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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

It doesn't matter how many planes uncle Sam! fly over Iranian airspace all of them gonna shot down.
Dont be so cocky. Shooting down a drone is one thing, hitting an F-22 or F-35 is another. Lets hope sanity prevails and no conflict is initiated in this region once again.

Dec 31, 2018
standing at Hormuz province

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It was more likely Raad air defense system with Taer-2 surface to air missiles.

I hope ...

Don't mean to be 'that' guy but this is what the Neo-cons in the Trumps cabinet were waiting for (in my opinion of course). Those incremental troop increases and ramped up asset deployments weren't for "show". Funny thing Iran simply isn't afraid this time around and will be striking back with serious intent to harm. What ensues in the days following will be monumental for the region and the US.

Both Iran and the US are in positions where neither side can really back down. If the U.S. were to let this slide (which we can be damn sure they wont), then Trump and the US military will be the laughing stock of the world. It should be noted that this downing of the MQ-4C Triton, being one of the US most expensive assets, is different from a reaper or, RQ-170 or Scan Eagle. The Triton is a big ticket strategic asset held in high value, there isn't that many of them (depends on your definition of many) but they cost a lot of money to produce.

Iran does indeed seem to be prepared to take on what the U.S. has to throw at them. Boldness such as this doesn't come unwarranted.
Don't mean to be 'that' guy but this is what the Neo-cons in the Trumps cabinet were waiting for (in my opinion of course). Those incremental troop increases and ramped up asset deployments weren't for "show". Funny thing Iran simply isn't afraid this time around and will be striking back with serious intent to harm. What ensues in the days following will be monumental for the region and the US.

Both Iran and the US are in positions where neither side can really back down. If the U.S. were to let this slide (which we can be damn sure they wont), then Trump and the US military will be the laughing stock of the world. It should be noted that this downing of the MQ-4C Triton, being one of the US most expensive assets, is different from a reaper or, RQ-170 or Scan Eagle. The Triton is a big ticket strategic asset held in high value, there isn't that many of them (depends on your definition of many) but they cost a lot of money to produce.

Iran does indeed seem to be prepared to take on what the U.S. has to throw at them. Boldness such as this doesn't come unwarranted.

Nothing would happen bro.

Iran can shoot 10 drones tomorrow and EVERYONE in the world world would still know that U.S military can absolutely decimate any and every country on the planet if it is given the full order to do so----and no country can do much about it (except in case of Russian and Chinese nuclear warheads being a threat to US cities).

So I don't think this one incident will be seen as damaging to U.S military's prestige.

Speaking as an American, the last f*cking thing I'd want right now is another dumb expensive war with Iran. Trump needs to get rid of hawks in his administration. U.S needs to denuclearized North Korean insane regime. Why are we even talking about Iran? WTF!!

Iran can do no harm to us. In any way....
Nothing would happen bro.

Iran can shoot 10 drones tomorrow and EVERYONE in the world world would still know that U.S military can absolutely decimate any and every country on the planet if it is given the full order to do so----and no country can do much about it (except in case of Russian and Chinese nuclear warheads being a threat to US cities).

So I don't think this one incident will be seen as damaging to U.S military's prestige.

Speaking as an American, the last f*cking thing I'd want right now is another dumb expensive war with Iran. Trump needs to get rid of hawks in his administration. U.S needs to denuclearized North Korean insane regime. Why are we even talking about Iran? WTF!!

Iran can do no harm to us. In any way....

Yeah fair enough, but I respectfully disagree with your assessment of the situation. Iran can actually do quite a bit of damage to U.S. standing as well as interests in the region if a shooting war pops off (why do you think so many are against it in the first place). Not that I want to get into the technicalities of it but I do agree with you, I also don't want to see another useless war.
confirmed 3rd Khordad

I add Taeer 2 75KM missiles or Sayyad2-C 100KM missile most likely

very pity this beast wasnt hacked and downed like the RQ-170, Iran whould had acess to very interesting tech
but it is what it is, it was shot down and a clear message was sent to the enemy
I like the self confident appearance of Iran these days, they are telling they will not back down and are ready for any confrontation.

I recommed to read this article:

Nothing would happen bro.

Iran can shoot 10 drones tomorrow and EVERYONE in the world world would still know that U.S military can absolutely decimate any and every country on the planet if it is given the full order to do so----and no country can do much about it (except in case of Russian and Chinese nuclear warheads being a threat to US cities).

So I don't think this one incident will be seen as damaging to U.S military's prestige.

Speaking as an American, the last f*cking thing I'd want right now is another dumb expensive war with Iran. Trump needs to get rid of hawks in his administration. U.S needs to denuclearized North Korean insane regime. Why are we even talking about Iran? WTF!!

Iran can do no harm to us. In any way....
Mullahs are best friends of US and Israel. All this is just theatre.
I think the target is Saudis, In the light of current orchestrated tension with Iran, US will build force in Arabian peninsula,
Then they will do same up and down between Saudi Royals and in the background of khashoggi, they will take down the Saudi empire...
confirmed 3rd Khordad

I add Taeer 2 75KM missiles or Sayyad2-C 100KM missile most likely

a domestic system brought down a state of art 100 million dollar American aircraft.

I think the use of the term "drone" is a little misleading. Drone can range anything from a 100$ dollar toy RC to a 100 million dollar stealth aircraft like this.

this is one for the "iran fake weapons" crowd
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