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Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

ok so, the people have to go there and seek revenge by killing and raping the innocent citizens of the host country?
what a positive image Muslims are giving around the world

that question does not deserve an answer
As I said I did not agree with refugees causing trouble but the source of refuge is the wars created by the West. No Good putting a bandaid on a 8 inch wound is it.
However I am not arguing with you.
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The situation in Germany is shifting. People there dont accept this shit any longer.

Markus the racist supporting natzis, I am not surprised at all haha

why do Muslims have to go everywhere and give themselves bad names?
why cant the Muslims leave peacefully, like they used to?

Well if you take an uneducated Afghan villager that has never seen a girl in short skirt or hot yoga pants then it's just natural to expect trouble. All they could see was burqa in their own country.

Before releasing these uneducated immigrants from totally different cultures and religions to society western countries need to educate them for at least 2 years about western ways and norms. They need a total change of mentality before they can be assimilated into western society.

They are not cooked up. There are massive problems wizh syrian migrants. All over eastern Germany people stand up and fight for their country. Numbers of crime exploded. They dont work, steal, rape and deal with drugs.

And who do you call right wing? This is average people who are fed up with this shit.

Their mentality is soooo different, to be honest you should only take in children refugees. You can't fully change the mentality and thought process of an adult in some of these countries.

I wish we could kick out all these iraqis and syrians from Turkey, except for the children of course. Because there is no way we can change the adults.

Because of that Merkel fucked up, has still no government running, far right party from 0 to oppossition leader and ripped a functional society apart and cries in interviews 2015 will never repeat.

Its good the people woke up there and clean their country.

For Real Merkel cries?

I'd like to give her something =


I have a better idea, we kick them out. They get hunted out of towns.

Europe will never be their home. In my city Lucca we had 40 africans. We cut electricity to their camp and hunted them out of town. They are not welcome.

Good on you bro.

Hey Markus are italian girls nice? Maybe you can help me find one? o_O

When they are gone there wont be a problem anymore.

Racism is protection of community and natural behavior.

I agree Markus but what western people fail to understand is that these people don't even know what racism is. They come from undeveloped countries so they have 0 immigrants.
You need to send tens of thousands of immigrants to these countries so they can understand what it means to want to protect your community.

Like Turkey we never hard racism issue, only now with all the refugees is some kind of hate starting to build up. I see the comments on news websites under articles about refugees doing crimes, every single comment says kick out syrians and iraqis that we don't want them.
They don't however realize that it is in fact a form of racism, they think it's just protecting the culture and keeping things as they are/used to be.

The problem becomes worse when the outsiders DNA is so much different, Germans are white... they feel sorry for some people from other races and take them in. As thanks what they get after a few decades is lot's of mixed race babies, more crime, rapes and so on.

I believe Germany has the right to stop all immigration even kick out Turks that are there right now. As you said it's their natural right as it is Turkeys natural right to kick out the arabs.

Everyone should simply go home and work really hard to make their own countries the standard they want. They could for instance model their governments and countries on the german system 100%.

For instance I almost never see black people in Turkey, but I'm willing to bet that if 100,000 black people were to come to Turkey now as refugees. In a very short period of time people would be beating and killing them on the streets.

I'm not being racist here, it's the truth.

The turkish people especially the men would NEVER accept black men with turkish girls. It's just how it is, we have natural tendency to keep the DNA/race same kind.
Markus the racist supporting natzis, I am not surprised at all haha

Well if you take an uneducated Afghan villager that has never seen a girl in short skirt or hot yoga pants then it's just natural to expect trouble. All they could see was burqa in their own country.

Before releasing these uneducated immigrants from totally different cultures and religions to society western countries need to educate them for at least 2 years about western ways and norms. They need a total change of mentality before they can be assimilated into western society.

Their mentality is soooo different, to be honest you should only take in children refugees. You can't fully change the mentality and thought process of an adult in some of these countries.

I wish we could kick out all these iraqis and syrians from Turkey, except for the children of course. Because there is no way we can change the adults.

For Real Merkel cries?

I'd like to give her something =


Good on you bro.

Hey Markus are italian girls nice? Maybe you can help me find one? o_O

I agree Markus but what western people fail to understand is that these people don't even know what racism is. They come from undeveloped countries so they have 0 immigrants.
You need to send tens of thousands of immigrants to these countries so they can understand what it means to want to protect your community.

Like Turkey we never hard racism issue, only now with all the refugees is some kind of hate starting to build up. I see the comments on news websites under articles about refugees doing crimes, every single comment says kick out syrians and iraqis that we don't want them.
They don't however realize that it is in fact a form of racism, they think it's just protecting the culture and keeping things as they are/used to be.

The problem becomes worse when the outsiders DNA is so much different, Germans are white... they feel sorry for some people from other races and take them in. As thanks what they get after a few decades is lot's of mixed race babies, more crime, rapes and so on.

I believe Germany has the right to stop all immigration even kick out Turks that are there right now. As you said it's their natural right as it is Turkeys natural right to kick out the arabs.

Everyone should simply go home and work really hard to make their own countries the standard they want. They could for instance model their governments and countries on the german system 100%.

For instance I almost never see black people in Turkey, but I'm willing to bet that if 100,000 black people were to come to Turkey now as refugees. In a very short period of time people would be beating and killing them on the streets.

I'm not being racist here, it's the truth.

The turkish people especially the men would NEVER accept black men with turkish girls. It's just how it is, we have natural tendency to keep the DNA/race same kind.

Same here. This will end in a desaster and evryone who is sane knows this.
Well if you take an uneducated Afghan villager that has never seen a girl in short skirt or hot yoga pants then it's just natural to expect trouble. All they could see was burqa in their own country.

Before releasing these uneducated immigrants from totally different cultures and religions to society western countries need to educate them for at least 2 years about western ways and norms. They need a total change of mentality before they can be assimilated into western society.
its simply not possible not train them in such a short time
better to keep them in isolated areas
Same here. This will end in a desaster and evryone who is sane knows this.

Yeah if a problem isn't fixed but delayed it just becomes worse.

Like all the immigrants in Germany from undeveloped countries, they need to fix their own countries. The problem only gets worse when they drag down Germany.

Before you know it Germany will be like those undeveloped countries, where will they go to then?

It's like a cancer tumor in the lungs, you can't style the patients hair (small part of the body) and expect it to heal the cancer in the lungs. The lungs being the undeveloped countries. The cancer will spread/worsen and you die.

You can't come to my home as a guest and call me racist and other crap just because I don't pay your food.

My house, my rules!

Germany has 100% right to kick out every single immigrant, and it is not racism it's their house!
why do Muslims have to go everywhere and give themselves bad names?
why cant the Muslims leave peacefully, like they used to?

It's destiny.

It's already being written in Koran. If God will that way, it will be that way.

It may for some purpose that we don't know.
Deport them, I am all for forced repatriation of criminals. Majority of irregular migrants disguise themselves as "asylum seekers" .
The Whites on this forum need to accept that Europe including the UK will never return to the lily white days of the 1940s. People have been displaced due to the meddling of foreigners in their countries. They sought asylum in European countries. Amongst them are small bunches of criminals and groups who are experiencing culture shocks. Get used to it and deal with it in accordance with the law. Painting all Muslim refugees as being a problem is simply racist and Islamaphobic. The Muslims aren't leaving you countries and neither are the Blacks and other refugees. That is a dose of reality which you must accept.

Most European countries including Germany, UK and Italy were colonialist countries. You saw no issue with your forefathers forcing themselves unto other peoples' land and forcing their culture down the throats of those nations. Why complain when the same is being done to you ??? :lol:
The Whites on this forum need to accept that Europe including the UK will never return to the lily white days of the 1940s. People have been displaced due to the meddling of foreigners in their countries. They sought asylum in European countries. Amongst them are small bunches of criminals and groups who are experiencing culture shocks. Get used to it and deal with it in accordance with the law. Painting all Muslim refugees as being a problem is simply racist and Islamaphobic. The Muslims aren't leaving you countries and neither are the Blacks and other refugees. That is a dose of reality which you must accept.

Most European countries including Germany, UK and Italy were colonialist countries. You saw no issue with your forefathers forcing themselves unto other peoples' land and forcing their culture down the throats of those nations. Why complain when the same is being done to you ??? :lol:

Ah yes, forgot about that, our forefather once did nasty stuff!. Please forgive us!:hitwall:. How can we be so islamophobic, rasict, sexist, xenophobic and fascist?!?:cray:
Please forgive us for our ignorance, take our houses and clothes if you want, because we have to pay of our debts!!!:agree:

We need to accept even more 'refugees', in fact we need to open all our borders, without any controlling and need to relocate money to them to give them a nice car, a big house... We also need to kick out the evil white family, because the poor Pakistani needs housing NOW! We can't have people who want to be protective of their country and different opinions, because our forefathers did nasty stuff, remember? :coffee:
Ah yes, forgot about that, our forefather once did nasty stuff!. Please forgive us!:hitwall:. How can we be so islamophobic, rasict, sexist, xenophobic and fascist?!?:cray:
Please forgive us for our ignorance, take our houses and clothes if you want, because we have to pay of our debts!!!:agree:

We need to accept even more 'refugees', in fact we need to open all our borders, without any controlling and need to relocate money to them to give them a nice car, a big house... We also need to kick out the evil white family, because the poor Pakistani needs housing NOW! We can't have people who want to be protective of their country and different opinions, because our forefathers did nasty stuff, remember? :coffee:

Good that you got the message. Recall what your king did in the Congo..until 1955 your country had Black petting zoos where Whites could go into a zoo and pet caged Black people as if they were animals. In the Congo if a Black farmer did not produce enough crop to send to Belgium your soldiers would cut off the hand and foot of one of their children. Same applied if he and his family did not attend a church sermon on a Sunday. You of all people should not complain about foreigners settling down in your land and forcing their culture on you.
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