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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

We must answer very aggressively through Mr Zarif, and bring that to UN. Yankees cross the line and send their drones to bomb Iran that is act of war and we must create coalition against this American aggression.
I know that is not bomber but is good claim for usual people.
U.S confirmed it and it was a brand new Navy MQ-4 variant.

It remains to be seen if it was shoot down over land or not.
Luring via relaxed RoE strategy?
Some kind of GPS spoofing which even the INS could not correct?

In anyway: If it was over land the S-200 site of Bandar Abbas was certainly not responsible for the kill.
Well possible is on the lowest end of IRGC-ASF capabilities: Raad with Taer-2A.
This is a system with sufficient high altitude capability if modified to do so and short enough warning time to avoid the MQ-4 to leave Iranian airspace. Even shorter warning time would be possible with LOAL capable Tabas system and upwards.
My bet is on the Tabas system if the wreckage is on land: It offers short enough warning time to avoid course correction.
U.S confirmed it and it was a brand new Navy MQ-4 variant.

It remains to be seen if it was shoot down over land or not.
Luring via relaxed RoE strategy?
Some kind of GPS spoofing which even the INS could not correct?

In anyway: If it was over land the S-200 site of Bandar Abbas was certainly not responsible for the kill.
Well possible is on the lowest end of IRGC-ASF capabilities: Raad with Taer-2A.
This is a system with sufficient high altitude capability if modified to do so and short enough warning time to avoid the MQ-4 to leave Iranian airspace. Even shorter warning time would be possible with LOAL capable Tabas system and upwards.
My bet is on the Tabas system if the wreckage is on land: It offers short enough warning time to avoid course correction.
Where did you read that?
پس ار اعلام خبر انهدام پهپاد گلوبال هاوک آمریکا، ابتدا ارتش آمریکا این خبر را تکذیب کرد ولی پس از مدتی این خبر را تایید و نوع پهپاد منهدم شده را MQ-4C Triton یعنی گونه توسعه داده شده از پهپاد گلوبال هاوک برای عملیات شناسایی دریایی اعلام کرد. همچنین ادعا شده است که پهپاد وارد مرز ایران نشده بود.

در این گونه از پهپاد گلوبال هاوک دو تفاوت ایجاد شده است. یکی افزودن سایت الکترواپتیک به زیر دماغه و رادار سار متفاوت در زیر بدنه هست.

IRAN has shot down a US ‘spy’ drone today over "international airspace" as tensions continue to rise in the Persian Gulf, American military officials said.

The US military has challenged these claims saying the drone was gunned down in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz by an Iranian surface-to-air missile

Earlier, Navy Captain Bill Urban, of America's Central Command said: "No US aircraft were operating in Iranian airspace today."


Yesterday Admiral Ali Shamkhani said this when he was at the international security forum in Ufa, Russia:

“We will defend Iran’s airspace and maritime boundaries with all our might, It doesn’t matter which county’s aircraft cross our airspace.”

I was wondering why he is talking about Iran’s airspace all of the sudden. Now it became clear to me that the Genocidals were trying to sneak their planes into Iran’s airspace for the past few days.
it is easy to down any drone flying in isolation but when u.s attacks with swarms of drones and fighter jets iran airdefences will fail and likely to be destroyed like it happened in iraq when u.s carried out 100000 air raids in 1991 operation desert storm
this things a beast


wouldnt be surprised if Iran did indeed shoot it down near international airspace.

Iran is ratcheting up tension with the US. Iran will not just sit by and let the US "maximum pressure" illegal sanctions and economic warfare without a response.
there has to be a price. Iran at this stage is calling the American bluff and pretty much saying if you want a war, you will get one. And we will continue to escalate and dare you to do something about it.

The Iranian government needs to get that fiery revolutionary spirit of the early 80s back. Iran with nothing faced down America and Reagan at the height of their power.
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it is easy to down any drone flying in isolation but when u.s attacks with swarms of drones and fighter jets iran airdefences will fail and likely to be destroyed like it happened in iraq when u.s carried out 100000 air raids in 1991 operation desert storm

yes but they would not attack a country that shot at them, and has the power to start WW3

some one tell the US navy here there is almost no god damn international air space over strait of Hormuz.

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