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Tenth Crusade?

1.The tenth Crusade is one that is different in dimension and in the various phases. Starting with Gen Allenby through 1948, 1967 and the occupation of and withdrawal from Lebanon, rape of Iraq and the sacking/looting of Baghdad to the inevitable destruction of Damascus in the coming days, the Tenth Crusade is a protracted affair.

2. On the entrance to the Knesset is engraved the words: " To you is promised a land between the great river of Egypt and the Euphrates-Tigris. " In the past the Crusades had pitted the Muslims against the Roman Catholics with the Jews either neutral or supporting the Saracens. See what the Israeli Rep to UN said after us troops invaded Iraq. "Today the Israeli Army of America has occupied Iraq". The not so covert Zionist role here is clear. The power and authority of Neo Cons / Money Barons / Arms Peddlers have been able to combine the Zionists with the WCC (Western Christian Civilization) against the Muslims. Even some non-Roman Catholic Christians used to be supportive of the Saracens in the past. Now no more. This is a total anti-Muslim Coferderacy.
Look how the ''permant victim at the same time the permanent apologist'' said you fabricated that. If you were to believe these rabid fundamentalists (because thats what they are) then even mughal court documents have been written by RSS.

Such denial, such lies, such victimhood claims at the same time always looking for enemies and confrontations. This fools noone other than the already fooled.

As I mentioned in post#234, this denial is only a very recent phenomenon.

These acts were celebrated for more than a thousand years as proof that Allah was on their side (meaning the invaders, the locals were at the receiving end). It was the booty of war and was always legal and actually proof of piety.

He is being a revisionist but it is just taqiyya. Actually taqiyya-101.
1.The tenth Crusade is one that is different in dimension and in the various phases. Starting with Gen Allenby through 1948, 1967 and the occupation of and withdrawal from Lebanon, rape of Iraq and the sacking/looting of Baghdad to the inevitable destruction of Damascus in the coming days, the Tenth Crusade is a protracted affair.

2. On the entrance to the Knesset is engraved the words: " To you is promised a land between the great river of Egypt and the Euphrates-Tigris. " In the past the Crusades had pitted the Muslims against the Roman Catholics with the Jews either neutral or supporting the Saracens. See what the Israeli Rep to UN said after us troops invaded Iraq. "Today the Israeli Army of America has occupied Iraq". The not so covert Zionist role here is clear. The power and authority of Neo Cons / Money Barons / Arms Peddlers have been able to combine the Zionists with the WCC (Western Christian Civilization) against the Muslims. Even some non-Roman Catholic Christians used to be supportive of the Saracens in the past. Now no more. This is a total anti-Muslim Coferderacy.

A beacon of intelligence.

How about you go home from Canada and start making the Muslim world a better place then?
1.The tenth Crusade is one that is different in dimension and in the various phases. Starting with Gen Allenby through 1948, 1967 and the occupation of and withdrawal from Lebanon, rape of Iraq and the sacking/looting of Baghdad to the inevitable destruction of Damascus in the coming days, the Tenth Crusade is a protracted affair.

2. On the entrance to the Knesset is engraved the words: " To you is promised a land between the great river of Egypt and the Euphrates-Tigris. " In the past the Crusades had pitted the Muslims against the Roman Catholics with the Jews either neutral or supporting the Saracens. See what the Israeli Rep to UN said after us troops invaded Iraq. "Today the Israeli Army of America has occupied Iraq". The not so covert Zionist role here is clear. The power and authority of Neo Cons / Money Barons / Arms Peddlers have been able to combine the Zionists with the WCC (Western Christian Civilization) against the Muslims. Even some non-Roman Catholic Christians used to be supportive of the Saracens in the past. Now no more. This is a total anti-Muslim Coferderacy.


The two Bengalis here, either reply to all the indian arguments in chronological order, or just leave the thread(like all the other muslims did because they're not worth it). But please, please stop embarrassing us muslims with your not really substantial pointless 'discussions, you're not helping.
I could reply to all the Indian Islamophobe trolls myself (hint: you arent the first genius to give these lame 'historical accounts' and 'arguements') but I'm just not jobless enough to do that PLUS the indian hindus are attacking in numbers, not substance
I only have one thing to say:
36:10. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
(and that's why we dont need to reply to your meaningless insults and made up histories.
And btw, you sound pretty arrogant, but inshallah even your descendants will become Muslims one day by their own free will. If you live till then, I'd like to see the look on your face.
Islam WILL prevail.
The two Bengalis here, either reply to all the indian arguments in chronological order, or just leave the thread(like all the other muslims did because they're not worth it). But please, please stop embarrassing us muslims with your not really substantial pointless 'discussions, you're not helping.
I could reply to all the Indian Islamophobe trolls myself (hint: you arent the first genius to give these lame 'historical accounts' and 'arguements') but I'm just not jobless enough to do that PLUS the indian hindus are attacking in numbers, not substance
I only have one thing to say:
36:10. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
(and that's why we dont need to reply to your meaningless insults and made up histories.

Yes, I know. I am not waiting with bated breath though. ;)

I have seen similar claims elsewhere: "I can tear it all apart but I won't".

The histories are written by Muslims themselves in most cases.

And btw, you sound pretty arrogant, but inshallah even your descendants will become Muslims one day by their own free will. If you live till then, I'd like to see the look on your face.
Islam WILL prevail.

May be. May be we will see many people reverting back to their ancient great religions. Starting with Iranians?

Let's see. May be some of it will happen in our lives.
Yes, I know. I am not waiting with bated breath though. ;)

I have seen similar claims elsewhere: "I can tear it all apart but I won't".

The histories are written by Muslims themselves in most cases.

May be. May be we will see many people reverting back to their ancient great religions. Starting with Iranians?

Let's see. May be some of it will happen in our lives.
So you decide who is muslim and who isn't?
you indians have this stupid mentality, whoever does something bad and is a hypocrite, you call him Muslim, and when a Muslim does something good, like the great scientists of the Islamic golden age, you come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about them secretly being hindus and jews.
You sure are a desprate bunch- there are like fifteen or twenty hardcore indians here googling their ***** off for anti Islam propaganda against two casual Bengals and one Canadian?
So you decide who is muslim and who isn't?


How did you get that? Where did I imply this?

you indians have this stupid mentality, whoever does something bad and is a hypocrite, you call him Muslim, and when a Muslim does something good, like the great scientists of the Islamic golden age, you come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about them secretly being hindus and jews.
You sure are a desprate bunch- there are like fifteen or twenty hardcore indians here googling their ***** off for anti Islam propaganda against two casual Bengals and one Canadian?

I can make some really colorful remarks about "you Muslims". But there has to be some difference between us. ;)
The two Bengalis here, either reply to all the indian arguments in chronological order, or just leave the thread(like all the other muslims did because they're not worth it). But please, please stop embarrassing us muslims with your not really substantial pointless 'discussions, you're not helping.
I could reply to all the Indian Islamophobe trolls myself (hint: you arent the first genius to give these lame 'historical accounts' and 'arguements') but I'm just not jobless enough to do that PLUS the indian hindus are attacking in numbers, not substance
I only have one thing to say:
36:10. It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe.
(and that's why we dont need to reply to your meaningless insults and made up histories.
And btw, you sound pretty arrogant, but inshallah even your descendants will become Muslims one day by their own free will. If you live till then, I'd like to see the look on your face.
Islam WILL prevail.

I didn't know Indians were involved in the Crusades. In fact, they had nothing to do with the matter.

That is the reason why I didn't really reply to them, but instead get our points across in respect to the topic.

Indian members here go literally go off topic 70% of the time to express how great and how god-like their country is. Really, I'm tired of this trend.

So you decide who is muslim and who isn't?
you indians have this stupid mentality, whoever does something bad and is a hypocrite, you call him Muslim, and when a Muslim does something good, like the great scientists of the Islamic golden age, you come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about them secretly being hindus and jews.
You sure are a desprate bunch- there are like fifteen or twenty hardcore indians here googling their ***** off for anti Islam propaganda against two casual Bengals and one Canadian?

Don't feed them :argh:

How did you get that? Where did I imply this?

I can make some really colorful remarks about "you Muslims". But there has to be some difference between us. ;)

He said you indians not hindus..
Dont come with the word Muslim..
Get the fcuk out of here...
You know, I wondered at this apparent "paradox" for many years. It is just not in line with how human mind works anywhere.

After reading several scholar and ex-Muslims, at least I can now understand why they do it.

For any non Muslims, it is difficult to understand this thought process. You have to read ex-Muslims to understand this apparently "paradoxical" mindset.

I have read a bit from Naipaul. Insufficient, yes but I can still get a hold of their basic thought process.

Please, understand that the Mamluks (an increasingly forgotten class of warriors) defeated both the Crusaders and the Mongols single-handedly. Please do not insult their honor like that.

The Mongols would have walloped the Mamluks if not their commander Hulagu had to return to Mongolia with a large part of the cavalry after the death of the great Khan.
what is exactly is "Gazwa e hind", is it a crusade of muslims of the world against india ? or something else ?
What is the purpose of it ?
The Mongols would have walloped the Mamluks if not their commander Hulagu had to return to Mongolia with a large part of the cavalry after the death of the great Khan.

It's a strong hypothesis.

But then, the Mongols destroyed a lot of things. They destroyed many library records from many sources which Muslim scholars worked on for years. Hence, lost knowledge.

The Mongols were like a freaking unstoppable juggernaut. And brutally efficient. Especially under the legendary Genghis Khan.

I feel a bit of anger and admiration for those lot.
Even the Persians, the Iranians, were converts, but even they were not so slavish.

I think that's because the vast (absolute) majority of them converted within a relatively short span of time ( a process that many have not still forgptten or forgiven the Arabs for) and so they did have the resulting insecurity of seeing a large group of their own stock still not converted and hence did not have the need to prove to the non-converts that they are better off practising the new faith compared to the old one.

This is not the case with the south asian muslims who (not all,some of them) are still insecure at the fact the vast majority did not convert and are doing what they have been doing for millenia. So they need to remind the Hindus (Buddhists,Jains) how they are different from the converts, and how they were ruled by the Ghazis in a vain attempt to assuage their insecurity and move away from the their own identity in a quest for a new artificial one.

In short, it is the everlasting need to prove they are better and not pagan.This need can ( & does) often take the form of demonizing,self-loathing one's one past culture and heritage in order to prove to the non-converts how they are still wallowing in ignorance while the converts have moved to the right path. They are then thankful for the Arabs,Turks for 'liberating' them from the clutches of the infidels and hence the eulogization. And that is what we see.
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