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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

Jask region means it was most likely a 3rd Khordad or Tabas which did it. Alternatively, IRGC-Najm-SD-2 or even IRIADF 15th Khordad.

i would say a 3rd Khordad with Taeer 3C missile on it.

Shooting down drones is not that big of an achievement. The only thing this entire episode accomplished was to heighten tensions between the two nations.

let me know if another country had a tech even near of that drone, so of course that's big news for Iran.
The funny thing is that even if American military brass attempted to deny this happened their denial means little since the last time Iran downed a high priority U.S. asset (RQ-170), US categorically denied until Iran unveiled the downed aircraft for the whole world to see.

And it shouldn't be any surprise to anyone what US said thus far. They say there was no drone over Iranian territory, so effectively they're to make it out as if Iran destroyed the Global Hawk in international airspace making the US look innocent.

Anybody got links to IRGC officials commenting on this latest development?
Jask is a high risk periphery region. Well possible that the USAF did not expect high-altitude capable AD systems present there.
Likely Iran also allowed them to operate in those border regions up until now where Iran has started a staged escalation strategy (sudden RoE change). Its now in such a staged escalation where previously latent capabilities come to light.

The problem is just that this is a very heavy bill for the Trump admin and its mad-man doctrine. Loosing high value assets without retaliation cracks such a mad-man doctrine.
However Irans staged escalation concept is played very well up to now.

Next step could be shot down of a manned system.
Jask is a high risk periphery region. Well possible that the USAF did not expect high-altitude capable AD systems present there.
Likely Iran also allowed them to operate in those border regions up until now where Iran has started a staged escalation strategy (sudden RoE change). Its now in such a staged escalation where previously latent capabilities come to light.

The problem is just that this is a very heavy bill for the Trump admin and its mad-man doctrine. Loosing high value assets without retaliation cracks such a mad-man doctrine.
However Irans staged escalation concept is played very well up to now.

Next step could be shot down of a manned system.

The game is hot and Trump is looking more and more like a political fool. Can't believe I would live to see the day Iran would be able to stand-up to such a military juggernaut with such steadfast resolve.

These systems are expensive....

Seems like Centcom denied and said there was no US drone flying in Iranian airspace. (They probably mean after Iran shot the one down. Lol)

As far as I know they only said there was no drone over Iranian airspace, not that one wasn't downed?
The Genocidal Americans want a war, Our president should do something useful in his life and sue the Genocidals in the international court over this.
Any independent confirmation?

not yet but we think Iran will show the photos soon inshaallah

location of the drone when it went down

Yes Americans denied "it" happened over Iranian airspace.

More and more it looks like this was again a Iranian trap: They attacked a MQ-9 on the day of the second tanker attack. Americans said it was just by a altitude restricted MANPAD/SA-7.

Likely they also allowed U.S drones to fly over Iranian territory at such remote periphery regions such as Jask. So they displayed a low capability (SA-7 vs. MQ-9) and relaxed RoE at places like Jask. Then when Americans were confident to send even high value assets, Iran suddenly displayed its latent capability openly.
The MANPAD engagement can also be viewed as a warning in the staged escalation concept.

I hope for a double presentation: RQ-4 wreck over Jask mountains and a limpet mine of non-Iranian manufacture matching the single mounting pad left there:
U.S violates Iranian airspace
A provocative force using non-Iranian weapons tries to create a false flag scenario.
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Very soon somebody come and claim that in fact RQ-4 is not advanced at all and USA wanted a cheap drone and tasked some university student to use of the shelf equipment to build it and as everyone knew the students are lazy and like to spend all times at parties so they went to Amazon and bought some Chinese of the shelf drone from DJI and repainted them and sold them to the army as brand new drone .
There is no stealth feature in drone it don't have endurance and certainly something that was built to malfunction regularly .
Not to give validation to the shoot down claim- just a claim so far, but long range high altitude SAMs in the region of Hormuzgan include Chabahar, Bandar Abbas, and the islands of Abu Musa and Lavan. Should have a mix of SA-5, HQ/SA-2, Hawk/Mersad, and Ra'ad batteries.

Not to give validation to the shoot down claim- just a claim so far, but long range high altitude SAMs in the region of Hormuzgan include Chabahar, Bandar Abbas, and the islands of Abu Musa and Lavan. Should have a mix of SA-5, HQ/SA-2, Hawk/Mersad, and Ra'ad batteries.

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Very soon somebody come and claim that in fact RQ-4 is not advanced at all and USA wanted a cheap drone and tasked some university student to use of the shelf equipment to build it and as everyone knew the students are lazy and like to spend all times at parties so they went to Amazon and bought some Chinese of the shelf drone from DJI and repainted them and sold them to the army as brand new drone .
There is no stealth feature in drone it don't have endurance and certainly something that was built to malfunction regularly .
Actually they are already saying it was a cheap copy of RQ-4 with Chinese tech that Iran has shot down to play victim
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