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Sanctions against Russia could have a serious impact on German Exports, GDP Growth and Jobs

This is agony. Western leaders realize that their centuries of parasitic domination now close to end. So they rush to extremes - make a anti-Chinese pivot in Asia. Bring in a coup to power Nazis in Ukraine, torturing and burning alive people. Throw thousands and thousands of crazy terrirists-cannibals from around the world against brave Syrian people...

Yes, good summary of what is going on. They won't succeed, nobody will be forever on top. I just wish that other nations wouldn't adopt this totally unsustainable Western capitalist system because then we are all screwed in the end no matter what.
You are too young to remember that:

1. After WW II the US developed the Marshall Plan used to help Germany, Italy, all of Europe start life fresh and anew post WW II. That was and still remains how much the US cares about after war recovery at our US taxpayer expense.

2. The US did the same thing with and thru General MacArthur for Japan. Japan's well developed democracy today cost the US taxpayers a bundle but was and is well worth it.

3. Russia's economy includes many US to Russia economic and business initiatives. Russia seized most of Easstern Europe as "Stalin's war prizes" after WW II. After WW II and after the Cold War ended, Eastern European nations have largely gotten economic help and commercial and industrial recovery from the US, the EU, and two major institutions e US and our Allies founded after WW II, the International Monetary Fund, and dthe US Export Import Bank.

Some of the younger readers and commenters on this site show a thin awareness of what has and still is happening for world benefit.

The distortion of one of the major world religions by a bunch of self appointed religious murdering heretics has been going on for years now, in SW Asia, parts of Africa and parts of the Middle East.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a sick idea.

keep spreading your Anglo Saxon myths

Marshall Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

first of all most the Marshall plan went to your anglo brothers who sited the whole time on their island. Now you do like youre the samaritans or something but the fact was that who should donate money if not the US? All powers pretty much were devastated or in total ruins like germany and the USSR. The US did it not because of good will but because the world economy needed to come up again since most of US growth were based on war production, if the US didnt helped it would face a second depression itself.

Russia forgives debts to many, no one forgives Russia's debts - English pravda.ru
The fact Obama trying to force big EU economies to sanction Russia shows America doesn't care about EU's economy, let alone its recovery. It will hurt the Europeans very hard and at the same time Russia will also suffer to some degree too and that's what the US wants. Afterall Putin gave the Americans a jab in the face when he prevented America bombing Syria and sheltering Snowden. Luckily leaders from big enterprises have lots of influences on their politicians and they prefer good ties with Russia. Putin has some nice trump cards and one of them is China if EU wishes to commit economic suicide. Man i'm laughing at the pizza boy and other anti Russian members here. The Americans and the NATO do not dare use military force and plenty European countries are holding back sanctioning Russia.

Thank you for calling me Pizza boy. When did i ever say i´m for sanctions? Sanctions hurt and are bad for business. I think we can and should push our interests forward with other methods.
I entirely agree with you, all Western leaders have the same mindset as Adolf Hitler.

Hitler didn't smile as much as does Putin, but indeed Russia's internationally illegal, UN Treaty abrogation's, are most akin to what Hitler did in the 1930s.

Interesting that you Russians in one of two instances here now show your flag. No one dislikes you as grass roots Russians, we dislike the murder (over 100 shot by snipers of ex-Ukrainian President who is now special assistant for Ukraine to Mr. Putin), Russian Spetznatz troops inside Ukraine leading and organizing insurrection(s); regular Russian military seizing Sevastopol which already was guaranteed under UN treaty when Ukraine was established as restored free republic at end of Cold War, etc.
And of course Mr. Putin's international popularity is in rough cut German kaput.

Mr. Putin knows that if he missteps again with his military at or into Ukraine he will have gambled all out war, so that just sanctions will become a petty has been item on his plate.

keep spreading your Anglo Saxon myths

Marshall Plan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

first of all most the Marshall plan went to your anglo brothers who sited the whole time on their island. Now you do like youre the samaritans or something but the fact was that who should donate money if not the US? All powers pretty much were devastated or in total ruins like germany and the USSR. The US did it not because of good will but because the world economy needed to come up again since most of US growth were based on war production, if the US didnt helped it would face a second depression itself.

Russia forgives debts to many, no one forgives Russia's debts - English pravda.ru

Young Russian, if you read, regularly, just the world press you would know "some" accurate history. The nations we fought against in WW II are as a simple matter of fact who they are, European nations and Japan.

Thus you get an F for not knowing or understanding this historic fact.

And with the blended population the US today has you are also totally unfocused.

Better for you to study engineering instead of trying to puzzle your way through simple world history which you clearly don't know but actually make a fool of yourself trying to defy actual history.
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This is agony. Western leaders realize that their centuries of parasitic domination now close to end. So they rush to extremes - make a anti-Chinese pivot in Asia. Bring in a coup to power Nazis in Ukraine, torturing and burning alive people. Throw thousands and thousands of crazy terrirists-cannibals from around the world against brave Syrian people...

The US is anything but anti-Chinese. China has several factions, among which it's own defense. As is the case with any nation, the number one duty of government is to provide security and safety, national defense, to it's peoples.

The Polit-bureau of China today has been doing a commendable job of improving relations, business relations, with Nationalist China in Formosa.

China, as is the case with democratic India, improving, modernizing, and shaping their military to perform at home national defense. China's military has played a major role in the ongoing search in the South China Sea to find missing Malaysian Flight 370, etc.

Some disgruntled Chinese commenters on this site making rude remarks which displays uncharacteristically a poorly educated standard for and of world history and economics/finance leaves these few making a bad impression worldwide which the national government leaders of China, who are not military themselves I am sure sorry for the dumb impressions these few young Chines boys have made and are making.

Well, Frau Merkel is not the brightest of politicians....

Chancellor Merkel is the smartest of the smart as she geopoligically, economically has been able to use the German Bundesbak as a defacto Europen Emergency Central Bank to pull several nations in the EU back from the brink of depression and civil disorder and civil disaster.

Using Greece as but one example, you had a population living on hyper credit who couldn't pay their bills, hugely in debt.
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Exactly, it will not hurt America if they decide to sanction Russia, but on the other hand EU does a lot of trade and they will feel the heat. I know EU politicians are America's pet dogs but those business leaders ain't no idiots either, surely they have something to say to their leaders. I believe the Americans are behind the sudden collapse of the Euro when that currency was gaining momentum vs the Dollar. EU is just a pawn the US wish to play against Russia that's all there is to it.

Bragging about the US being the No 1 military power doesn't impress Russia or China at all. Only those with some screws loose in their heads would want to declare war against the Russians. When China was a backward country we showed the Americans we will always fight when the Vietnam and Korean War broke out. It comes as no surprise the Americans didn't take any military actions against our neighbor after its nuclear tests despite sending stealth bombers near North Korea and holding military drills with the South. Yankee don't have the balls to fight Russia or China mano a mano.

Yup. Yankees were given a proper pants down spanking in the Korean War by the People's Volunteer Army. Ever since then, the only victories the Yankees can come up with against China is in their computer games, it's Hollywood movies and it's propaganda mouthpieces.

They just can't beat us. We owned their military.
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The US is anything but anti-Chinese. China has several factions, among which it's own defense. As is the case with any nation, the number one duty of government is to provide security and safety, national defense, to it's peoples.

The Polit-bureau of China today has been doing a commendable job of improving relations, business relations, with Nationalist China in Formosa.

China, as is the case with democratic India, improving, modernizing, and shaping their military to perform at home national defense. China's military has played a major role in the ongoing search in the South China Sea to find missing Malaysian Flight 370, etc.

Some disgruntled Chinese commenters on this site making rude remarks which displays uncharacteristically a poorly educated standard for and of world history and economics/finance leaves these few making a bad impression worldwide which the national government leaders of China, who are not military themselves I am sure sorry for the dumb impressions these few young Chines boys have made and are making.

Chancellor Merkel is the smartest of the smart as she geopoligically, economically has been able to use the German Bundesbak as a defacto Europen Emergency Central Bank to pull several nations in the EU back from the brink of depression and civil disorder and civil disaster.

Using Greece as but one example, you had a population living on hyper credit who couldn't pay their bills, hugely in debt.

As much as im pro U.S.A , I like being honest, so i beg to differ with you on the first point you made. The U.S people may not be anti Chinese but the government surely is. Not because they hate China for no good reason, but because China is the only country that threatens U.S economic(and long term militarily) hegemony in the world. Note that the U.S and our media companies in the west was demonizing Japan as recently as 30-40 years ago when Japan was 'rising', there were comments on how the yellow peril from the east was trying to take over the world, even though Japan was/is a 'democracy' and is all but occupied by the U.S military). So you can imagine the case of China being way more big/independent country is even more frightening for the U.S and our governments. Not that i'm blaming the U.S, since i know its simply seeking to protect its interests even if it means using dirty tricks etc (which i think every country should be doing. IMO). Its understandable, since if you are/have been number 1 in your school for a long time, you simply cant seat by and watch an upcoming student come and overtake you without putting up a tough fight, using any means at your disposal.So its up to China/Russia or any other country to try and protect its own interests as well/avoid containment. This is how the world works, there are no friends only interests. Its natural for countries to try and undermine upcoming powers who they see as a threat to their superpowerdom. This was the case with my country when Germany was also rising prior to the world wars. Its same with the U.S and China now and will be the case with two other countries in future. The U.S is obviously trying to contain China using some of its Asian allies/subordinates (everybody knows this). Though i doubt it will succeed, since China is already too big,has a large relatively poor population(which means it still has a large/tremendous room for growth unlike Japan and the west), is not trying to export any ideology(unlike what the soviet Union tried), has core interest mainly in trade/steady defence increase/territorial integrity. This makes it hard for U,S to be able to contain the country. Due to globalization the U.S has too much interests/investment/economic connectivity already with China in particular. So making any economic sanctions against China is simply out of question, since it will mean the U.S and china will fall into turmoil bringing the world economy to its knees.
I think the best thing the U.S can do is try to give China and Russia some strategic space of their own(In Asia and Eastern Europe respectively) while at the same time maintaining close contact/support with its allies(subordinates). Trying to push too hard/contain this 2 countries especially at the same time is a catastrophic mistake the U.S is making, it will/has only bring Russia and China even more closer together than they will have liked to. I don't know what the U.S government is thinking by doing this. Anyway we will have to wait and see how things unfold in Ukraine and Asia pacific in the coming years. This decade will surely be an interesting one for sure.:cheers::bounce:
As much as im pro U.S.A , I like being honest, so i beg to differ with you on the first point you made. The U.S people may not be anti Chinese but the government surely is. Not because they hate China for no good reason, but because China is the only country that threatens U.S economic(and long term militarily) hegemony in the world. Note that the U.S and our media companies in the west was demonizing Japan as recently as 30-40 years ago when Japan was 'rising', there were comments on how the yellow peril from the east was trying to take over the world, even though Japan was/is a 'democracy' and is all but occupied by the U.S military). So you can imagine the case of China being way more big/independent country is even more frightening for the U.S and our governments. Not that i'm blaming the U.S, since i know its simply seeking to protect its interests even if it means using dirty tricks etc (which i think every country should be doing. IMO). Its understandable, since if you are/have been number 1 in your school for a long time, you simply cant seat by and watch an upcoming student come and overtake you without putting up a tough fight, using any means at your disposal.So its up to China/Russia or any other country to try and protect its own interests as well/avoid containment. This is how the world works, there are no friends only interests. Its natural for countries to try and undermine upcoming powers who they see as a threat to their superpowerdom. This was the case with my country when Germany was also rising prior to the world wars. Its same with the U.S and China now and will be the case with two other countries in future. The U.S is obviously trying to contain China using some of its Asian allies/subordinates (everybody knows this). Though i doubt it will succeed, since China is already too big,has a large relatively poor population(which means it still has a large/tremendous room for growth unlike Japan and the west), is not trying to export any ideology(unlike what the soviet Union tried), has core interest mainly in trade/steady defence increase/territorial integrity. This makes it hard for U,S to be able to contain the country. Due to globalization the U.S has too much interests/investment/economic connectivity already with China in particular. So making any economic sanctions against China is simply out of question, since it will mean the U.S and china will fall into turmoil bringing the world economy to its knees.
I think the best thing the U.S can do is try to give China and Russia some strategic space of their own(In Asia and Eastern Europe respectively) while at the same time maintaining close contact/support with its allies(subordinates). Trying to push too hard/contain this 2 countries especially at the same time is a catastrophic mistake the U.S is making, it will/has only bring Russia and China even more closer together than they will have liked to. I don't know what the U.S government is thinking by doing this. Anyway we will have to wait and see how things unfold in Ukraine and Asia pacific in the coming years. This decade will surely be an interesting one for sure.:cheers::bounce:

Your premise is false or incorrect. The US depends on China to buy chunks of our national debt. China and the US are each other major trade partners.

Since Nixon (pre-Watergatge) got China to open it's commercial trade to Pepsi Cola we have built a very valuable relationship with China. China is not Russia and Russia certainly is not China.

Russia threwaway her seat at the G-7 table, a big loss of face for Putin, who is more "face conscious" than are the Chinese, and that is saying something.

Ukraine is boiling, but as long as Russia does not invade, and pulls back within the Crimea, which remains a totally illegal process.

I understand your intent but your premise just isn't true. Good luck.
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PS - My good friend Alabama US Senator Jeff Sessions has a Chinese son in law, hence a half Chinese grandson.
The Chinese Americans, of pure Chinese immigrant stock, and good solid US citizens, education over achievers, and very sturdy and productive small business owners.
PS - My good friend Alabama US Senator Jeff Sessions has a Chinese son in law, hence a half Chinese grandson.
The Chinese Americans, of pure Chinese immigrant stock, and good solid US citizens, education over achievers, and very sturdy and productive small business owners.

I agree, but as you said, those people are American citizens.

Their loyalty is to America first, their ethnicity and original culture is important to them, but their primary identity and loyalty is American.

People are generally good all over the world, in my experience. I am from Hong Kong so I have met and worked with people of all backgrounds and ethnicities and cultures (including Americans), and I have felt a common humanity in all of them and myself.

But in geopolitics we are mainly talking about nation-states, not people-to-people relations. As Chinese citizens we must strive to further the interests of China and its people. Same for American citizens, they strive to further the interests of America and its people.

In the end, our main goal is to become a developed country. Normally this would not be a problem, but due to our sheer population size and our independent political stance, our development is seen as a threat by many of the established powers.
The sheer size of China tells me, at least, that anyone "using the word Threat" is all wet and doesn't know what they are talking about.

Back in the late 1980s, early 1990s I was (as a reservist, USAF) the shadow Assistant Chief of Staff for all services combat logistics for Headquarters US Special Operations Command, I did a great deal of short term active duty special tours of duty on brief, usually over a weekend and a series of weekends, not randomly but a lot of weekends in each month (and me with a wife and three young daughters at home).

One series of short tours I was on active duty brief tour of duty (last almost two years of weekends) to Admiral Kelso, then our US Navy Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet and dually Chief of all Naval Ops for NATO, out of Norfolk, Va.

During one weekend while I was TDY (Temporary Duty, on Active Duty Orders) I got to go with the official US CINCLANT/NATO Party as a reserve USAF Colonel (06) doing what we call "Purple suit duty", all branches of our services, not just us as of the single service we belong to) to a shipboard Reception for "us" by the Chinese Navy visiting flotilla.

This was back in the very late 1980s/early 1990s. The Chinese Navy has been slow to develop and only now is into carriers in their Navy. India has a carrier in their Navy now and more on the drawing board. Pakistan wishes they had a carrier, etc.

Some of this is "keeping up with the Jonses" stuff to me.

But there could come a day when these tools meant to "preserve peace" may have to be used in hot combat, even war, scenarios.

I will upset some of the younger readers and commenters here using my personal religious belief from my Bible, which paraphrased says: "There will away be wars and rumors of war." This, to me, says we, us humans, are incapable of managing desires, greed, too much ambition, whatever and will inevitably trip up both ourselves and others.

Putin's current clumsy and unwelcome foray into Ukraine is one such example.

To close for now, what may be in America's best interests may also simultaneously be in China's best interests.

Organizations like NATO are pooled, if you will, best interests of some 28 nations. NATO until the damn stupid and unwelcome Russian invasion and trouble making in Ukraine, welcomed "Observer Status" NATO participants on a routine and regular basis, so no one ever felt some vast conspiracy was afoot by NATO. Russia until now took full advantage of being an Observer Status Participant of NATO, as does still now Pakistan, as a SW Asian NATO Observer Status NATO participant.

I can only guess that Putin is brain dead from his years as at Lt. Colonel in the old KGB, as all Russia has attained economically and politically is being crushed by his wrong headed international illegal moves and antics.

And one more Chinese observation. Kentucy US Senator and Republican US Senate Minority Leader is married to a Chinese American, Elizabeth Chao, who was US Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush. Ms. Chao is Senator McConnell's second wife to be accurate, but divorce in the US, unhappily, is nothing new here.
Your premise is false or incorrect. The US depends on China to buy chunks of our national debt. China and the US are each other major trade partners.

Since Nixon (pre-Watergatge) got China to open it's commercial trade to Pepsi Cola we have built a very valuable relationship with China. China is not Russia and Russia certainly is not China.

Russia threwaway her seat at the G-7 table, a big loss of face for Putin, who is more "face conscious" than are the Chinese, and that is saying something.

Ukraine is boiling, but as long as Russia does not invade, and pulls back within the Crimea, which remains a totally illegal process.

I understand your intent but your premise just isn't true. Good luck.

The rapprochement between U.S and China during Nixon trip was mainly due to China trying to come out of its world isolation and the threat from the Soviet Union back then, after the sino-soviet split. it wasn't because the U.S loved china or wanted to help China or whatever. At that point it served the 2 countries interests quite well. reason why both initiated the opening up. call it real politic. In fact if the U.S had knew China would have grown so Big without being able to make it subservient to its interests, then i'm sure things will have been very different.
But today's situation is different, china is growing to Big and will keep growing in the foreseeable future, and is a real threat to the U.S economic hegemony in all aspects. reason why the U.S is looking for ways to contain/keep its supremacy intact in the world. Using its Asian subordinates against China is the best way the U.S can do it without getting involved directly. Big powers don't fight directly with each other, but use small/weaker countries to do the job for them/further their interests. Its for this reason the U.S is 'pivoting to Asia', which we all know is to contain/keep china in check. Though i don't think it will succeed, instead it will help make the PLA arm itself even more than it will have normally done to protect its core interests. and there is simply no country in the region that can take on it alone without direct U.S support/intervention, which i don't see happening. Most of all the region is just too complex and saddle with disputes between several countries: Russia,china south Korea claims against Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan(which most of us don't mention have the same nine dash claim as china. lol) Brunei etc. all these countries have disputes among themselves as well. so its not a clear cut china vs some Asian countries. Anyway we will see how things will play out in the coming decades.8-)
Economic in common business growth among all nations is healthy and natural.

China until very recently actually had an advantage by not letting the Chinese currency "float free."

China has "restive" areas where other faith systems can/do generate need for internal security. Places like Tibet. China has long been seen as an enemy of Vietnam, and the same goes for nations like Laos.

But those who "cast the US and China" in military terms as the US vs. China in my view are looking for trouble unnecessarily.

The tourist trade from the West and the US into China is worth billions of dollars to China's economy.

Think of the glass as half full not half empty. And recognize that China's economic stake in the US national debt is absolute proof of the good business partnership the US and China share in today's world. Even with the problems with other Asian nations you note, those issues are resolvable via more and more trade creating in common economic and financial/trade ties.

Have a good week.
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