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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone


A US military drone has been shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile while in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz, US officials say.

One official told Reuters news agency the drone was a US Navy MQ-4C Triton.

Earlier, Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said it had shot down a US drone over Iranian airspace, near Kuhmobarak in the southern province of Hormozgan.

It comes at a time of escalating tension between the US and Iran.

On Monday, the US defence department said it was deploying 1,000 extra troops to the region in response to "hostile behaviour" by Iranian forces.

The US has accused Iran of attacking oil tankers with mines in the Gulf of Oman, which is just outside the Strait of Hormuz. Iran says the US claims are fabricated.

Tensions were further fuelled on Monday when Iran said its stockpile of low-enriched uranium would next week exceed limits it agreed with world powers under a landmark nuclear deal in 2015.

Iran stepped up its production in response to tightening economic sanctions from the US, which unilaterally withdrew from the deal last year.

When the US decides it wants war, it manufactures situations / confrontations or simply engages in false flag attacks to justify intervention. So, Iran should not worry about what can or cannot cause escalation --- the US will ensure escalation regardless. Iran should protect its interests aggressively and hold its head high.

Well done on shooting down an intruding drone (of course the US will claim it was in international airspace.)
Very bad idea, if US Army is saying it was shot down in international airspace, this has given them pretext to attack. Drone was probably unarmed, so really no need to shoot it. Tension was high as it is, Trump is easily triggered. I strongly believe IRGC will get Iran killed.

They had opportunity to build their economy and relationships during nuclear deal with US and West, yet instead used that to expand their insurgencies in anticipation of religious union, insanity at its best...

Iranian citizens had greater rights to billions squandered to protect Assad as he slaughters his people, or Iraqi militias.
Mq4c was deployed in Guam long time ago but what it was doing near strat of Hormuz? Anyway this is the final act before a war.i am expecting ameeican air raids on Tehran now.
Mq4c was deployed in Guam long time ago but what it was doing near strait of Hormuz? Anyway this is the final act before a war.i am expecting american air raids on Tehran now.
Wikipedia is not a reputable source since it can be edited but thats besides the point. Question is whose version will be accepted internationally? Did the drone indeed violated Iranian airspace (which i think it did) or was it in international airspace as per US? And the consequences of this?
Surely US wanted to check Iranian capability and so they sent it an unmanned plane to see, Iran responded by shooting it down, a clear message to Uncle SAM we can see you and hit you. Now what remains to be seen is Uncle SAM's counter reaction to it which will come.
Wikipedia is not a reputable source since it can be edited but thats besides the point. Question is whose version will be accepted internationally? Did the drone indeed violated Iranian airspace (which i think it did) or was it in international airspace as per US? And the consequences of this?
Surely US wanted to check Iranian capability and so they sent it an unmanned plane to see, Iran responded by shooting it down, a clear message to Uncle SAM we can see you and hit you. Now what remains to be seen is Uncle SAM's counter reaction to it which will come.
It doesn't matter how many planes uncle Sam! fly over Iranian airspace all of them gonna shot down.
Very bad idea, if US Army is saying it was shot down in international airspace, this has given them pretext to attack. Drone was probably unarmed, so really no need to shoot it. Tension was high as it is, Trump is easily triggered. I strongly believe IRGC will get Iran killed.

They had opportunity to build their economy and relationships during nuclear deal with US and West, yet instead used that to expand their insurgencies in anticipation of religious union, insanity at its best...

Iranian citizens had greater rights to billions squandered to protect Assad as he slaughters his people, or Iraqi militias.

How brainwashed are you? Iran fully complied with the nuclear deal. The US, for domestic votes and because of the Israel lobby, unethically and probably illegally simply pulled out without even Europe's consent.

When the US decides it wants war, it manufactures situations / confrontations or simply engages in false flag attacks to justify intervention. So, Iran should not worry about what can or cannot cause escalation --- the US will ensure escalation regardless. Iran should protect its interests aggressively and hold its head high.

Remember Iraq? No WMDs found --- still invaded with hundreds of thousands of civilians paying the price.
This incident shows that the Genocidal Americans are psychopathic liars too. You guys remember when a week ago the lair Genocidal Americans were saying that Iran used mines to attack the ships in the Gulf of Oman, Then the Japanese owner of the ships called their bull$hit and said the crew saw flying objects went through the ship right before the explosion, Then the lair Genocidal Americans went on damage control mode and fabricated a story saying the Iranians fired imaginary missiles at our MQ-9 drone but they missed it to explain the flying objects? Now a week later a real Iranian missile could locate a MQ-4C drone's arse and went through it!

So liar, liar pants on fire!
It doesn't matter how many planes uncle Sam! fly over Iranian airspace all of them gonna shot down.

Any details which missile Iran used to down the drone? Surface to air or was it a jet?

U.S might have been probabing Iran's air defences to formalize how their F-35s will breach it in real war scenario
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