, state media said.

Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur minority group, sees sporadic clashes.

Verifying reports from the region is difficult because the information flow out of Xinjiang is tightly controlled.

Authorities traditionally blame extremists for outbreaks of violence, while Uighur activists point to tight Chinese control as a cause of tensions.

State-run news agency Xinhua said explosions took place at a hair salon and market on Friday afternoon.
After the blast, police shot six suspects, while another six died when they set off explosives, the news agency said, adding that five other people had been arrested.

Xinhua news agency described the incident as "organised, premeditated terrorist attacks". But the report gave no reason why the hair salon and the market were targeted.

Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for exiled Uighur group the World Uighur Congress, suggested that the protests were sparked by anger at the salon because it was a front for a brothel.

"The forced repression and provocation is the real reason for the confrontation," he said in a statement.

'Disturbing pattern'

Meanwhile, on Saturday, Chinese state media reported that Ilham Tohti, a Beijing-based scholar from the Uighur ethnic group, was being investigated for "separatist activities

Mr Tohti is an economist at a university in Beijing

The outspoken scholar, who is known to be critical of China's ethnic policies, has been detained since 16 January.

The US State Department said his detention appeared "to be part of a disturbing pattern of arrests and detentions of public interest lawyers, Internet activists, journalists, religious leaders and others who peacefully challenge official Chinese policies and actions".

Xinjiang has experienced several violent clashes in recent months, and its unrest has been linked to other attacks in China.

In December, 16 people were killed in a riot in a village near the city of Kashgar, and another eight were killed later that month in Yarkland county.

In late October, five people were killed when a car ploughed into a crowd and then burst into flames in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

Beijing called the incident a terrorist attack inspired by Xinjiang-linked extremists. Three people who died inside the car were identified by police as Xinjiang Uighurs.

Uighurs and Xinjiang
  • Uighurs are ethnically Turkic Muslims
  • They make up about 45% of the region's population; 40% are Han Chinese
  • China re-established control in 1949 after crushing short-lived state of East Turkestan
  • Since then, large-scale immigration of Han Chinese
  • Uighurs fear erosion of traditional culture
Now a days, there is lot of negative news in china...
What might be the reason!!!
both happend last week. The other 11 uygurens were also all dead.
Killing them is good:tup:
But the idiots have the tendency to mob if the chances of getting killed are increasing...
They like publicity and getting killed is one of them:lol:
Uighurs and Xinjiang
  • Uighurs are ethnically Turkic Muslims
  • They make up about 45% of the region's population; 40% are Han Chinese
    [*]China re-established control in 1949 after crushing short-lived state of East Turkestan
    [*]Since then, large-scale immigration of Han Chinese
  • Uighurs fear erosion of traditional culture

The Second East Turkestan Republic was a SOVIET puppet communist state. China did not crush it, it dissolved itself after receiving orders from their Soviet masters. The Uyghur leader of the East Turkestan Republic. Ehmetjan Qasim, was a Soviet communist party member, educated in the Soviet Union and a puppet of Stalin.

Second East Turkestan Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ili Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rebiya Kadeer admitted it herself in her autobiography, that they were backed by the Soviets, and she praised the Russians in Ili (mind you, this was the same time the Russians and Stalin were mass deporting and killing Muslim Chechens and Muslim Crimean Tatars......)

TITLE Dragon Fighter: One Woman's Epic Struggle for Peace with China

AUTHOR: Rebiya Kadeer


In order to help fulfill his dream of an independent Uyghur nation, my father reached for his gun....In July 1944, the Uyghurs... called for an independent republic...our leaders conducted meetings with the Chinese Central Government under Chiang Kai Shek while also secretly receiving weapons and counsel from the Soviet Union.

On page 13, Kadeer writes her sob story on how the local Russian engineers and other Russians were their family friends and friendly to the Uyghurs, and how some Uyghurs even though Russian culture was more advanced than their own and went to the Russian school. (Such as killing Chechens and Tatars?)

On page 14, she neglects to mention that the executed Kazakh freedom fighter Osman Batur had turned against the East Turkestan Republic, and fought against the Soviet backed Uyghurs while writing his eulogy.

Immigration to Xinjiang is almost entirely to Dzungharia. Tarim Basin is 90% Uyghur, the violence that happens there is not about immigration, but about unemployment and poverty.

The Truth about Uyghur demographics and Han immigration in Xinjiang

The concerns that the local Uyghurs have in the Tarim Basin is not about immgration, but about poverty, drug abuse, and development (they were concerned about old buildings being bulldozed to be placed by new earthquake resistant buildings).
This should be the tip of the iceberg given that Chinese media is state controlled.

Because you make the same mistake that Indians do with China. That Indians somehow would be content with a single party. Ignoring the fact that the Congress party has ruled for the majority of time,

You also ignore the cultural, linguistic diversity.

Even if the Indian governemnt delivers like the Chinese, it is still not a guarantee.

After two election cycles they will be kicked out.

Good comments. And I think this is why India is slower than China. For example, just for example, if Congress party did 90 things right, but 10 things wrong, the anti-party will focus on these 10 things and ask people to kick Congress party out. The consequence is that Congress party don't dare to do things, because "doing less result doing wrong less". However, this is harm to nation. The worst decision is "not making decision in time".

That is what I was just saying....if you accuse others, be ready to be accused too.

If you talk of poverty in India...be ready to be accused of human right violation in China too.
If you talk of corruption in India...be ready to talk about corruption in China too
If you talk of inefficiency of democracy in India...be ready to talk about excess of CCP in China
If you talk of Aksai Chin..be ready to talk of Arunachal Pradesh too.

The list is never ending...so is the discussion

Not the same scale about poverty, corruption, efficiency between CHina and India. Not comparable because of huge gap.
This should be the tip of the iceberg given that Chinese media is state controlled.

Actually that may not be true. The world is weird that way. Controlled and free, that's relative.

A convicted criminal may have learned from his past and is now straight, but people will always look at him weird, yet the upstanding citizen could be the serial killer next door.

China is a nation that executes pot dealers and put in labor camps (fomerly) pot smokers, so on the surface it is a bigger problem in China than in Canada, but in Canada it is decriminalized and legal some places more or less.

China controls media, but as you know being a kid once, you don't always listen to your parents. Having your parents as friends also isn't a sign that you are doing great.

American prestige and track record, also being the land of the free, a lot of the time, truth is simply brushed off and forgotten, yet in China, a lie could instantly becomes the "truth," because we are who we are.

This American idiot says it best.

Even you have not observed, Indians too have sided with Tibetans. In fact we have hosted Tibetan government in India for almost 40 years. Indians feels Tibet should be freed and Tibetans should be allowed to rule their country.
Should be , could be. Majority of Tibetans have good life, unlike the old feudal system under dollarama.

Most Indians want good relations with China, and we recognize that it up to Chinese to decide what form of government they want.

But the problem is that you cannot alone take high ground. Everyone loves their own country, that is why if Chinese question Kashmir, be ready to be questioned on Tibet.
Tibet is part of china, whats there to talk about?
This is what a CIA guy, Graham Fuller, once said about China (pic below):
He is father-in-law of Uncle of alleged Boston Bombers too. Co-incidence!!

Graham Fuller & CIA support preachers of violence, fund them, harbor them, train them, provide support like surveillance, planning, weapons, explosives, locomotion inside their secure vehicles carrying Embassy's number plates. etc.

Pruining the twigs
is also important, but cancer will not completely go away until the roots are dug up.


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