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Tension are high between German locals and foreigners; multiple attacks from both sides

I have no idea man, honestly

I think you need to stop falling for media propaganda. There are millions of Muslims in Germany you and I have never heard about. The reason is because those people have lived there leading uneventful lives for decades.

Just because some teenagers got into a fight it shouldn't be a big deal. Teenage boys of all race and religions get into fights.

I live in the UK, large numbers of Muslim's have been here for like 70 years. Nobody hears about them, but a handful do something bad and its headline news.
I think you need to stop falling for media propaganda. There are millions of Muslims in Germany you and I have never heard about. The reason is because those people have lived there leading uneventful lives for decades.

Just because some teenagers got into a fight it shouldn't be a big deal. Teenage boys of all race and religions get into fights.

I live in the UK, large numbers of Muslim's have been here for like 70 years. Nobody hears about them, but a handful do something bad and its headline news.

No muslims lived in eastern germany and since they got settled theremin 2015 trouble started, crime went up by 44%. People there dont take that shit. The people of Cottbus decided to not want them in their city. Their decission must be accepted.
I think you need to stop falling for media propaganda. There are millions of Muslims in Germany you and I have never heard about. The reason is because those people have lived there leading uneventful lives for decades.

Just because some teenagers got into a fight it shouldn't be a big deal. Teenage boys of all race and religions get into fights.

I live in the UK, large numbers of Muslim's have been here for like 70 years. Nobody hears about them, but a handful do something bad and its headline news.
Im talking specifically about refugees
others have settled there, and are part of that community
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why do Muslims have to go everywhere and give themselves bad names?
why cant the Muslims leave peacefully, like they used to?

I find it very funny when Pakistanis who have never traveled to europe give sweeping statements and talk about liberalism of europe and bad muslims. 1- There are problems; but not to the extent at which it is reported. 2- you have no idea about the hypocrisy of europeans when it comes to tolerance and racism. Quite a big chunk is racist to the core. On surface they will act good but when in any authority they don't let any any chance to slip away to screw migrants or locals (non white , also include eastern europeans as well, regardless of color and religion). I can go in lengths to write about the hypocrisy of these people but baat chal pari to kahan sa kahan nikal jae gi.
I find it very funny when Pakistanis who have never traveled to europe give sweeping statements and talk about liberalism of europe and bad muslims. 1- There are problems; but not to the extent at which it is reported. 2- you have no idea about the hypocrisy of europeans when it comes to tolerance and racism. Quite a big chunk is racist to the core. On surface they will act good but when in any authority they don't let any any chance to slip away to screw migrants or locals (non white , also include eastern europeans as well, regardless of color and religion). I can go in lengths to write about the hypocrisy of these people but baat chal pari to kahan sa kahan nikal jae gi.
and what about the rapes committed by the refugees? Is that less of a crime? Even a single rape should cause the entire refugee camps to be burnt down
where did rape came into this? the rapist whether he is a refugee or local must be given worst imaginable punishment. Period.

Even a single rape should cause the entire refugee camps to be burnt down

Entire camps? Either it's the case of pot or potty training. Either you are using some afghan/ indian grade pot or you haven't finished your potty training days.
where did rape came into this? the rapist whether he is a refugee or local must be given worst imaginable punishment. Period.

Entire camps? Either it's the case of pot or potty training. Either you are using some afghan/ indian grade pot or you haven't finished your potty training days.
you do realize I am not crying about this particular issue discussed in the thread, and discussing the character of refugees in general terms. And you do realize that refugees have committed a large number of rapes in host countries such as Germany ?
you do realize I am not crying about this particular issue discussed in the thread, and discussing the character of refugees in general terms. And you do realize that refugees have committed a large number of rapes in host countries such as Germany ?

I am not gonna go all out on you since you have no idea what you are talking about. And first and foremost stop giving sweeping statements. Refugees have problems and it is also associated with their social structure in their respective countries. For them it's difficult to assimilate to their host country. Now i am not here defending any wrong act done by some refugee, their may be some or few more. The situation is not as bad as it is being reported or what's your perception is.


For your reference; and stop demonizing people and countries the way western media propagandist tells you. If i go by these racist goons and their reporting; in Pakistan people ride camels, there are talibans every where. So read up a bit and start thinking out of the box. And TRAVEL; so you know the world the way it is....
I am not gonna go all out on you since you have no idea what you are talking about. And first and foremost stop giving sweeping statements. Refugees have problems and it is also associated with their social structure in their respective countries. For them it's difficult to assimilate to their host country. Now i am not here defending any wrong act done by some refugee, their may be some or few more. The situation is not as bad as it is being reported or what's your perception is.


For your reference; and stop demonizing people and countries the way western media propagandist tells you. If i go by these racist goons and their reporting; in Pakistan people ride camels, there are talibans every where. So read up a bit and start thinking out of the box. And TRAVEL; so you know the world the way it is....
Pakistanis ride camels................Im not that blind.
However I do believe in accepting what is wrong with your society, only then will we be able to make it better, try explaining that to the parents of the murdered girl's parents

Why only NATO has to be responsible for mess in Syria? Do not you think Gulf nations supported West in thier action action in Syria? Is it not surprising, as West keeps on harming Islamic nations, but at the same time, major Islamic nations are allies of US...In Afganistan crisis, Pakistan was buddy of US, and now, in Syria, Gulf nations are buddies of US....So why only selectively blame West for your argument?

You are right, the GCC Gulf nations are also to blame. Particularly Qatar and Saudia.

Actually, when I used the term NATO, I meant "NATO and allies, including the Gulf".

Again, that does not discount the fact, that i do not support any role of US in any part of Asia...Let each nation decide how would they like to govern themselves...If Syria likes Assad, be Assad their leader, same way, if Afgans like Taliban, US should stay back and allow these independent nations to govern themselves..It is just too much of noise and confusion around the world.


Though, I believe, the common Afghani doesn't want the Taliban. Maybe instead of NATO, India, Pakistan, Russia and China can work to bring peace to Afghanistan.
I find it very funny when Pakistanis who have never traveled to europe give sweeping statements and talk about liberalism of europe and bad muslims. 1- There are problems; but not to the extent at which it is reported. 2- you have no idea about the hypocrisy of europeans when it comes to tolerance and racism. Quite a big chunk is racist to the core. On surface they will act good but when in any authority they don't let any any chance to slip away to screw migrants or locals (non white , also include eastern europeans as well, regardless of color and religion). I can go in lengths to write about the hypocrisy of these people but baat chal pari to kahan sa kahan nikal jae gi.

I fear for European civilisation

I ADORE their culture , their freedom , their life style and their cleaniness their music and their sport

But it is being swamped and diluted by alien cultures , relgions, dress sense and created division between Europeans and non Europeans.

ITS SAID BECAUSE I think their is no nicer place to live then western Europe in the world
I fear for European civilisation

I ADORE their culture , their freedom , their life style and their cleaniness their music and their sport

But it is being swamped and diluted by alien cultures , relgions, dress sense and created division between Europeans and non Europeans.

ITS SAID BECAUSE I think their is no nicer place to live then western Europe in the world

You are an Indian; you always will ADORE other nations. Your kind is ruled for ages for a reason; you always had an inferiority complex and will always have it in future as well.

East Germans dont want migrants in their cities. Thats thir god given right to decide about their land. Accept it or die,.

You are on my ignore list. I wonder why mods haven't banned you yet for your racist rants. Take your mantra to some where else. @waz @The Eagle
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