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Tenth Crusade?

But fun aside, what these posts show is that for Muslims around the world

Most of them are a product of your imagination.

One is a delusional group controlling the finances of the world and a little state in the heart of Mid-east

Conspiracy theories are refuge of cowards.

another delusional group has a billion plus population who want to and may become a global super power someday.

Well that is destiny and no amount of whining by a bangladeshi is going to change it.

Regardless of how innocent and funny the illogical rants might sound today from this second group, what is important is to gauge the hatred in their heart, which will carry on for many generations and will have implications for foreign policy of Muslim majority countries of the world.

This thread is an example of animosity some muslims carry in their heart against non muslims.

Note the Hindu nationalist insulting our migrant Muslim and local indigenous ancestors, who I am sure were happily married, but to them it is RAPE.

Invading army consist of only 1-2% of population at a given time.The presence of their genes only point towards rape.Don't burst your veins in anger.The statement which you made ,in whose response this post was posted pointed to this conclusion only.
Note the irritation of Indian Hindu nationalists whenever we Muslims try to utter some word of unity among Muslims. Of course Muslims have no "unity" in the sense that we have a Muslim super state like Khilafa, the whole world including us Muslims know that more than Indian Hindu's, but at least we have OIC, which the Indian nationalists are again nervous about, even though OIC is nothing but a joke.

And please note the high lighting of inter-Muslim problems to fan the fire of division and Fitna.

And also note how the West is pulled in to be included in the team of Islamophobia campaigners. As far as I can see, it is the Zionist shooting themselves at their foot with this campaign of Islamophobia and Hindu Nationalists joining in as they share the hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam. The West actually fought Muslims since the advent of Islam, but I never see this vile campaign of Islamophobia in history, if anything it was a feeling of mutual respect. This particular line of Islamophobia connected with "Islamic terrorism" is a recent phenomenon that coincided with the end of colonial era, as well as the fall of Ottoman, and the rise of Zionism and Hindu nationalism. They would like to pull the West in their team, but I doubt the West will take the bait, as it will bring their ruin and help the rise of pax-sinica.


Why is it that you always hear about calls of ummah from south asian ( pakistani) muslims only?

Why don't arabs come forward to form some super ummah?

Looks like they do not need to boost their ego.They even treat you people inferior to Arabs as they are secure of their identity.

Why do you not hear about Hindus or Buddhists ranting about a dharmic union or Christians about a global convent?

Probably they are self assured of their strength and do not need to actively seek allies.

So who is acting with malice and insecurity here????????
Sir a permanent mark was not left in our soul, but in your mind. Ours was but a temporary low from which we got back and still practising the faith of our forefathers the way they did and before that their forefathers.

Think about you, unless you were one of those Turk,Afghan,Arab invaders you are permanently bound to them,identify with them, have to glorify them inspite of the carnage they unleashed on yourself. Think where the scar is present : in our soul or in your mind.

Regarding the absence of any killings in Bengal, even if there were any you would be made to celebrate that killings as a victory of the Islamic ghazis over infidels irrespective of the fact the Ghazis were foreigners and the infidels were your own stock, the native population. Can there be any more shame than praising the killers of one's own ancestors ? I think not.

Do we have to go so far? I think not.

A glance at the thread celebrating Nobo Borsho will suffice. It is not surprising to see what you have described above breaking out in a short but poignant dialogue between two Bangladeshi members, one innocently celebrating the Mela, the other gravely intoning that the Mela and its cultural hinterland belonged 'to another religion' - and he was probably not referring to Taoism. That accepting the cultural celebrations attending on the Bengali New Year amounted to 'shirk'.

What can you say about bigotry that fails to understand or to accept that the Bengali year is oriented to the seasons as they occue in this part of the world, and there is reason for a Bengali calendar? Need I point out what our wise man would have preferred to celebrate?

Even the Persians, the Iranians, were converts, but even they were not so slavish.

Why is it that you always hear about calls of ummah from south asian muslims only?

Why don't arabs come forward to form some super ummah?

Looks like they do not need to boost their ego.They even treat you people inferior to Arabs as they are secure of their identity.

Why do you not hear about Hindus or Buddhists ranting about a dharmic union or Christians about a global convent?

Probably they are self assured of their strength and do not need to actively seek allies.

So who is acting with malice and insecurity here????????

you obviously.

Hindus are a pack in India, Christians are a pack of their own in Europe and north America .
The Muslim Ummah comprises all Muslims be it Arabs or other nationalities. You don't like this fact,but you can do nothing about it.
In 1193, the Nalanda University was sacked by[10] the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk;[11] this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword[12] the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills."

This is what that barbarian did in a monastery. What happened to common people and how they were converted was no different from everywhere else.

Look how the ''permant victim at the same time the permanent apologist'' said you fabricated that. If you were to believe these rabid fundamentalists (because thats what they are) then even mughal court documents have been written by RSS.

Such denial, such lies, such victimhood claims at the same time always looking for enemies and confrontations. This fools noone other than the already fooled.
To say that Saladin and his warriors failed to deliver that psychological blow against the Crusaders is an insult. How the hell do you think the Renaissance happened? It didn't come out of nowhere.

Please, understand that the Mamluks (an increasingly forgotten class of warriors) defeated both the Crusaders and the Mongols single-handedly. Please do not insult their honor like that.



There is no 'Tenth Crusade'. The US is just following its policy and law. The Europeans do whatever they are told by the US (more or less). Their power was finished after WWII anyways, and I don't see that power improving today :no:

What? Would they just break them for whatever seems legit for Muslims only? And then lead to anarchy? :no:

Trust me, the US have shown far more restraint, tolerance and goodwill toward Muslim-majority nations (apart from perhaps Iran) more than any Muslim-majority nation can combined. A lot of Muslims today can't even get along within themselves. So let's not go into the delusions of a 'United Front', there really is no such thing.

The OIC are a spineless lot (AKA: The Islamic Tea Party).

And to hell with those fundies.

Today is another frontier for Muslims. Get over it guys, keep your heads down and maintain a low profile in international politics. And support justice - especially in your own societies.

No use of beating about conspiracy theories as in "Wahh the Yanks are doing this and that."

Do what you can do best for yourself, family, society and whatever nation you are living in regardless of Muslim/non-Muslim.

And follow the rule of international law regarding human rights. Every Muslim country should (even if Israel always doesn't). They are your folks. Don't become like Saddam-era Iraq and now that idiot Assad of Syria.

Power can come when the need is there. And trust me, we are no where near that power source. Our leaders screwed up (and still are) big time. And those fundies....good God....there is simply no turning back.
Never feed trolls or ignite their fancies, but sometimes it is plain good fun folks. Anyways back to the topic please for everyone, which is about Tenth Crusade, whatever that means.

But fun aside, what these posts show is that for Muslims around the world, we have great enemies. One is a delusional group controlling the finances of the world and a little state in the heart of Mid-east, another delusional group has a billion plus population who want to and may become a global super power someday. Regardless of how innocent and funny the illogical rants might sound today from this second group, what is important is to gauge the hatred in their heart, which will carry on for many generations and will have implications for foreign policy of Muslim majority countries of the world.

I guess peace loving muslims are a prime export article of the Islamic nations, right?
Adrenaline rushed plane rides the second, no?
Run till you blow up a cultural passtime?

You speak much of hate, without accounting for your own.
Again note the selective quoting and using of "revised" history to fit the political agenda of Hindu nationalist campaign of Islamophobia.

Note the Hindu nationalist insulting our migrant Muslim and local indigenous ancestors, who I am sure were happily married, but to them it is RAPE.

You know what. These acts were considered acts of piety by the invaders. Something to be glorified and not hidden.

They describe them in great detail and with pride as evidence of Allah being with them in their quest to subdue the infidels.

There are hadhiths and surahs which make booty taking of women and children, their rape etc. legal and acts of piety.

It is you and your ilk who is acting as revisionist. Just because the current times are not suitable to repeat what is halal.

I guess peace loving muslims are a prime export article of the Islamic nations, right?
Adrenaline rushed plane rides the second, no?
Run till you blow up a cultural passtime?

You speak much of hate, without accounting for your own.

Every post of such people is dripping with hate.

They never think in terms of universal brotherhood and friendship and peace. They are simply incapable of that.

It is always about enemies. Using one enemy to subdue the other till the turn comes of the former. ;)
What are Indians on so much about? :blink:

The Crusades had nothing to do with India or Hindus.

Might as well create another thread about the issue.
What are Indians on so much about? :blink:

The Crusades had nothing to do with India or Hindus.

Might as well create another thread about the issue.

Hate to tell you but if you see first two pages, you would find that Indians were dragged into this discussion.
Do we have to go so far? I think not.

A glance at the thread celebrating Nobo Borsho will suffice. It is not surprising to see what you have described above breaking out in a short but poignant dialogue between two Bangladeshi members, one innocently celebrating the Mela, the other gravely intoning that the Mela and its cultural hinterland belonged 'to another religion' - and he was probably not referring to Taoism. That accepting the cultural celebrations attending on the Bengali New Year amounted to 'shirk'.

What can you say about bigotry that fails to understand or to accept that the Bengali year is oriented to the seasons as they occue in this part of the world, and there is reason for a Bengali calendar? Need I point out what our wise man would have preferred to celebrate?

Even the Persians, the Iranians, were converts, but even they were not so slavish.

It remains interesting how the take wholesale the alien vocabulary- kaffir, pagan and so on and apply it to their culture.

What remains is a toxic sense of identity crisis. Always the insecurity, always the self doubt, whether what I am doing is pagan or passes the test!

Again, I have to repeat it.

“Islam is in its origins an Arab religion. Everyone not an Arab who is a Muslim is a convert. Islam is not simply a matter of conscience or private belief. It makes imperial demands. A convert’s worldview alters. His holy places are in Arab lands; his language is Arabic.

His idea of history alters. He rejects his own; he becomes, whether he likes it or not, a part of the Arab story. The convert has to turn away from everything that is his.

The disturbance for societies is immense, and even after a thousand years can remain unresolved; the turning away has to be done again and again. People develop fantasies about who and what they are; and in the Islam of the converted countries there is an element of neurosis and nihilism. These countries can be easily set on the boil.”

No escape from this... Ever....
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