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Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

So they can be bombed back to the stone age again ? :lol:

They killed almost 3 times as much people as they have population in their country. Germany fucked all enemies and even churchill said one german soldier is worth 12 british ones.

The Whites on this forum need to accept that Europe including the UK will never return to the lily white days of the 1940s. People have been displaced due to the meddling of foreigners in their countries. They sought asylum in European countries. Amongst them are small bunches of criminals and groups who are experiencing culture shocks. Get used to it and deal with it in accordance with the law. Painting all Muslim refugees as being a problem is simply racist and Islamaphobic. The Muslims aren't leaving you countries and neither are the Blacks and other refugees. That is a dose of reality which you must accept.

Most European countries including Germany, UK and Italy were colonialist countries. You saw no issue with your forefathers forcing themselves unto other peoples' land and forcing their culture down the throats of those nations. Why complain when the same is being done to you ??? :lol:

My hometown Lucca proves you wrong. We had 79 migrants. They got hunted out of town and the problems disappeared. Migrants in Italy get treated in horrible ways and that makes them disappear. They have to work 24/7 on slave fields. Some try to escape, some comitt suicide.

Facts show, that when you treat them bad, they run and no new ones come in. This starts in all of Europe and as Italy shows, it shows results and numbers of migrants drop sharply.

For example no new migrants rrive in Italy since we have deals with libyan war lords who capture them and sell them on slave markets.

And the best thing is, that is the law. :) As our interior minister said: I dont care about human rights as long as the goal is achieved.

I´m racist and i´m proud for it.

They should accept their fate and lay on the ground to await their death.
Both sides? How exactly did germans invite all this syrian hordes?

Before 2011 Western Europe didn't have this problem, yes??

What happened in 2011 was NATO invasion/intervention in Syria and Libya, and then you had the migrants.

What do you think should be a permanent solution??

This is what happens when people put liberal idiots like Angela Merkel with their "acceptance" bulls!it rhetoric in power.

Angela Merkel is the leader of a active NATO country, and that doesn't make her a liberal.
Before 2011 Western Europe didn't have this problem, yes??

What happened in 2011 was NATO invasion/intervention in Syria and Libya, and then you had the migrants.

What do you think should be a permanent solution??

Angela Merkel is the leader of a active NATO country, and that doesn't make her a liberal.

Germany voted against intervention in Libya and also against any invention in Syria.

Italy shows a permanent solution, make life for migrants hell and they leave
You of all people should not complain about foreigners settling down in your land and forcing their culture on you.
Ah yes, my forefather did that sh1t, so I should pay for it of course! How could I forget that? I guess you weren't playing the victim card enough...:cray:
Germany voted against intervention in Libya and also against any invention in Syria.

Actually, Germany was a co-proposer[1] of a stealthy military intervention in Syria :
The countries voting in favour of the resolution were Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, Nigeria, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the US. The countries abstaining were Brazil, India, Lebanon and South Africa. The draft resolution had been co-sponsored by France, Germany, Portugal and the UK.

Italy shows a permanent solution, make life for migrants hell and they leave

That's easy to say after NATO has destroyed Syria.

Below is a random image from 2011 Libya :

Scenes from Syria are far more of a destroyed nature.


[1] https://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=39935#.Wm0IXeNb_V0
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And how is this our problem? We can keep them out and thats what matters. We dont have any responsibility for their well being.
then why did you destroyed their homes?
why NATO attacked Libya? if you wiil destroy nations kill their leaders and topple their governments in name of phoney democracy then you will have to open your doors for victims
I´m racist and i´m proud for it.

You are one confused gypsy lookalike doing his best to get accepted as a white Italian.

Sorry to say this Markus but you will never be accepted as white, you look 100% gypsy.

I bet your white Italian friends are making fun of you behind your back saying things like:
"Look at this gypsy he actually thinks he is white" :sarcastic:
then why did you destroyed their homes?
why NATO attacked Libya? if you wiil destroy nations kill their leaders and topple their governments in name of phoney democracy then you will have to open your doors for victims

No, we dont have too. We are responsible for ourself. Nobody can force us to help.
then why did you destroyed their homes?
why NATO attacked Libya? if you wiil destroy nations kill their leaders and topple their governments in name of phoney democracy then you will have to open your doors for victims

Exactly !!

@ValerioAurelius , there are millions of Syrian refugees who before 2011 had homes. NATO came and destroyed their homes. As Jon-snow said above, you will have to accept them because they are your responsibility. At least for the time being.

Otherwise, the only other option is to get your governments to cut-off all relations with the terrorists who are fighting against the legitimate Syrian government so that the Syrian government can finish off the terrorist by itself and the help of its allies.

And then the Syrians in Europe will go back to Syria and build a new Syria.

The next step of NATO governments will be to look the other way when the Libyans will bring back the Jamahiriya system to Libya and remove all trace of the terrorists ( like al-Qaeda ).
Exactly !!

@ValerioAurelius , there are millions of Syrian refugees who before 2011 had homes. NATO came and destroyed their homes. As Jon-snow said above, you will have to accept them because they are your responsibility. At least for the time being.

Otherwise, the only other option is to get your governments to cut-off all relations with the terrorists who are fighting against the legitimate Syrian government so that the Syrian government can finish off the terrorist by itself and the help of its allies.

And then the Syrians in Europe will go back to Syria and build a new Syria.

The next step of NATO governments will be to look the other way when the Libyans will bring back the Jamahiriya system to Libya and remove all trace of the terrorists ( like al-Qaeda ).

A responsibility must be accepted. If an responsibility is rejected, then its not an responsibility anymore. Europe and not just Italy decided to reject it.

We dont want them and it is our god given right to keep them out. And we keep them out. Since the Balkan got closed and we locked down the mediterranean, they dont come anymore.

The Syrians should read an old roman proverb: "An honorful death is its own reward".
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