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Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

A clear example of how Americans by ridiculing Iran's arms industry for years have created a false sense of security for their military brass....The facts have a way of showing themselves on the ground or in the air!.....be it in Syria and the zolfaghar missiles vapourizing ISIL animals or to the Persian gulf and 3rd of Khordad AD making junk out of a 200 million dollar bird..

My advice to the Americans ....go all the back 40 years and start reading up on Iranian Arms Industry this time around with open eyes ..all I can say many more surprises on your way:cheers:
IRGC published the details on the incident:
اطلاعیه سپاه: پهپاد آمریکایی پس از ورود به فضای کشور سرنگون شد | خبرگزاری فارس

At 00:14 o'clock local time, U.S drone took off from one of American bases in southern side of Persian gulf with known coordinates, and by violating aviation laws, turned off all of it's identification systems and in full stealth mode continued from strait of Hormuz toward Iranian port of Chabahar.

This aircraft on it's return to the west of the region and within the proximity of the Strait of Hormuz, by violating the territorial space of the Islamic Republic of Iran, started spying and gathering intelligence.

At 04:05 o'clock local time, while this aircraft was within Iranian territorial waters was shot down by air defense sector of IRGC aerospace forces.

In another report, the type of air defense system was announced as the 3rd khordad.
This incident shows that the Genocidal Americans are psychopathic liars too. You guys remember when a week ago the lair Genocidal Americans were saying that Iran used mines to attack the ships in the Gulf of Oman, Then the Japanese owner of the ships called their bull$hit and said the crew saw flying objects went through the ship right before the explosion, Then the lair Genocidal Americans went on damage control mode and fabricated a story saying the Iranians fired imaginary missiles at our MQ-9 drone but they missed it to explain the flying objects? Now a week later a real Iranian missile could locate a MQ-4C drone's arse and went through it!

So liar, liar pants on fire!
calm down boy . lock your targeta on israel if attack came give reply in tel aviv if you really want to hurt usa . .

same source also saying there is a scramble going on between Iranian and American forces to grab it out of the water first... hopefully Iran is on it as there is apparently a lot of high tech sensors and equipment on there. (in addition to the propaganda value)

the guys from fox news though. so he will probably toe the official (least embarrassing) line
same source also saying there is a scramble going on between Iranian and American forces to grab it out of the water first... hopefully Iran is on it as there is apparently a lot of high tech sensors and equipment on there. (in addition to the propaganda value)

the guys from fox news though. so he will probably toe the official (least embarrassing) line

Hope the Iranians find it first ... it will be a setback for the Satanic states of America
Nice shot, I'll be happier if I see Iranian copy.

I think the target is Saudis, In the light of current orchestrated tension with Iran, US will build force in Arabian peninsula,
Then they will do same up and down between Saudi Royals and in the background of khashoggi, they will take down the Saudi empire...
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