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Iran and Turkey become drone powers.

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this is latest picture of production line of Bayraktar....

Sorry stop writing stupid article of a random dumb journalist who don't have a idea what he is talking about....

How is that a counter to what he said? The article did not claim Turkey does not build any part of that UAV but that you rely on components such as sensors etc. You reply with showing certain parts of the bodies being made inside Turkey? Even if we are kind enough to assume you are indeed building what you're showing in that picture, the facts still remains you're importing sensors, engines etc. The more you try to get around this reality, the worse you will make yourself look.
No, I am afraid they are not. Turkey is trying to do that, but that has yet to come to fruition.

No they are literally already replaced. As provided with photo evidence.

Repeating the same thing will not make it true. Turkey could not produce those components to begin with, thus this notions that it was importing just for economical reasons is something that is merely an excuse you're putting forward. Not sure why you think it will be accepted when it is so blatantly obvious to be false.

I am going to keep repeating myself untill the day you actually say anything or provide any evidence as to the contrary. People like you think by writing massive 30 pages essays makes you rights. No, people just dont want to deal with your complete horseshit more then they already have. Not this time though, you arent in your little safe zone down that Iranian sheithole of a section anymore. Your propaganda doesnt fly here or anywhere in the real world.

I have already provided plentyfull of evidence and arguments that support my views whilst everything you say or do can be boiled down to this picture:

Even if this was being widely used, which it is not, where is the sensors being made for this? Presumably it is still being imported.

Aaw thats cute. You really want that to be true dont you? Got to burst your bubble again, You see we dont need to make second rate old gen FLIRS, we can make our own. You are about a decade or so behind this information. Not that i expect much from you. All you needed to do was take a quick gander at the Turkish section. Turkey has worked around 15 years to develop and produce own 640x512 QWIP photodetectors which is the most critical sensor of E/O devices. We have already exported these devices to many countries already. Do you even have anything above the most basic first gen E/O devices?



That American drone is decades ahead of anything your country (or most other nations) can produce, so even if it was just a "half assed" system, it is still far beyond your capability. Do not underestimate that UAV.
Yeah American drones. Whatever copied rustbucket you cloned form it doesnt even remotely qualify, and even if it did there is nothing inherintly "Iranian" about it. You can clone to outside sure, anyone can but can you clone to highly advanced electronics, sensors, subsystems, software, critical subsystems that require special production methodes, highly specialized precision cut components, rare materials and etc. Stop taking credit for what the Americans have done.

You're comparing a stealthy jet powered UCAV to piston powered UAVs whose engine you cannot even produce by yourself. Comparing apples and oranges again.

No YOU started that comparison incase you forgat dipshit lol. Why dont you take a quick look at your previous comments.

Oh dear, another proof of the fact you comment without doing the basic level research. That is one drone in that family, a 1:1 sized system also exists:

View attachment 713609

Lmao its exists... but did it actually fly and/or is it actually in production? Because your comments seems to imply exactly just that. Meanwhile we already have a flying HALE-Class drone in the form of Akinci. This isnt a section where your goverments low effort propaganda will get you far my man.

Again you're just repeating yourself. I have already explained to you that reverse engineering is >>>>> than importing hardware like Turkey does. Turkey's entire defence industry is heavily reliant on import of parts. You have done a good job with final design in many causes, but when one looks inside, you'll see many flags.

And thats precisely why most of your "reverse-engineered" and copied garbage never really reach the same quality and capabilties as the original weapons its was cloned from. Dont try to enforce your sanctioned ridden industry to the global norm lmao. Iran itself is heavely reliant on all these old foreign outdated systems and subsystems. You think its "reverse-engineering" thats makes you the greater military industry? Bwahaha thats quite the desperation in argumentation. This is the type of shit your tell yourself to make yourself feel better, and not because it actually holds merit. The most hilarious part of all is that you flip-flop between excuses when your industry provides the garbage that it does. You live in perpetual duality where Iran is the best defence industry in the world, b-b-butt also is not because of those damn sanction grrrrrrr.


You need to prove you can build it without importing most its hardware, that's the important part.

Already did. We dont need to copy old outdated systems and subsystems to keep our industry afloat. How is that totaly locally made "fifth-gen" fighter jet going? Did you replace all those old garbage foreign parts already?

You mean being shot down dozen of time? Sorry, there is nothing impressive here. Even against nations with antiquated air defence you lost dozens of them.

Ah yes we lost so much that all those countries no country wanted our drones anymore daaaamnit. Oh wait they totally do.




We are in talks with nearly a dosen more country in exporting just our TB-2 to including country that traditionaly dont even like Turks such as Serbians, Bulgarians and etc. Lets not mention the Kareyel, Anka, Aksungur and Akinci. You simply cant deny the succeso of Turkish drones. Are we comparable to America or Israel? Certainly not but we are world leading compared to Iran.

Most of which were propaganda invented by Turkey. The few instants where we actually see it destroy air defence, they were mostly either old systems or systems not even in active mode as evident by the fact their radars were not in search mode i.e rotating. It has had some successes, but nowhere near the level that your propaganda is claiming.

I dont think anyone needs to hear a lecture about propaganda from an Iranian lmao. Its not even just Turkish sources. Why don you first make anything that is worthwhile, maybe then people will start to give a shit about your second rate sanction ridden industry.


Not really, it is more or less a normal size:

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Even the likes of MQ-1 are similar size.

No proof of that whatsoever, the fact it has been shot down so many times is a counter to that.

THIS is how an actual MALE-class drone looks like in size. This delusion in how a proper drone is suppose to look and perform probably contrbutes to you making garbage drones. One probably could not blame the inferiority of Iranian counterparts if this is how low their standards are.

Oh please, you're just making mockery out of yourself with these statements.

In what way? There is a difference between making something stealthy and making some as stealthy as possible. Nothing is a better example then modern-day doctrines and design philosophy behind that of stealthy warships. This seems like common sense but one can expect a different dynamic when talking to braindead Iranian nationalists that suffers from a inferiority complex.

Your definition of "impressive" is upside down. Do the basic mathematics and realise on average how many that would be per week. For a UAV of that low tech, this is nothing to brag about. Of course I am not surprised with this low figure given Turkey has a bottleneck i.e needing to be provided with the components from the outside.

Okey but your opinions means absolutely nothing to me. I dont sit here to hear the incoherent ramblings of a Iranian suffering from inferiority complex. Did you or did you not actually provide proof that Iran produced anything similar to that production rate or not? Thats what i asked for, and that is not something you delivered sooooo... check mate?

Yes, Iran a country that is producing its own hardware will be jealous of a nation that cannot produce most of its own subsystems?.
You tell me :)

Atleast try to hide your butthurt and inferiority complex. You are a disgrace to your community lol.

That is a quality of UAVs in general. If a nation is not prepared to deal with them, this damage is something to be expected. This does not mean however that your UAVs are anything to brag about.

Its certainly is when its something as succesfull as TB-2. This merely a simple tactical-class drone that was never ment to be a technological marvel. If the TB-2 did as much damage as it did with its limited carrying capacity then imagine the destruction the far more capable Anka, Aksungur and Akinci will do. Thats where the real story lies. Not in what the TB-2 did, but what other far more advanced and capable drones will do.

So in other word, when you attempted to use them in a proper contested zone they were shown to be mostly useless. Which is what we would expect. UAVs have their uses, but they're no sliver bullet..

Bitch what lol? All they have ever been used in is contested areas. This comment doesnt even make any sense. Yeah if ANY aircrafts flies low it can be much more easely shot down because it will be in range of the air defence systems, whilst normally they would fly above it. Its takes a while to ascend to that altitude and meanwhile they are exposed. That is common sense.

See above for my reply to this claims.

Armenia shot down a single, maybe two TB-2 drones whilst they lost BILLIONS of dollars worth of equipment. This is not a claim, this is a blatant fact.

Good luck with that. Why would nations purchase ftom Turkey which itself is a client state of other nations when it comes to underlying hardware? They're much more likely to purchase from nations that can provide for most of the UAVs themselves.

Except many already purchased Turkish drones :lol:
I literally showed it above.

That UAV is in active production and is being produced in the needed quantities. Iran has dozens of different types of UAVs that are being produced for different sectors/needs.

In other words it doesnt even come close to Turkish drone production capacity. Gotcha. You could have just said that,

That's because Iran had been under an embargo and could not sell on the open market. You should know about sanctions given how Canada sanctioned your UAVs by refusing to provide with needed parts. Difference is, Iran was under far more severe sanctions.


I literally posted one in my previous comment, are you not fully reading these comments?

Aaw cute. Is it actually in production? I will be geniunly shocked if any of these drones are in production or are actively used in conflicts. Low effort propaganda stunts dont actually amount to any sort of achievement.

And like I mentioned in my previous post to this very statement, those UAVs are all using Ukrainian engines. Without those engines, you have no UAV. This is tantamount to bragging you made your own supercar but you're importing its engine.

The only drone that is using Ukrainian engines is Akinci and that is only temporarly till the PD-222 gets matured and EASA certified.

Vast majority of Iranian UAVs are indeed Iranian designs. Morever, even if Iran has taken certain Americans systems down and used them to build its UAV industry, that is a very pragmatic approach. It makes no difference one way or another, those UAVs in the end have to be built in Iran using Iranian technology. You see, Iran is not relying on Cananda or UK.

Vast majority completely are non-Iranian designs. A litteral amalgamation of Israeli (Shahed-129), American, Italian, Chinese and others. Kinda sums up your entire industry tbh.

You're right Iran is not relying on Canada or UK, just all the other countries which you stole and copied their ancient era garbage from. Where would you be if you didnt have any of those foreign designs and weapons? There is so much irony in this post.

I wonder how many times you will try to repeat this "reverse engineering" post as if it is anything to be looked down on.

Thats because it is. A desperate methode used by Pariah states to gather knowledge that they will never truelly understand because they lack the unique and specialised infrastructure to produce the highly sensitive electronics, systems, sub-systems and components. If a defence industry is all a matter of who can reverse-engineer to most then nobody would bother making their own and just copy existing designs and weapons. Yet the only country who base their entire industry on this concept is solely Iran and N.Korea. Let that sink in.

That comment was debunked, sadly you only demonstrated that you could not even do a 30 second search to see the other sizes of that UAV.

It isnt debunked. From what i can tell the simorgh actually isnt even in production or used in any capacity by Iran, the smaller clone is. After all PR-drones dont actually make good weapons. Or have you not learned this lesson after this global joke

It seems to me your strategy here is to pretend you did not see the comments that were previously posted to you. By far the vast majority of Iranian UAVs are using its own designed engines. Since when does ROTAX import engines to Iran? Iran is producing its own version of those engines

No i blatantly told you that they are copies from existing engines, primarely ROTAX. You are producing clones and copies from existing foreign engines. Kinda funny how you talk shit about Turkish engines lmao. Bitch everything you design and produce is foreign.

No, it is not. This is a project that has yet to be used in your UAVs.

It litteraly has been the engine of Anka for several years already dipshit lol.

A CGI, are you serious?


That "cute turbofan" is something your have little hope of producing anything similar in its class in the near future, unless of course you end up importing its subcomponents like most of your other systems.

We dont like to waste effort and time on little PR projects. Come to me when that thing actually enters production. Hint: never.

Your common sense deviated from the normal use of that term. So unfortunately for you, we will require more than that.
I am not under the impression Iranian FLIP systems are on par with their western counterparts, the question is can they do the job needed, yes they can. What we were discussing is the importance of Iran being able to produce those systems itself. As you have seen from Turkey, you cannot rely on importing such crucial systems. Sanctions come by very quickly.

They are old ancient tech that doesnt even come remotely close to Turkey's lmao. Do you make it yourself? Yeah sure. Is it good however? **** no. Turkey doesnt need to import anything or copy existing FLIR technology to make flirs leaps and bounds better then anything your second rate industry can produce. You dont get to play the card about "but atleast we make it ourselves" and "we make it better then you" in the same sentence. Its one or the other. Its a perpetual duality you dipshits live in, and the reason why nobody takes you seriously.

Lmao what? Propaganda HOW?

Sneak attack on a country that is riddled with early warning radars? At least try to make sense.

Just gonna copy-paste your dumbass comment here for a second. Dont mind me.

"Most of which were propaganda invented by Turkey. The few instants where we actually see it destroy air defence, they were mostly either old systems or systems not even in active mode as evident by the fact their radars were not in search mode i.e rotating. It has had some successes, but nowhere near the level that your propaganda is claiming."

Preferable over buying? of course. As for development, well that takes time but if you're relying on your own capabilities you will get there.

Yeah thats exactly what Turkey is doing dipshit. Actual development and creating a vest network of infrastructure able to support a domestic defence industry. We dont need base our entire fucking industry on reverse-enginering, copying and cloning existing foreign systems.

If you entire industry revolves around the copying and cloning existing weapons then you are faaar more reliant on foreign weapons and equipment you actual dumbass.

On the contrary, I have looked into what you have said, it's just that your imagination is not aligned with reality.

Yeah you go back to your little Iranian section so you can feed other all the bullshit you speak with your compatriots. Go live in your little bubble and make sure to never leave that lol.

Not at all, there is no proof this has occurred. From what we can see Turkey is still trying to get its hand on those foreign systems.

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See thread below for more details:

Vestel Karayel is from a private firm and isnt even produced for Turkey. They have been exported to S.Arabia(another export btw).

TAI Anka has NEVER used MD-15 you absolute ape. That is the Aselfir-300D whilst the newer ones uses Aselfir CATS.

The TB-2 with CATS already exist dipshit. LOOK at the picture lol.


Biggest difference is one country produces whilst other mostly imports.

No its that the one completely reverse-engineers and copies from foreign systems whilst the other develops. Your entire industry is more dependent on foreign systems then Turkey ever is or will be.

What is this a copy of?

Shahed-129 MALE uav:

View attachment 713623

Aaw thats cute. You think that SATCOM is going to hide the origin of that Shahed? You dont think we already figured that one out many many years ago?

Hermes 450

Shahed without SATCOM

Nice try though.

I can see your imagination is at work again, you see superficial similarities is not the same as "copying". Lets be honest, nobody in their right mind would need to copy anything from Turkey. If they would copy from a nation, they would do so against a nation that is an actual creator of the entire systems. Regarding a nation "copying" a UAV, here is an Iraqi UAV:

View attachment 713631

Which is based on an older version of the Iranian MALE UAV "Kaman-12":

View attachment 713632

So you have an Iraqi building and one of the many limp dicked drones that you shat out throughout the years and thats relevant to me.... how?

Frankly you did not do a very good job with the rest of your comments either, most of them were a half a job as you apparently did not even put a small amount of effort to research prior to clicking the reply botton.

No i just got tired reading the idiotic ramblings and mental gymnastics from an Iranian suffering a inferiority complex.


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It's not a matter of can or cannot, there's simply no reason to reinvent the wheel. Israeli drones are far more advanced than you might think. If Israeli engines aren't indigenously Israeli, that doesn't mean they're any worse than any other drone.
You only think Israeli drones are "highly advanced" because your neighbors are too weak or bought out by US to shoot down your drones. Iran shooting down the US RQ-4 months ago proved any advanced drone can come down, (with the right equipment off course).
You only think Israeli drones are "highly advanced" because your neighbors are too weak or bought out by US to shoot down your drones. Iran shooting down the US RQ-4 months ago proved any advanced drone can come down, (with the right equipment off course).
Israeli drones were destroying the Syrian air defenses since 1982, and continue to do so against modern Russian Pantsir and S-300 systems, as well as numerous older systems.

RQ-4 is just a huge, slow, non-stealthy recon drone, shooting it down proves nothing but having capabilities that existed back in the 70s.
Sounds like Turkey (India) thinks its better to import weapons then a country that makes their own Iran (China). In war if India (Turkey) loses 1000 tanks it has to wait years for new orders to arrive while China (iran) Can just replace any loses themselves. Can't compare self efficiency with buying from others.
Sounds like Turkey (India) thinks its better to import weapons then a country that makes their own Iran (China). In war if India (Turkey) loses 1000 tanks it has to wait years for new orders to arrive while China (iran) Can just replace any loses themselves. Can't compare self efficiency with buying from others.

Turkey makes its tanks and drones. If you think a defence industry entirely based around copying and reverse-engineering foreign weapons is "self-sufficient" is better then one who makes it themselves(Turkey), then you might want so lay off the crack(propaganda, bias). Between the two Turkey is far more self sufficient. If Iran could build tanks then why have we yet to see them produce them? Nearly all of their tanks programs are pitifull upgrade attemps and amalgamation of old outdated tanks from various sources. Even their latest Karrar is nothing more then a modernize T-72 that they dress up.
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RQ-4 is just a huge, slow, non-stealthy recon drone, shooting it down proves nothing but having capabilities that existed back in the 70s.

That's not true, actually. The RQ-4A has capabilities to deal with hostile intent and isn't by any mean slow.

''The RQ-4A isn't a clay pigeon. At $110 million each, the Global Hawk needs three people to remotely pilot it and its sensors. Wider in wingspan than a Boeing 737, it has a Rolls Royce engine moving it along at around 500 miles per hour as it hoovers up signals and images normally at 65,000 feet to keep out of the way of surface-to-air missiles. Even if they get too close, it has a radar-warning receiver, a jamming system and releases a decoy, towed behind it.''

Sounds like a situation that you arbitrary forced your bias on... dipshit. Turkey makes its tanks and drones. If you think a defence industry entirely based around copying and reverse-engineering foreign weapons is "self-sufficient" is better then one who makes it themselves(Turkey), then you might want so lay off the crack(propaganda, bias). Between the two Turkey is far more self sufficient. If Iran could build tanks then why have we yet to see them produce them? Nearly all of their tanks programs are pitifull upgrade attemps and amalgamation of old outdated tanks from various sources. Even their latest Karrar is nothing more then a modernize T-72 that they dress up.

You are making a mockery out of yourself with these statements. Iran isn't solely reverse-engineering foreign technology, but actually makes impressive advancements in the branches that it invests in.

On the other hand, you hardly can name a component of a Turkish weapon system that doesn't come from the West. Your army has been, ever since it got commanded and trained by German officers from the late 19th century onwards, heavily profiting from NATO training and access to western technology. Without all this assistance, Turkey's army would have looked much less impressive than it does now.

Don't come here brag about your so-called self-sufficiency when your entire political and military top screams murder the moment your defence industry got sanctioned.
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No they are literally already replaced. As provided with photo evidence.

That photo in no way provided proof that those systems are actually being used by your UAVs. If that was the case, we could not be having ample evidence of these UAVs using foreign components would we?

SPECIAL REPORT – Killer optics: Exports of WESCAM sensors to Turkey

"Since 2017, Turkey has been a major customer for WESCAM products, second only to the United States"

I am going to keep repeating myself untill the day you actually say anything or provide any evidence as to the contrary.

So in other words you have nothing of substance, I got you.

People like you think by writing massive 30 pages essays makes you rights

Facts is what makes us right, not the number of words. You have been given ample facts already, you should avoid jumping over them as if that would help you.

No, people just dont want to deal with your complete horseshit more then they already have. Not this time though, you arent in your little safe zone down that Iranian sheithole of a section anymore. Your propaganda doesnt fly here or anywhere in the real world.

These attempts at insults only highlight your desperation.

I have already provided plentyfull of evidence and arguments that support my views whilst everything you say or do can be boiled down to this picture:

You have provided nothing but some CGI pictures and other pictures that do not reflect reality.

Aaw thats cute. You really want that to be true dont you? Got to burst your bubble again, You see we dont need to make second rate old gen FLIRS,

That's because you're busy importing sensors, if you had to actually make/design such a thing, you would not be faring anywhere near Iran (not that you are now).

we can make our own

No, you are not. If you were you would not be importing sensors from a country that has openly humiliated you with sanctions.

Canadian decision to halt tech exports exposes key weakness in Turkish drone industry

You are about a decade or so behind this information. Not that i expect much from you. All you needed to do was take a quick gander at the Turkish section. Turkey has worked around 15 years to develop and produce own 640x512 QWIP photodetectors which is the most critical sensor of E/O devices. We have already exported these devices to many countries already. Do you even have anything above the most basic first gen E/O devices?

There is absolutely nothing in that link that shows Turkey is producing sensors industrially. You post some random article as if people would not read it to check. That whole article is about Turkish attempts to develop such sensors. That article is dated from 2018 and still in 2020 you were importing Canadian sensors. What does that tell you? You do not have the capability to produce them, even on a lab scale they were certainly importing the subcomponents.

Yeah American drones. Whatever copied rustbucket you cloned form it doesnt even remotely qualify, and even if it did there is nothing inherintly "Iranian" about it.

It is being built inside Iran by Iranian components, that is what matters.

You can clone to outside sure, anyone can

No they cannot. To "clone" i.e reverse engineer, you need a very robust underlying industry, something that likes of Turkey lack.

but can you clone to highly advanced electronics, sensors, subsystems, software, critical subsystems that require special production methodes, highly specialized precision cut components, rare materials and etc.

Those systems aid in the development of Iranian technology, like I previously mentioned, all nations reverse engineered at some point, including the Americans.

Stop taking credit for what the Americans have done.

Technology is technology, as long as we learn how to develop then the details do not really matter. You need to realise that there is a whole gulf of difference between actually producing your own systems (whether reverse engineering involved or not) than simply paying foreigners to import.

No YOU started that comparison incase you forgat dipshit lol. Why dont you take a quick look at your previous comments.

It is not about who started it, it's about you comparing completely different UAV systems.

Lmao its exists... but did it actually fly and/or is it actually in production? Because your comments seems to imply exactly just that.

Indeed it is, once again a quick research into the topic could reveal the information you need.

Meanwhile we already have a flying HALE-Class drone in the form of Akinci. This isnt a section where your goverments low effort propaganda will get you far my man.

Your HALE UAVs which is using a Ukrainian engine?


Like I said before, this is like bragging to be able to build a supercar but you're importing the engine from Italy. Without this engine, your HALE uav would not exist.

And thats precisely why most of your "reverse-engineered" and copied garbage never really reach the same quality and capabilties as the original weapons its was cloned from.

On the contrary, in the case of Iran, using the RQ-170 as an example, Iran turned a surveillance UAV into a combat one and actually used more advanced composite materials. Your claims those that systems are not as capable as the systems they gained influence from is once again, hot air.

Dont try to enforce your sanctioned ridden industry to the global norm lmao

So instead we should all act like Turkey? I.e importing an Italian A-129 helicopter:


Renaming it T-129:


And then claim it is a Turkish designed product. You see at least when Iran derives a product from a foreign systems, it does not claim to have designed it. The other hilarious fact is that even your T-129 is heavily reliant on import.

Iran itself is heavely reliant on all these old foreign outdated systems and subsystems

Iran is reliant on itself to produce them, unlike Turkey which requires its hand to be held at every stage.

You think its "reverse-engineering" thats makes you the greater military industry? Bwahaha thats quite the desperation in argumentation.

Sure it does, reverse engineering is a natural part of most nations developing. Even the Americans used Nazi technology to greatly boost their advancements. Check below:

What Was Operation Paperclip?

This is the type of shit your tell yourself to make yourself feel better, and not because it actually holds merit.

On the contrary, the only reason you think reverse engineering is anything to sneer at is because Turkey is going the easy route by simply relying on the outside for its technology. If you had to actually develop your own technology from the ground up, you would have been following a path similar to Iran.

The most hilarious part of all is that you flip-flop between excuses when your industry provides the garbage that it does.

The experts disagree with you:

Let me know when your adversaries admire your technology the way they do to Iran. From what I can see your enemies such as Greeks are laughing.

You live in perpetual duality where Iran is the best defence industry in the world, b-b-butt also is not because of those damn sanction grrrrrrr.

This is what we call a straw-man argument, my point is Iran has a more self reliant industry than Turkey, a fact no one can deny not that Iran has the world's best industry.

Do you think by these cartoons merit any extra value? Frankly, this is something one would expect from a school child.

Already did. We dont need to copy old outdated systems and subsystems to keep our industry afloat.

Outdated systems like RQ-170 that are decades ahead of anything you currently produce? And no, you do not need to copy to keep your industry afloat but rather need to import.

How is that totaly locally made "fifth-gen" fighter jet going? Did you replace all those old garbage foreign parts already?

Provide me with a source where Iran claimed this was a 5th generation fighter.

Ah yes we lost so much that all those countries no country wanted our drones anymore daaaamnit. Oh wait they totally do.

Once they actually buy and start flying them en mass then we can talk.

We are in talks with nearly a dosen more country in exporting just our TB-2 to including country that traditionaly dont even like Turks such as Serbians, Bulgarians and etc. Lets not mention the Kareyel, Anka, Aksungur and Akinci. You simply cant deny the succeso of Turkish drones. Are we comparable to America or Israel? Certainly not but we are world leading compared to Iran.

The point is, your TB-2 is not really Turkish as most of it is actually foreign.


So even if your do export it, you're exporting something which is only really Turkish in name.

I dont think anyone needs to hear a lecture about propaganda from an Iranian lmao. Its not even just Turkish sources.

The primary sources are Turkish i.e propaganda.

Why don you first make anything that is worthwhile, maybe then people will start to give a shit about your second rate sanction ridden industry.

The Americans have conferences on Iranian military systems, I would say that is more than giving a proverbial :

Listen and learn.


These articles do not counter the fact dozens of your UAVs have been shot down:

Drone Losses Impact Turkey’s Fighting in Libya

This is the best one:


We can find plenty of articles on Iran's UAVs as well:

Iran is becoming a drone superpower

Even fox news:

Drone superpower? Iran’s arsenal of unmanned aerial vehicles

That is besides the point.

THIS is how an actual MALE-class drone looks like in size. This delusion in how a proper drone is suppose to look and perform probably contrbutes to you making garbage drones. One probably could not blame the inferiority of Iranian counterparts if this is how low their standards are.

Then I guess you need to clear your vision:


In what way? There is a difference between making something stealthy and making some as stealthy as possible. Nothing is a better example then modern-day doctrines and design philosophy behind that of stealthy warships. This seems like common sense but one can expect a different dynamic when talking to braindead Iranian nationalists that suffers from a inferiority complex.

You claimed the system is "very stealthy":

Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 22.05.14.png

The people that claim this:


Is "very stealthy" are frankly borderline militarily illiterate given the number of times it has been detected and shot down.

Okey but your opinions means absolutely nothing to me. I dont sit here to hear the incoherent ramblings of a Iranian suffering from inferiority complex.

Given how much you love using that term, I'd say this is a case of projecting.

Did you or did you not actually provide proof that Iran produced anything similar to that production rate or not? Thats what i asked for, and that is not something you delivered sooooo... check mate?

Iran delivered hundreds of UAVs, which included dozens of MALE UAVs to just one regiment recently:

That should give you an idea of how many UAVs Iran produces. As for this notions of "proof", what do you need? a personal tour of the manufacturing facilities? You're acting as if minus some unsubstantiated claims that you provided anything solid.

You tell me :)

Answer is: No.

Atleast try to hide your butthurt and inferiority complex. You are a disgrace to your community lol.

What is here for us to have inferiority complex over exactly? Your Ukrainian engines?

Its certainly is when its something as succesfull as TB-2

If being shot down dozens of times is considered such a success to you then I suppose that is your limitations. Most of the "successes" of this UAV is just Turkish propaganda.

This merely a simple tactical-class drone that was never ment to be a technological marvel. I

Believe me, nobody thought it is.

the TB-2 did as much damage as it did with its limited carrying capacity then imagine the destruction the far more capable Anka, Aksungur and Akinci will do.

Not much if they end up being shot down likes that TB-2. That's not the only threat they face. Don't forget sanctions due to the sheer number of foreign components they rely on.

Thats where the real story lies. Not in what the TB-2 did, but what other far more advanced and capable drones will do.

See above.

Bitch what lol? All they have ever been used in is contested areas.

Contested areas = heavily guarded airspace. Most of the time the UAV had little threaten due to low quality and/or quantity of air defences it was facing.

This comment doesnt even make any sense. Yeah if ANY aircrafts flies low it can be much more easely shot down because it will be in range of the air defence systems, whilst normally they would fly above it. Its takes a while to ascend to that altitude and meanwhile they are exposed. That is common sense.

What does that have to do with anything I said? I said there was little air defence to begin with, not how you could deal with them.

Armenia shot down a single, maybe two TB-2 drones whilst they lost BILLIONS of dollars worth of equipment. This is not a claim, this is a blatant fact.

According to Turkish propaganda perhaps.

Except many already purchased Turkish drones :lol:
I literally showed it above.

You showed nothing but a vague picture. I highly doubt anyone will buy these Turkish UAVs, not in decent numbers anyway because like I said in my previous comment, they would just go to nations that actually produce must of the subsystems and not risk purchasing from a nation on which sanctions can stop their products in its track.

In other words it doesnt even come close to Turkish drone production capacity. Gotcha. You could have just said that

Iran's drone manufacturing capability is much superior to Turkey, this is not a surprise given Iran does not have the bottle neck of importing from abroad.

Perhaps you should stick to cartoon, they seems more at your level.

Aaw cute. Is it actually in production? I will be geniunly shocked if any of these drones are in production or are actively used in conflicts


Low effort propaganda stunts dont actually amount to any sort of achievement.

You can ask the Saudis on whether they're propaganda or not:


Listen to their colonel speak:

Make sure to watch the video if you're truly interested in grasping the capability of these drones.

The only drone that is using Ukrainian engines is Akinci and that is only temporarly till the PD-222 gets matured and EASA certified.

All of your UAVs are using foreign engines, all. Once your engines are being used then you can talk. Your engines are probably also based heavily on imports, assuming you can even make them.

A litteral amalgamation of Israeli (Shahed-129)

Come again?

Show me an Italian UAV in Iran.

As above, show which Chinese UAVs are in Iran.

You're right Iran is not relying on Canada or UK, just all the other countries which you stole and copied their ancient era garbage from. Where would you be if you didnt have any of those foreign designs and weapons? There is so much irony in this post.

De ja vu again with you, recall the earlier question:

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Thats because it is. A desperate methode used by Pariah states to gather knowledge that they will never truelly understand because they lack the unique and specialised infrastructure to produce the highly sensitive electronics, systems, sub-systems and components.

All of those components are being developed inside Iran. It's not like Iran can just import what it needs like Turkey, so it has to build them. There is no other choice.

If a defence industry is all a matter of who can reverse-engineer to most then nobody would bother making their own and just copy existing designs and weapons

Those nation that design their own systems and subsystems did reverse engineer at some point. listen to what the expert says on reverse engineering:

He stated " Reverse engineering can be even more difficult than designing a new system". So why reverse engineer? Because you can:

1- Learn from the systems of the adversaries and fast forward your technology
2- When you reverse engineer, you know the produce you're developing is something that works, thus if you manage to de-engineer it properly you also will have something that works. Compare that to designing something from scratch, it may not even work as a design and you lose much time and effort. Iran wanted to catch up fast, hence the route it took.

Yet the only country who base their entire industry on this concept is solely Iran and N.Korea. Let that sink in.

Even N. Korea a country with a GDP of $25B is more self reliant than Turkey, this is quite embarrassing, no?

It isnt debunked. From what i can tell the simorgh actually isnt even in production or used in any capacity by Iran

Of course it has, if you refuse to use your vision then that is not my problem.

After all PR-drones dont actually make good weapons. Or have you not learned this lesson after this global joke

That is PR as much as your (British) "stealth fighter" you're working on. R&D projects take time, especially when you're not relying on foreign advanced nations in that sector:

Britain, Turkey sign defence deal to develop Turkish fighter jet

No i blatantly told you that they are copies from existing engines, primarely ROTAX. You are producing clones and copies from existing foreign engines. Kinda funny how you talk shit about Turkish engines lmao. Bitch everything you design and produce is foreign.

I already provided you with engines and asked you to show me which foreign systems they are based on, but lo and behold you avoided the question. Lets try it again, here is an Iranian microjet TJ-HP1:




Which engine is that a copy of then?

Answer that one and then I'll show you other engines.

It litteraly has been the engine of Anka for several years already dipshit lol.

There is no proof that UAV is flying with any Turkish engine. Do you have any independent sources?

Stick to CGI's then, that's as real as most of your products.

We dont like to waste effort and time on little PR projects. Come to me when that thing actually enters production. Hint: never.

Unlike Turkey, Iran is a manufacturer of jet engines, so I do not think anyone doubt it will enter mass production.

They are old ancient tech that doesnt even come remotely close to Turkey's lmao

This is Tukish technology:


This is even with all the Western technology.

Do you make it yourself? Yeah sure. Is it good however? **** no.

If they were not good, they could not have successfully attacked a nation with one of the most advanced integrated air defence network on the planet. A country riddled with American early warning radars. Your UAVs have never been anywhere close to such a kill zone. Ancient air defences do not count. Turkish UAVs struggle to stay in the air in places with barely any air defence:

Despite its "success", the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 is as vulnerable as a WWII aircraft

Turkey doesnt need to import anything

Almost everything you have is imported, remember this?:


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or copy existing FLIR technology to make flirs leaps and bounds better then anything your second rate industry can produce.

Who said you have the technology to copy such a thing?

You dont get to play the card about "but atleast we make it ourselves" and "we make it better then you" in the same sentence. Its one or the other. Its a perpetual duality you dipshits live in, and the reason why nobody takes you seriously.

Iran's enemies certainly do:

Listen to this general:

Lmao what? Propaganda HOW?

Turkish claims without any real proof = Turkish propaganda.

Yeah thats exactly what Turkey is doing dipshit. Actual development and creating a vest network of infrastructure able to support a domestic defence industry.

Importing is not the same development of "vest"[SIC] network is it?

We dont need base our entire fucking industry on reverse-enginering, copying and cloning existing foreign systems.

It's a better move than reliance on the outside. See below:

Turkey’s Defense Industry Has Come A Long Way, But Ankara Still Relies Heavily On Foreign Suppliers

"In reality, Turkey is still heavily reliant on foreign sources for a great deal of its military hardware and technology and will remain so for quite some time. "

Wake up and smell the coffee.

If you entire industry revolves around the copying and cloning existing weapons then you are faaar more reliant on foreign weapons and equipment you actual dumbass.

I don't think you understand what reliance is. Consider the scenario:

1- Turkey needs to import Ukranian engines otherwise its UAVs are useless
2- Iran can produces its own engines, but if it gets the chance it will get a better one and make it itself.

You see, Iran does not need the outside, but Turkey is. Iran can build its own needs, Turkey cannot.

Yeah you go back to your little Iranian section so you can feed other all the bullshit you speak with your compatriots. Go live in your little bubble and make sure to never leave that lol.

The only bubble I see here is your desperate attempt to propagate Turkish propaganda.

Vestel Karayel is from a private firm and isnt even produced for Turkey. They have been exported to S.Arabia(another export btw).

That was just one example, point is all of your UAV require foreign hardware.

TAI Anka has NEVER used MD-15 you absolute ape. That is the Aselfir-300D whilst the newer ones uses Aselfir CATS.

The sources disagree with you.

The TB-2 with CATS already exist dipshit. LOOK at the picture lol.

Clearly it does not exist in use otherwise you not need to try and continue importing canadian Flirs.

Canada approves sale of drone optics to Turkey despite arms embargo

No its that the one completely reverse-engineers and copies from foreign systems whilst the other develops.

Development means self reliant, not reliance on others for handing out technology. Does Turkey make anything that is not in one way or another reliant on foreign suppliers?

Your entire industry is more dependent on foreign systems then Turkey ever is or will be.

Let me know when Iran imports even 1% the amount Turkey does.

Turkey: Which countries export arms to Turkey?

Aaw thats cute. You think that SATCOM is going to hide the origin of that Shahed? You dont think we already figured that one out many many years ago?

Hermes 450

Shahed without SATCOM

Nice try though.

You post two UAVs with slight similarities AND claim one is based on the other. Since when did Iran have hermes 450? Morever, this is Hermes 450:


Here is Shahed-129:


Right, because they are similar size aren't they? Nevermind the other blatant dissimilarities. How embarrassing.

Moreover, do not forget there was claims that your own TB2 was indeed based on Israeli systems:

Turkish Bayraktar Drone is 'Copied' from Israeli UAVs

So you have an Iraqi building and one of the many limp dicked drones that you shat out throughout the years and thats relevant to me.... how?

You asked for a country copying our UAVs and I gave you one. Now name me one country that tries copying your UAVs.

No i just got tired reading the idiotic ramblings and mental gymnastics from an Iranian suffering a inferiority complex.

Unlikely, you simply had no true reply to it. Refrain from excuses. That comment stands stands for your reply:

"To summarise, the only area of UAV technology Turkey is ahead of Iran is when it comes to imports, nothing else. Frankly I think is a satirical to do a comparison analysis between Iran and Turkey because Iran is on a higher level of technological self-sufficiency. Bunch of piston powered UAVs whose engines, sensors and others are importing do not turn you magically into a UAV power. Even the likes of S.Arabia and UAE could do the same, I guess we should also consider them UAV power? Turkey is not as behind technologically as the likes of Saudi Arabia, but please be sensible and refrain trying to compare yourself to Iran. You are not in the same league but at-least one league below Iran. You seem to be under the impression that we should pretend to be ignorant of the fact Turkey is not a self-reliant nation technologically speaking. That is not how it works, until the day comes when you're not relying heavily on imports, then we cannot compare you to Iran because we are essentially comparing apples and oranges. Details matter. I understand your need to try and hide the reality or sugar coat it, but this is in vain."

You see, that comment is important because it gets to the heart of the matter and the true difference between Iran and Turkey. One nations standing on its own feet by any means necessary and the other, well see for yourself:

Turkey’s Unpromising Defense Industry
"Much of Turkey’s defense industry is dependent on Western military technology—including beyond engines—a fact Ankara is hesitant to acknowledge. As such, Turkey’s biggest naval vessel—the 27,000-ton, amphibious assault ship TCG Anadolu—is based on the Spanish Juan Carlo I. A large chunk of Turkey’s modern navy vessels, including the Barbaross class frigates, Yavuz class frigates, and Kılıç class fast attack craft, were designed in Germany. Turkey’s attempt to build an indigenously produced fighter jet relies on a British company that has scaled back cooperation efforts, and the Altay battle tank is technologically assisted by a South Korean company. Thus, Turkey’s research and development is simply not sophisticated enough for its main prestige projects.

Given that intellectual property rights are a major point of contention in the arms industry, for the foreseeable future, Turkey will most likely remain dependent on expensive foreign technological assistance

The article above sums things up quite nicely. The reality is very different to the propaganda you're trying (and failing) to spew.
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as if it was not prooved that iranians use commercial cpus , sony,canon camera technology on their drones likewise engines.. importing critical stuff from black market, russia, north korea and so on

iranian drones being made a boogyman by the US is nothing more than demonizing iran.. its a tool to scare people and to take some funds for certain goals.. nothing more nothing special but shure what scares some people may pump up the moral of others.. even if this is a lie..

on drone Power I also wont list iran in the top ten.. if you do so than you could easily add any other company that produces commercial toys into that "drone power list" what a distrorted point of view.. some people really have eye cancer

most of iranian drones are shot down in yemen from time to time you may hear something going throgh the net of defence but this kind of things happen and will happen everywhere,,
in syria we never heared any devastating effect of iranian drone but more barrel bombing and mass bombing of cities happen the war compleatly relyed on attack helicopter an fighter jets.. from above and not on drones observing the area 24/24

this is not bashing the achivements of iran they do what is best in their situation and are quite (very) sucessfull.. but this is for iranian standards

I also dont get why some people go into the fight with:

religious secterian fanatics paid by government raised by a brutal Dictatorship wich does not allow critical thinking and an open mind with massive supression of other thoughts a system that keeps people raised in a victim bubble so they are easyly manipulated and pushed into directions with speeches (victim life is so hard) or pumped up with goodies (you did fine)

it makes no sence
The world saw the use of Turkish drones and how it single handedly changed the battle. Tripoli was about to fall and now nearly half is under GNA, Syria which has one of the most dense air defenses as claimed by many was ravaged in a few days just by drones, Azerbaycan took back in 44 days what it lost in 3 years. There are numerous articles by powers that hate Turkey and every source that shows how effective they were. Whatever a few Iranians say on this forum don't change the fact tbh so I advise members just to laugh at their posts.
iran military relies on imports, even simple military grades graphite from Turkey, this little company sanctioned by US, cause of supporting iranian missile program, ha ha! ,self sufficient iran cant make strong graphite but smuggles it from Turkey, good luck to continue your propaganda but reality hurts

as if it was not prooved that iranians use commercial cpus , sony,canon camera technology on their drones likewise engines..

Unlike Turkey, Iran is not in in need of using foreign systems. Everything you named, from sensors to engines, Iran is producing itself.

importing critical stuff from black market, russia,


north korea and so on

The only system Iran imported from North Korea was a soviet type missile over 40 years ago. Today, it is Iran that is giving that state technology. Talking about Korea, what is your Korean tanks coming along? Still importing engines for it?

iranian drones being made a boogyman by the US is nothing more than demonizing iran.

A boogy man is something you imagine, tell me, are we imagining this:


We can always ask the saudis.

its a tool to scare people and to take some funds for certain goals.nothing more nothing special but shure what scares some people may pump up the moral of others.. even if this is a lie..

They have the right to be scared given the type of capabilities the Iranian weapons have shown to possess.

on drone Power I also wont list iran in the top ten..

That is because your list ranks nations on the basis of how they import, of which Turkey must rank in the top 2 if not first.

if you do so than you could easily add any other company that produces commercial toys into that "drone power list" what a distrorted point of view.. some people really have eye cancer

You just described Turkey.

most of iranian drones


most are shot down in yemen


from time to time you may hear something going throgh the net of defence but this kind of things happen and will happen everywhere,,

Not really, the point is it really should not happen on one of the most important facilities in S.Arabia in one of the most protected nations given the sheer number of early warning radars, air defence etc. Not a single UAV was shot down when it really matters.

in syria we never heared any devastating effect of iranian drone but more barrel bombing and mass bombing

That's because Syria was not a conventional conflict. They targets were mostly terrorists on the ground, if you need, there are plenty of footages avliable for you to and check.

this is not bashing the achivements of iran they do what is best in their situation and are quite (very) sucessfull.. but this is for iranian standards

Iran's standards are frankly much higher than Turkey given it is not allowing itself to become a reliant nation on the outside. You lot seem to be proud of the fact you depend heavily on foreign nation:

"Much of Turkey’s defense industry is dependent on Western military technology—including beyond engines—a fact Ankara is hesitant to acknowledge.
"Turkey’s research and development is simply not sophisticated enough for its main prestige projects"

religious secterian fanatics paid by government raised by a brutal Dictatorship wich does not allow critical thinking and an open mind with massive supression of other thoughts a system that keeps people raised in a victim bubble so they are easyly manipulated and pushed into directions with speeches (victim life is so hard) or pumped up with goodies (you did fine)

That sounds very much like Turkey:

Turkey’s presidential dictatorship

Turkey: Covid-19 Pandemic Used to Strengthen Autocratic Rule

Turkey’s dangerous dance with radicalism

For 3rd straight year, Turkey jailed more journalists than any other country: Report

And of course don't forget you live in a country where you were almost taken over by a coup d'etat.

Turkish jails hundreds for life over 2016 coup attempt
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iran military relies on imports, even simple military grades graphite from Turkey, this little company sanctioned by US, cause of supporting iranian missile program, ha ha! ,self sufficient iran cant make strong graphite but smuggles it from Turkey, good luck to continue your propaganda but reality hurts

You tried this propaganda before and were humiliated. It is actually Turkey that is importing graphite from Iran:

"Turkey Imports from Iran Artificial Graphite"

As for that story, Iran was using Turkey as a front to gain access to American/British carbon fibre.

"In 2009, Hashemi and Shokri attempted to buy another 1.5 kilograms of carbon fiber from the American supplier, again working through Individual 1 and Taşkıran. For his part, Pourghannad received the contract for the carbon fiber on behalf of Individual 1. In this case, Individual 1 and Taşkıran planned to route the carbon fiber through the United Kingdom, Dubai, and Turkey, but British authorities interdicted the shipment before it could reach Iran."

You're apparently proud that Iran was using your country as a front. Turkey itself needs to import such things from Iran and the west.
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