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Tensions mount on Chinese-Indian border


Nov 3, 2008
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Tensions mount on Chinese-Indian border
Matt Wade, Delhi
August 14, 2009

A stand-off between India and China over a little-known region of the Himalayas has escalated, straining ties between the Asian giants.

China lays claim to much of Arunachal Pradesh, a mountainous Indian province on the country's north-eastern extremity. Analysts in Delhi warn that tensions in the remote region are rising.

''India-China border tensions have escalated in recent months,'' says Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at Delhi's Centre for Policy Research. ''Things are getting really intense and, from the Indian perspective, outrageous.''

Aggressive patrolling by China, including incursions into Indian territory, has forced India to bolster its presence along the 3500-kilometre border.

Representatives from the two governments held inconclusive talks about the disputed border in Delhi last week.

A day after those talks, India's foreign policy establishment was rattled by reports a think tank linked to the Chinese military had called for India to be split into 30 independent states.

The paper said that if China ''takes a little action, the so-called great Indian federation can be broken up'', which it suggested would be in China's interests. Countries friendly to China, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, could help ''different nationalities'' such as Tamils and Kashmiris establish independent nation-states.

The Indian Government took the article so seriously it issued a statement saying the two countries had agreed to ''resolve outstanding issues, including the boundary question, through peaceful dialogue and consultations, and with mutual sensitivity to each other's concerns''.

Delhi also cautioned that ''opinions and assessment on the state of India-China relations should be expressed after careful judgment based on the long-term interests of building a stable relationship between the two countries''.

Feathers were ruffled in Delhi last weekend when Google satellite maps showed the names of several towns in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in Mandarin and not English or Hindi, making it appear as if the region was part of China.

Hackles were also raised two months ago when Beijing objected to a $US60 million Asian Development Bank loan to India for a project in the territory which China claims.

The disputed border follows the ''McMahon Line'' drawn up in 1914 when the British ruled India. Beijing does not recognise this demarcation and claims a large portion of territory on the Indian side, including the town of Tawang, the birthplace of the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

In June, the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, J. J. Singh, said up to 30,000 new troops would be deployed in the region. Also in June, a state-run newspaper in China accused India of ''unwise military moves'' along the border. The article said India's response was ''dangerous if it is based on a false anticipation that China will cave in''.

Professor Chellaney says the tensions are ominous. ''Any doubts that the Indian foreign policy establishment might have had about the threat posed by China have evaporated in recent months, that's for sure,'' he says.

Tensions mount on Chinese-Indian border
Any news on an outbreak of hostilities and/or exchange of fire across the border? This situation is very dangerous and sensitive, this could spill over into another border war if tensions do not cool down.

Indian claims of recent Chinese incursions has led it to bolster it's forces in the Arunachal Pradesh region, obviously the Chinese will view this as a threat to their claim and sovereignty over AP region. Let us monitor this grave situation.

I personally will be keeping a close eye on this development.
Thanks for your personal concern and keeping a close eye on the development and as yet there has not been any outbreak of hostilities between the two countries and this status quo is maintained for many years.

And since you are going to monitor the situation why not look nearer at the afghan Pakistan border where recently there were clashes between afghan and Pakistani soldiers.

Suicide bomber in Pakistan's Swat kills 5 - wtop.com
Lets not make this a comparison thread please, everytime someone posts something it turns into a comparison thread!

Stay on topic please
Other than colonial era inherence from British, India has no connection or legitimate claim over Arunachal Pradesh. British were occupiers and Indian should not lay claim in territory based on what British did. But knowing Indians they will lay claim anywhere they see weakness. Hope China can straighten Indian attitude soon.
^^ really? who decided that Dhaka belongs to BD and not India?

China is running out of options on its 'western front', the threat from Pakistan is fading fast so they're turning up the heat on India. I doubt China will ever fight India over AP, they have little to gain from it, I doubt they'd want to make an enemy out of us.

Any aggressive move by China will lead to some serious diplomatic and economic repercussions. India has the means to defend itself, so Arunachal Pradesh wouldn't be a cake walk for the Chinese, they'd have a much easier fight in the spartly islands.
I doubt China will ever fight India over.....?

Your PM Nehru had the same dangerous thought in 1962,

What happened ? ......:smitten: :pakistan::china:
Posting this for thread relevance and geographical reference.

At that time the Sino-Vietnamese war did not happen so we never got to learn how to beat the mighty PLA as done by small army of Vietnam:cheers:

Mig-29; Will you stop trolling please!!

Whenever i was enjoying a heathy debate, you just pop in playing

your kid's game. Grow up for god sake!!:smitten:

Mig-29; Will you stop trolling please!!

Whenever i was ejoying a heathy debate, you pop in playing

your kid's game. Grow up for god sake!!:smitten:


Look at your posts about the repetitive comment on 1962 and PM Nehru in each and every thread and do an inner contemplation as to who is trolling.:D

All of your healthy debates starts with 1962 and ends with PM Nehru, anyhow i have to go for work will catch you later .
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India still holds the advantage in AP, moreover we've moved 2 heavily armed mountain divisions into the area. This time around we are actually prepared for a fight, the PLA won't be able to strike and run away like it did in '62.

Fighting India is not in China's interest. That will only allow for more pressure from the US on issues like Taiwan and Japan on the spartly Islands. It would also make a real enemy out of India instead of a perceived threat.

China will lose substantially on the diplomatic front, make little to no gains on the military front while its economy suffers.

These articles are just for public consumption, its good to know that India is keeping a close eye on China, maybe this will shock out politicians out of their slumber and maybe we can start making some serious headway with our modernization program.

China is prodding a sleeping elephant.

Thanks yaar! about time we wake up anyway.
Look at your posts about the repetitive comment on 1962 and PM Nehru in each and every thread and do an inner contemplation as to who is trolling.:D

At least the 1962 China-Indo war was related to the topic.

And you?......?

By the way i am working on a thread of ....war with very interesting

pictures gallery.....Just can't wait!! HAHAHA:smitten:

I doubt China will ever fight India over.....?

Your PM Nehru had the same dangerous thought in 1962,

What happened ? ......:smitten: :pakistan::china:

You are right.We should learn from 62.

In Second Sino-Japanese War Indian doctors went to help Chinese. Remember Dr. Kotnis?

In 1937, after the Japanese invasion of China, the communist General Zhu De requested Jawaharlal Nehru to send Indian physicians to China. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the President of the Indian National Congress, made arrangements to send a team of volunteer doctors and an ambulance by collecting a fund of Rs 22,000 on the All-Indian China Day and China Fund days on July 7-9. He had made an appeal to the people through a press statement on June 30, 1938. In Modern Review S.C.Bose wrote an article on Japan's role in the Far East and denounced the assault on China. The key element of this mission was it was from a nation itself struggling for freedom, to another nation also struggling for its freedom. The mission was reinforced with Nehru's visit to China in 1939.

A medical team of five doctors (Drs. M. Atal, M. Cholkar, D. Kotnis, B.K. Basu and D. Mukerji) was dispatched as the Indian Medical Mission Team in September 1938. All, except Dr. Kotnis, returned to India safely.

And after that Nehru sang Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai Song which lead to 1962 war.

By allowing the Chinese to take possession of Lhasa, the Prime Minister has practically helped them bring their border down to the Indian border... Aggression might well be committed by people who are always in the habit of committing aggression. –B. R. Ambedkar at the Indian Upper House, 1954

India Pakistan fought many wars but both the countries knew that they are enemies. But Sino-India war was a back stabbing.It was the out come of Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai song. Thats the reason China is the biggest threat to India.

I am 100% sure China will fight India not only for the border dispute but also to reduce the Indian influence within the region. India should counter Chinese aggression on the borders with same intensity.
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