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Tehreek-e-Insaaf to block NATO supplies on 23rd April, 2011

Sab politics hai bhai .

He is doing this stunts just to get some votes.

But I think he should be the next president . Pakistan desperately needs a educated guy like him to lead the country.

Just wanted to knw How is the situation there in pakistan abt Imran khan and what are the chances of his party to get majority in nxt election ? :cheers:

Agreed! but would you tell me how else to increase one's political standing in a political system?

PTI WAS a small party but now it has taken its roots strongly, it might be the case that in next elections you'll see him in prominent position, if MY die-hard ML khandan (since pre 47) can join PTI then i can just guess who many other joined it.
Two more parties announce to join PTI protest campaign

PESHAWAR: The Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) got more support on Tuesday as two political parties announced joining hands with Imran Khan in blocking Nato supply line on April 23 and 24 to protest the US drone attacks.

The two political parties that announced support to the PTI were Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) and the Pakistan People’s Party-Sherpao (PPP-S). Jamaat-e-Islami, JUI-Sami, Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid and Pakistan Muslim League-Likeminded have also announced to join the protest that is expected to be one of the biggest events organised by the PTI so far. The event is being considered significant, as it is the first public mobilisation against the US in Pakistan.

“We held meetings with JUI-F provincial amir Maulana Amanullah and provincial president of PPP-S Sikandar Sherpao. Both the leaders announced support to our move of blocking Nato supply line for two days and will send their delegations as well,” Asad Qaisar, provincial president of the PTI, told The News.

The PTI leader said they would also send invitations to leaders of the Awami National Party, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz and Pakistan People’s Party to participate in the anti-US protest.

The PTI activists, likely to be joined by workers of other political parties as well as fans of Imran Khan among the general public, would block the main supply line of Nato at Bagh-e-Naran in Hayatabad from the afternoon of April 23 till the next day.

“If the US did not stop the drone attacks and the CIA agents did not leave Pakistan, we would think about the option of permanently blocking the Nato supplies. We will bring out people on roads every day and will keep the route blocked,” said the PTI Khyber Pakhtunkhwa head.

Asad Qaiser said the PTI wanted the rulers to quit the so-called war on terror that had paralysed Pakistan. “We have been the worst affected people in the war on terror. Thousands of people have been killed and joblessness, poverty and frustration among the Pakistanis has increased as result of the unending war,” he argued.

According to the schedule, Imran Khan will leave from Islamabad at around 10 a.m. on April 23 and will be received by JUI-S chief Maulana Samiul Haq and students of the Darul Uloom-e-Haqqania at Akora Khattak. The PTI chief will visit the famous seminary and will address the students before heading for Peshawar.

The PTI provincial president said the party workers, traders and other people would receive Imran Khan at Nowshera and later in Pabbi before attending a reception by traders of Peshawar at Chamkani. “The procession is expected to reach Peshawar at 4 p.m. We will block the Ring Road from the afternoon till the end of next day,” said Asad Qaisar.

The PTI leader said that over 2,300 people had so far been killed in the drone attacks and only nine of them proved to be al-Qaeda operatives while the rest were innocent people.

On the other hand, the Cantonment Board Peshawar authorities removed hundreds of posters pasted by the PTI activists in different areas.

Source: Two more parties announce to join PTI protest campaign

PML-N should also join the protest seeing the recent statements made by Shahbaz Sharif against drone attacks.

We Pakistanis must put our differences aside and unite against U.S. drone attacks in Pakistani territory.
Imran Khan declares legal war against drone attacks

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Seeking an end to the US drone attacks, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has announced to adopt a two-way strategy – application of public pressure within the country and taking legal action through international courts of law.

Imran said, “Rulers have sold national sovereignty for dollars” as he urged the people to take to the street against this “state-sponsored terrorism”. He was speaking at the National Press Club on Tuesday at a joint press conference with Clive Smith of Reprieve - a charity, which in collaboration with Justice Project of Pakistan, provides free legal aid to families of drone attacks’ victims.

PTI chief said that some 90 percent of the people targeted by the drones are civilians, adding that 18 out of every 20 victims of drone attacks are innocent. He said, “The bodies of the victims are usually beyond recognition but somehow the victims become suspects after they are dead.” Imran said that alleged terrorists are innocent until proven guilty. Saying that the government has fixed the “match of drone attacks” with the US administration, he condemned it for failing to protect the life and property of the citizens.

He invited all the political parties to his proposed sit-in in Peshawar on 23rd and 24th of April against drone attacks, saying it was a national cause and it was our duty to rise up against naked foreign aggression and our government’s failure in getting the attacks stopped. Khan thanked Clive Smith and his team for helping the victim’s families. Speaking on the occasion, Clive Smith said that they were meeting affected people and providing them legal help in the US, UK, Pakistan, and at international courts.

Source: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
What does PTI mean by blocking? How are they going to block? Is it even legal?
Just Block there supply and be ready for consequences...

What consequences? Increase in drone attacks that are already murdering thousands of Pakistanis with just a 6% rate of killing militants? Full-scale invasion of Pakistan, nuclear-armed state with the world's seventh-largest military? What are they going to do? What are these consequences sir? Do elaborate.

just 2 days are not enough... they need to block the roads for atleast 4 weeks because last time army blocked for 2 weeks and USA/NATO were on their knees. now PTI and others should block the route for atleast 4 weeks to bring these killers on knees and demand people responsible for these attacks

Also PTI should ask NATO/USA to deport those relatives of Gov ppl living in USA and western countries.
Imran Khan!!!!! The only future Pakistan has got.

I mean it one more corrupt politician in then it's game over. I will never return because i know history and 3 corrupt leaders in a row means total disbalance.
We get our supplies via train through Russia.

Theres a new railway under contruction so the trains can roll directly from berlin to mazar-i-sharif.

I think this is the way forward to respond to the aggression from US, CIA against the people of Pakistan. They are killing innocent people calling them terrorists and creating mayhem inside Pakistan. Those who think that this blockade is only a "political stunt" from Imran to get votes are wrong. This is ACTUALLY an attempt to mobilize the nation. We hope that from this event a movement can be started against this mass killing of our civillians. This movement (hopefully) will gather pace and mass with time. This is the best way because US cannot do anything against the whole nation. At present Pak Army is finding itself paralysed against this CIA strategy. They (Pak Army) cannot retaliate because it will give the US an excuse to bomb us into complete submission. The Govt. of Zardari is corrupt any way and does not want to do anything. Therefore, I think Imran's way is the best way forward.
this is what the people...the man on the street want...not a stupid long march for a week to free the judiciary and restore democracy!!
To add to my earlier post; it is wrong to think that a problem like this (waves of aerial strikes by CIA) should be left to the Army ONLY to sort out. It is simply not possible. The whole nation will have to mobilize and create a response. Remember that in 2nd World War the Germany blitz on Britain was not handeld by the British Army alone. The whole nation was mobilized by the leadership and the King and British PM at that time made several speeches which are still considered to be very important in history.
If this was a publicity stunt, PTI would not have gone for the legal route as well. PTI sincerely wishes to bring Pakistan outa the mess we are in right now. From being the underdogs, PTI is now leading the way on many public issues and people say that IK and PTI lack political acumen. All the other political parties are just jumping the bandwagon and trying to score some political points with the public. I can bet anything that none of the other political parties would take such a step on their own accord.

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