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Tenth Crusade?

what is exactly is "Gazwa e hind", is it a crusade of muslims of the world against india ? or something else ?
What is the purpose of it ?

Gazwa-e-hind means "war of india" its actually a hadees which says muslims from outside and inside of india will invade india and they will establish a muslim government.
Gazwa-e-hind means "war of india" its actually a hadees which says muslims from outside and inside of india will invade india and they will establish a muslim government.

Is it a Shahih hadhith?

Assuming that the Indians would not welcome this invasion of their country and given that they have nukes and a military more powerful than any Islamic country, what do you think they would do to prevent this aggression?
The two Bengalis here, either reply to all the indian arguments in chronological order, or just leave the thread(like all the other muslims did because they're not worth it). But please, please stop embarrassing us muslims with your not really substantial pointless 'discussions, you're not helping.
I could reply to all the Indian Islamophobe trolls myself (hint: you arent the first genius to give these lame 'historical accounts' and 'arguements') but I'm just not jobless enough to do that PLUS the indian hindus are attacking in numbers, not substance
I only have one thing to say:
36:10. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
(and that's why we dont need to reply to your meaningless insults and made up histories.
And btw, you sound pretty arrogant, but inshallah even your descendants will become Muslims one day by their own free will. If you live till then, I'd like to see the look on your face.
Islam WILL prevail.

In future, be kind enough to refer to people specifically, for instance, "The two Bangladeshis here...." Bangladeshis are not the only Bengalis.
Is it a Shahih hadhith?

Assuming that the Indians would not welcome this invasion of their country and given that they have nukes and a military more powerful than any Islamic country, what do you think they would do to prevent this aggression?

Ok dear first let me tell you that i am not sure about this hadees and i have heard from many people that this hadees is not a sahih hadees. I was just answering a question asked about ghazwa-e-hind.

Maybe its not true but as far as i know the details of this hadees it says, A joint army including the armies of pakistan, turkey, iran, afghanistan, palestine and china will attack india and invade it very easily than it was thought and they will establish a muslim government there and this will happen near end of time.
What are Indians on so much about? :blink:

The Crusades had nothing to do with India or Hindus.

Might as well create another thread about the issue.

Mate - if only the discussions had left out India in the first place - check the maps which showed India in green. Otherwise some of us would have totally ignored this thread.
Maybe its not true but as far as i know the details of this hadees it says, A joint army including the armies of pakistan, turkey, iran, afghanistan, palestine and china will attack india and invade it very easily than it was thought and they will establish a muslim government there and this will happen near end of time.

Really ???

I thought China was becoming Christian at an insanely fast pace.
Assuming you are a Muslim (in a non Muslim country), let me ask you this.

Would you prefer to live like a dhimmi?

Exactly as it was practiced in places under Islamic rule. Some example: Syria, Spain, North Africa etc.

what exactly is a dhimmi according to you ?, muslims paid zakat as tax & non muslims paid jaziya as a tax both were taxes but with different names.

if i had a choice i would rather live like a dhimmi than a daleet.

this threat should be closed, one can't have clear debate with people who do not wish to have a debate.
they can't! just for one reason "a defender is 100 times more dangerous than a attacker" & the hindus are not defending their religion but attacking other religions, i.e chirtianity & islam.

they are shying away with debates regarding to their religion & i am sure if they come to a table with honest debate with explainations people will listen to them.

Sir I am there on the table. What do you need ?

And where is Hindu Brahmins attacking Islam and Xtianity. They are a wretched lot facing discrimination in modern day India and it is ridiculous you give them the macho image that they dont deserve.
Sir I am there on the table. What do you need ?

And where is Hindu Brahmins attacking Islam and Xtianity. They are a wretched lot facing discrimination in modern day India and it is ridiculous you give them the macho image that they dont deserve.

we will leave this thread, open a new thread hinduism vs other religions how hinduism is better than other religions tht would go a long way
Gazwa-e-hind means "war of india" its actually a hadees which says muslims from outside and inside of india will invade india and they will establish a muslim government.

Can u provide that Hadiths quotes/verses which says such ill things abt INDIA
Is it a Shahih hadhith?

Assuming that the Indians would not welcome this invasion of their country and given that they have nukes and a military more powerful than any Islamic country, what do you think they would do to prevent this aggression?

It seems more ambiguous than presented. On this site you hear other voices:

The myth of Ghazwa-tul-Hind | ALE Xpressed

Ayotullah Fadlallah, Lebanon
Such things exist in the hadith collections, which are often either placed or mounted on a symbolic meaning, or they talk about something historic which has happened in the context of what we believe in self-defense. Further, the hadith in question can be doubted about their autenticity as they are not found in any reliable and agreed upon source. The chain of narrators is weak to be considered authentic.
In this day and age what would govern the relations of Muslims and followers of other religions, are the international treaties and covenants that ensure the state security, peace and freedom of belief for all human beings.
These treaties are binding on Muslims, especially as they are consistent with the approach of Islam declared in the Qur’an about the obligation to respect the religions and the freedom and security of other peoples.
Hence, the use of such hadith for political or military motives is discouraged.
The Office of the referenda for Religious Authority
Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah
Research Wing, Al-Mawrid Institue

assalaam o alaykum
I have tried to find out the sources of these traditions. None of these traditions is found in reliable soruces like Bukhari, Muslim, Mu’atta etc. If we suppose them to be reliable they talk about an even that has happened already. They do not talk about Pakistanis fighting Indians. They talk about Arabs on an expedition to India and conquering it.
Tariq Mahmood Hashmi
Associate Editor
Khalid Zaheer, Al-Mawrid, Lahore, Pakistan
SalaamAll these ahadith refer to troops going from Palestine and Syria and returning to those regions. Even if these ahadith were authentic, and they are indeed found in reliable books, they have nothing to do with any possibility of an Indo-Pak war.
The other important thing to note is that Abu Huraira, the companion-narrator is suggesting that it was something that was about to happen during his lifetime. it is quite likely that Muhammad Bin Qasim’s conquest of Sind was being prophesied in these ahadith.

The third important matter to note is that a message as important as the one mentioned in these narratives is described in all different versions through only one companion. Clearly, if the message was important, there should have been several narrators mentioning it.

This message therefore cannot be employed as an excuse to fight against India. We can fight against India or any other nation only if conditions of Jihad are satisfied, which are: it should be declared by a Muslim ruler, Muslims should be at least half as militarily strong as their enemies, and the enemy should be guilty of blatant injustice against a group of people. Any individual or group of people cannot declare Jihad on their own against anyone; if they do, they will be guilty of creating fasaad fil ‘ard (mischief on earth). [2]
we will leave this thread, open a new thread hinduism vs other religions how hinduism is better than other religions tht would go a long way

No one said Hinduism is better than other religions in a blanket statement.

It's the general flexibility, permission to criticize and question, and the role of acting like guidances rather than rules, more oriented towards the spiritual side rather than political ideas of the Dharmic (Indic) religions vs Semitic religions that usually get morphed into the "Hinduism is better than rest" argument.

There is a vast difference between the two assertions.
Hmm... In this age people are talking about crusade,jihad or whatever it is .gone are the days of arrow and sword... man already created monster weapons ..if he cant control his emotions than these weapons are capable of creating peace for million years ..anyhow nature wont allow idiots to survive for long ..
At the end with a looser face mother nature will erase the board and starts to draw a new picture
As usual tons of Islamophobic indians like Vinod2070& Tamizhan are spouting rubbish and ruining threads. They are allergic to
the word muslim unity and they never fail to remind us that we are converts, as if we suffered a incomprehensible loss.
So what if we are converts. We muslims prefer the word revert as we naturally reverted back to our/ Human kinds original
religion i.e Islam. All muslims are converts, even Mecca and Medina were majority pagans before the arrival of islam. Islam is
not an arabic religion
, period. We muslims don't give a damn about what $hit our ancestors did. Islamic identity is supreme to
cultural identity and anti-islamic cultural aspects of pre-islamic era is prohibited. Islam means completely submitting oneself to
Allah(swt) and attaining peace and thus a muslim can't hold on to his/her ancestor's paganist culture.
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